
When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms


Maoshan Adventure: The Legend of Women and Monkeys

In the depths of the distant Maoshan Mountain, there is a dense forest shrouded in mist. It is inaccessible, but it is home to countless exotic animals, especially a group of spirit monkeys. These monkeys are human, changeable, and are said to be inextricably linked to the immortals of the mountains.

At the foot of Maoshan Mountain, there is a small village named Cuiyun, and there is a young woman named Baguio in the village. Baguio is beautiful and kind-hearted, and she is a good girl praised by everyone in the village. However, she had a bad fate, losing her father at an early age and relying on her mother for her life. In order to make ends meet, Baguio often goes to the mountains to collect medicine to subsidize his family.

Early one morning, Baguio, as usual, carried a bamboo basket on his back and set foot on the mountain road to Maoshan Mountain. The sun shines through the treetops and shines on her delicate face, making her even more beautiful and moving. However, in this tranquil mountain forest, an unexpected adventure awaits her.

Baguio was concentrating on his search for herbs when he suddenly heard a rapid monkey cry. She looked up and saw a group of spirit monkeys surging from all directions, surrounding her. There was a strange glint in the monkey's eyes, as if they were scrutinizing the intruder. Baguio was shocked, but then calmed down again. She knew that these monkeys were extraordinary, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

At this moment, a large, golden-haired monkey king leaped out of the bushes, its eyes shining with wisdom, and walked up to Baguio. The Monkey King looked at Baguio carefully, and then motioned for her to follow him. Although Baguio was apprehensive, he was also curious about the intentions of these monkeys, so he dared to follow.

The monkeys led Baguio through the jungle to a hidden cave. The cave was dimly lit, but Baguio felt a mysterious force draw her in. She followed the monkeys into the cave, only to see that there was a cave in the cave, the stone wall was inlaid with colorful gems, and there was a stone platform in the center, on which some rare and exotic fruits were placed.

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

The Monkey King walked to the stone platform and motioned for Baguio to step forward. Although Baguio had doubts in his heart, he still stepped forward. At this moment, the Monkey King suddenly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the air. Immediately after, the entire cave began to shake, and the gems on the stone walls emitted dazzling light. Baguio only felt a powerful force rushing into her body, and she involuntarily closed her eyes.

When Baguio opens her eyes again, she finds herself in a strange world. Here the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the fairy atmosphere is fluttering, as if it is a fairyland. She looked around and saw an old man with gray hair walking towards her with a smile not far away. The old man claimed to be an immortal from Maoshan, and because Baguio was kind-hearted and had good roots, he specially selected her as his disciple and taught her the art of cultivating immortals.

Baguio was pleasantly surprised, she didn't expect that she would have such an adventure. She expressed her gratitude to the old man and humbly asked for advice. The old man began to teach her the methods and skills of cultivating immortals. Baguio was gifted and intelligent, and quickly mastered the basic cultivation methods. Under the guidance of the immortals, she began her arduous cultivation journey.

Time flies, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye. In the past two years, Baguio has experienced countless hardships and tribulations, but she has always persevered in her cultivation. Her cultivation has become more and more refined, and she has not only learned the method of controlling the aura, but also mastered a variety of magical spells. And during this time, she actually gave birth to a pair of children in the cave. These two children are naturally gifted, intelligent and clever, and are deeply loved by Baguio and the immortals.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, while cultivating, Baguio suddenly felt a powerful evil aura approaching Maoshan Mountain. She hurriedly approached the immortal to inquire about the situation. The immortal told her that this evil spirit came from an evil demon king who wanted to rule the entire Maoshan region. In order to protect this pure land and the safety of the villagers, Baguio decided to stand up and fight the demon king to the death.

With the help of the immortals, Baguio began to prepare for battle. She not only strengthened Maoshan's defensive magic circle, but also refined many magic weapons in case of emergency. At the same time, she also raised her cultivation to a new level. She knew she was about to face an unprecedented challenge, but she was ready for it.

Just as the battle was about to start, Baguio decided to take his children down the mountain. She didn't want them to get involved in the conflict. So, she quietly left the cave with her children in her arms and walked down the mountain. However, she didn't realize what fate her decision would bring her......

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

Baguio held his children in his arms and carefully walked through the dense forest, his heart full of fear of the unknown world and expectations for the future. She knows that once she descends the mountain, she will have to face a more complex and dangerous environment. But she is willing to pay any price to protect the children.

On the way down the mountain, Baguio encountered many difficulties and dangers. There are ferocious beasts, the threat of venomous snakes, and bad weather. But with her firm faith and the spells taught by the immortals, she overcame these difficulties one by one. With her actions, she set up a strong and brave mother image for her children.

After several days of trekking, Baguio finally returned to Cuiyun Village with his children. The people of the village were amazed to see her return. They gathered around to ask about her experience, but Baguio just smiled and shook her head, not saying anything more. She knew that her experience was too bizarre for ordinary people to understand.

However, the good times were short-lived. On the second day after Baguio returned to the village, the evil demon king led the demon soldiers and demon generals to attack. The Demon King's target is not only Maoshan Mountain, but also the entire Cuiyun Village. The villagers were terrified and fled. Seeing this, Baguio stood up without hesitation, she held her children in her arms, stood upright at the entrance of the village, ready to face the demon king.

