
10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

author:Poison Crow Movie
10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

1, "The Pianist"

The life-and-death struggle of the Polish-Jewish pianist Schippelman during World War II. Under the oppression of the Nazis, he and his family were confined to the Warsaw Ghetto, and one by one their relatives disappeared into the concentration camp. He has experienced humiliation and suffering personally, but the end of the film shows the beauty of human nature, giving a higher level of meaning to the whole story. This is not only a film reflecting World War II and Jewish tragedy, but also a profound exploration of the brilliance of human nature and the cycle of fate, which makes people feel hope and strength in suffering.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

2, "The Imitation Game"

It tells the life of Alan Turing, a genius British mathematician. He was not only the founder of computer science and artificial intelligence, but also a key figure in cracking the German Enigma code during World War II, and made great achievements for the Allied victory. However, the fate of this genius is full of tragedy. Mu Xin once said: "Turing's death makes us feel deeply guilty. He faced the world with an innocent and open heart, but he was misunderstood and excluded by the world. His enthusiasm was ultimately rewarded with injustice and indifference. ”

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

3, "Persian Lesson"

It reveals the wisdom of survival and the brilliance of humanity in the concentration camps of World War II. Gilles, a Jew, lied about being a Persian in a desperate situation, saving his life with a concocted "Persian language" and creating a unique language with the names of thousands of prisoners. The German officers became dependent on it until the real Persians appeared. This film is not only a reflection on the history of World War II, but also a celebration of the miracle of human nature. It teaches us that wisdom and courage can still open up the way to survive in desperate situations. "Persian Lessons", based on real events, is a profound exploration of history and human nature.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

4, Schindler's List

Based on the novel by Thomas Keneally, it presents the heroic deeds of Oskar Schindler in saving thousands of Jews during World War II. Not only is the plot captivating, but the film is also technically captivating, with cameras, editing, acting, and soundtrack. With his profound skills, the director perfectly interprets this historical event and makes the film a classic. Schindler's story may be controversial, but the film has gained global recognition and demonstrated the power of the media.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

5, "Minefield"

A deep reflection on the complex relationship between Germany and Denmark after World War II. After the war, a group of German prisoners, led by Danish officers, took on the difficult task of demining. They have been subjected to inhumane treatment, but they are still being asked to clean up the dangers they have left behind. This Danish-German co-production shows both sides bravely confronting historical mistakes. The young captives in the film, who died in the demining, provoked the audience to think deeply about the responsibility of the war. This is not only a review of history, but also a profound call for peace and humanity.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

6, "Katyn Massacre"

It recreates the massacre of Polish prisoners of war by the Soviet Union during World War II. The brutal murder of thousands of prisoners of war in the Katyn Forest is a tragedy of history and a darkness of human nature. The film is technically proficient, and the 20-minute massacre scene at the end is shocking. The black screen is intertwined with the mourning soundtrack, and the silence is better than the sound, conveying deep grief and reflection. In the film, the audience will surely feel this strong spiritual shock, reflecting on the complex interweaving of war and human nature.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

7, "Conspiracy"

Unraveling the horrors of the Wannsee Conference in World War II. In 1942, the fate of the Jews was discussed in a secret meeting between the German top brass, which decided the life and death of six million people. This document hides countless secrets, and the future of the Jews hangs in the balance. In the film, the attendees discuss the "product" – the lives of Jews – in a callous manner, and the departments even bargain for a shocking amount of money. The audience felt as if they were in the scene of history, witnessing the meeting that decided the fate of the Jews, and feeling the cruelty of war and human nature.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

8, "1944"

The fierce battle of the Isthmus of Narva in 1944 is revealed, and the small country of Estonia was plunged into tragedy by the Soviet-German war. During the battle between the Germans and the Soviets, the Estonians were forced to join the armies of both sides, and the country fought against each other. Through the dual perspectives of the SS and the Soviet Red Army, the film shows the conflicts and sacrifices of people of the same clan in different camps, deeply reflecting the cruelty of war and the complexity of human nature. The tragedy in Estonia is a microcosm of the inability of small countries to determine their own destiny during the war.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

9, "Nanjing! Nanking! 》

From the perspective of two soldiers, it profoundly reveals the cruelty of war and the destruction of humanity during the Nanjing Massacre. The film confronts history and portrays the resilience and indomitability of Chinese women, who stand in stark contrast to fascist atrocities and show the strength and dignity of women. Although the director's attempts to elevate the anti-war theme have caused controversy due to certain treatments, the film itself still has artistic value, and it is a true and powerful presentation of that period of history, which is worth pondering and remembering.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

10, "Captain Impostor"

Based on true events, it shows the madness of a nineteen-year-old soldier at the end of World War II. He pretended to be a captain, gathered stragglers to form a special combat team, and acted recklessly at the end of the Nazi Empire. There is madness hidden under the calm lens of the film, which is chilling. This is not a simple comedy, but a profound dissection of the dark side of human nature. Although the male protagonist has many crimes, he is tolerated with "patriotism and innocence", reflecting the distortion of the war on people's hearts. The film is not only a review of history, but also a wake-up call to the evil deeds of human nature.

10 movies about World War II, each one is a microcosm of history!

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