
Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

Li Xilin's basketball lore

2024-05-12 19:50Posted in Beijing Sports Creators

Under heavy pressure, Chinese hurdle goddess Wu Yanni achieved a strong recovery, and she won the women's 100m hurdles final of the Bronze Label Tournament of the Intercontinental Tour in Osaka with a time of 12.86 seconds, breaking all kinds of doubts about her from the outside world some time ago. Wu Yanni also relaxed her mood and posted a series of photos to celebrate her victory, and at the same time posted a photo with her mother to congratulate her mother on Happy Mother's Day.

Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

Wu Yanni was at a low point during this time, and her mother specially accompanied her to Osaka to compete, which undoubtedly gave Wu Yanni confidence. The mother and daughter have a deep relationship, and both are delicate women.

Wu Yanni wrote: "In Osaka, Japan, I achieved a one-key triple victory: 12.86 seconds to win the championship, a tie record, and the best in Asia this season, especially in the place where my idol Brother Xiang fought, I am very proud." We would like to thank the coaches and teammates for working side by side, and the Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Osaka, Mr. Xue, and the compatriots in Osaka for cheering us on. Our Chinese athletes are the best! Today is also Mother's Day, I wish all mothers in the world a happy holiday, and I wish each of us good grades and continue to give back to our mothers! ”

Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

This arena is where Liu Xiang once competed. At the 2007 World Championships in Osaka, Liu Xiang won the men's 110m hurdles title, thus winning both the Olympic and World Championships.

Liu Xiang is Wu Yanni's idol, so Wu Yanni is also very excited to compete here, and she finally ushered in a strong recovery, running 12.91 seconds in the preliminaries and 12.86 seconds in the final. Compared with her previous poor performance in the Diamond League, Wu Yanni's results this time are really worth happier.

Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

Before the game, Wu Yanni had a serious face, and it could be seen that she was under a lot of pressure. However, she was fortunate to withstand the pressure, did not lose her rhythm, and won the championship smoothly.

After winning the championship, Wu Yanni was very happy and had a bright smile. She and her teammates from the Chinese track and field team took a group photo with the Chinese Consul General in Osaka, Xue Xue.

Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

Wu Yanni also took a group photo with her mother. Wu Yanni's mother held flowers, and Wu Yanni made a gesture of kissing her mother. Witnessing her daughter's recovery and winning the championship in the arena may be the best holiday gift Wu Yanni's mother has ever received.

Wu Yanni's popularity is very high, and some Chinese fans living in Osaka, Japan, came to the scene to cheer for Wu Yanni, and Wu Yanni also took a photo with this lucky fan after the game.

Running a time of 12.86 seconds is just a small breakthrough for Wu Yanni this year, and she hopes that she can break her personal time of 12.76 seconds. Wu Yanni's performance still has room for improvement, and I look forward to her next competition!

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  • Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought
  • Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought
  • Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought
  • Heartwarming! Wu Yanni took photos to celebrate winning the championship, and her mother accompanied her to recover in Osaka: the place where Liu Xiang fought

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