
On the sixth day of the fourth month, the old man said, "If you don't do it on the sixth day of the first month, your fortune will be empty in the coming year", what does this "3 don't do" mean?

author:There are three lazy sheep and three less

On the sixth day of April, the weather warmed up, and there was always a festive atmosphere in my hometown's village, and people began to prepare for planting and growing vegetables. However, my old man is always busy, sitting in the yard smoking dry tobacco, smoking while smoking: "On the sixth day of the new year, you can't be lazy, you have to be busy, if you don't do it on the sixth day of the new year, you will have no money in the coming year." Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, and for the whole family to receive blessings.

On the sixth day of the fourth month, the old man said, "If you don't do it on the sixth day of the first month, your fortune will be empty in the coming year", what does this "3 don't do" mean?

I looked at the old man next to him, and I was happy in my heart, and asked triumphantly: "Grandpa, if you don't do it on the sixth day of the first month, what do you mean?" ”

The old man glanced at me, smiled, and said in his mouth: "Boy, don't do this sixth day 3, that's a big taboo, as the saying goes, don't kill, don't wash your hair, and don't go out on the sixth day of the first month, otherwise, you will lose all your wealth in the coming year." ”

I was dumbfounded, and I wondered in my heart, what is the mystery of this sixth year of junior high school?

On the sixth day of the first month, no killing

Grandpa said that on the sixth day of the new year, you have to keep some eyes on it, and don't think about killing. You must know that if you have the idea of killing, it will bring bad luck, not only bad luck, but also many ominous things.

The old people in our village all say that we should stay away from killing on the sixth day of the new year, and even be careful when chopping vegetables, so as not to let the knife hurt the little creatures, otherwise, the good luck of the coming year will be discounted.

On the sixth day of the fourth month, the old man said, "If you don't do it on the sixth day of the first month, your fortune will be empty in the coming year", what does this "3 don't do" mean?

I don't wash my hair on the sixth day of the first month

"I don't wash my hair on the sixth day of junior high school", Grandpa went on to explain. It is said that on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, people wash their hair, as if they have washed away their fortune, and if they want to keep their good luck, they have to endure this day without washing their hair.

The old ladies of our village said that washing their hair on the sixth day of the new year would make their hair disobedient, and if they caught the hair of good luck, they would run away as soon as they washed it, and the gains outweighed the losses.

I don't go out on the sixth day of junior high school

The old man said, on the sixth day of the new year, you have to stay at home quietly, don't run around, otherwise, the wealth will run with you.

The old man also said that on the sixth day of the new year, the yin and yang alternate between heaven and earth, and it is easy to encounter ominous things when going out, so it is best to stay at home to keep your good luck.

On the sixth day of the fourth month, the old man said, "If you don't do it on the sixth day of the first month, your fortune will be empty in the coming year", what does this "3 don't do" mean?


On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, the people of our Northeast have their own set of folk customs, and the old man of our family also came according to these old rules. Don't kill, don't wash your hair, don't go out, these seemingly simple small actions contain rich cultural connotations behind them, teaching people to respect nature, conform to nature, and keep their wealth.

Although we are now living in modern society, science and technology have progressed, and living standards have improved, but we still attach great importance to these folk customs, which is the tradition of our Northeast people, and it is also our awe for nature and life.