When the demon king saw Baguio's appearance, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect this seemingly weak woman to dare to challenge his authority. He sneered and ordered his demon soldiers to attack. However, Baguio was undaunted, she brandished the magic weapon in her hand and started a fierce battle with the demon soldiers.

Baguio's spells are amazingly powerful, and with the guidance of the immortals and her own diligent cultivation, she has mastered many advanced spells. As soon as she made a move, she defeated several demon soldiers, which shocked the demon king. He didn't expect this woman to be so powerful, so he personally took action to fight Baguio.

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

The battle between Baguio and the Demon King is extremely fierce. With her extraordinary wisdom and courage, she has turned danger into disaster again and again. However, the strength of the demon king is too strong, and Baguio gradually feels powerless. Just as she was about to be defeated by the Demon King, her sons and daughters suddenly rushed up. Although they are young, they have also inherited the tenacity and courage of their mothers. They used their strength to share the pressure for their mother and allowed Baguio to breathe.

When Baguio saw the performance of his children, his heart was full of emotion and pride. She knew she couldn't just go down like that, she had to protect her children and the whole village. So, she took a deep breath, mobilized all the strength in her body, and started the final battle with the demon king.

After a fierce battle, Baguio finally defeated the Demon King. She used her courage and wisdom to protect the peace of the village. Villagers gathered around her to express their gratitude and respect. Baguio just smiled and waved her hand, knowing that everything she had done was worth it.

After the war, Baguio returned to Maoshan with his children. She decided to continue to stay in the cave to cultivate and improve her cultivation. She knows that there are still many unknown dangers and challenges waiting for her to face in this world. She must become stronger to protect her loved ones and friends.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Baguio's cultivation has reached a new height, and she has become a legend on Maoshan Mountain. Her sons and daughters have also grown up, inherited her mantle, and become a new generation of immortal cultivators on Maoshan Mountain. They use their strength and wisdom to protect this pure land and the safety of the villagers.

Baguio continued to practice on Maoshan Mountain, and her fame gradually spread throughout the surrounding mountains and rivers. She is not only a powerful immortal cultivator, but also a kind mother and a wise elder. Under her teaching, her children have gradually become the mainstay of Maoshan.

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

As the years passed, Baguio's cultivation became deeper and deeper, and she could feel that she was more and more connected to this world and world. She often stands on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, thinking about the true meaning of cultivating immortals and the meaning of life. She found that cultivating immortals was not only for the pursuit of power, but also for the protection of everything she cherished.

One day, a village near Maoshan was suddenly attacked by an unknown force. The villagers fled in all directions, but to no avail. When Baguio learned the news, he immediately rushed to the scene with his children. She discovers that the power that has invaded the village has come from an ancient monster that has been sealed.

This monster has been awakened for some reason, and it wants to devour all life and regain its power. Baguio knew that if it wasn't stopped in time, the entire region would be in the midst of disaster. So, she didn't hesitate to stand up and decided to start a life-and-death battle with the monster.

Seeing this, Baguio's sons and daughters also joined the battle without hesitation. Although they are young, they have inherited the tenacity and bravery of their mothers. They fight side by side with Baguio against monsters. After a fierce battle, Baguio and his children finally succeeded in resealing the monster.

The crisis in the village was resolved, and the villagers expressed their gratitude to Baguio and her children. They knew that without the help of the Baguio family, the entire village would cease to exist. Baguio just smiled and shook her head, she said, "This is what I should do." ”

This incident made Baguio realize the significance of cultivating immortals more deeply. She decided to pass on her experience and wisdom to more young people, so that they too could become immortal cultivators who guarded their homeland. So, she opened an immortal cultivation academy on Maoshan Mountain, attracting many people with lofty ideals to come to study.

In the Immortal Cultivation Academy, Baguio not only teaches the methods and skills of cultivating immortals, but also pays attention to cultivating students' moral character and cultivation. She taught them to respect life, cherish friendship, and have the courage to take responsibility. Under her teaching, the students gradually grew into virtuous and profound immortal cultivators.

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

As time passed, the reputation of Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Academy became more and more resounding. More and more young people are coming here to study, and they hope to become great immortal cultivators like Baguio. And Baguio has always adhered to Maoshan Mountain, guarding this pure land and the growth of his disciples with his wisdom and strength.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed. Baguio has become a legendary immortal cultivator, and her name has been engraved on the stone tablet of Maoshan Mountain, which will be passed down forever. And her sons and daughters have also become the best on Maoshan Mountain, they inherit their mother's legacy and continue to guard this homeland.

As the years go by, the reputation of Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Academy has become more and more resounding, attracting disciples from all over the world. Baguio plays the role of spiritual leader in the academy, and her wisdom and compassion infect everyone who comes to study. And her sons and daughters have already grown up to be the leaders of the Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Realm, each leading a group of disciples to jointly guard this ancient land.

However, the days of peace did not last long. One day, an evil force from the dark abyss quietly descended on Maoshan with the intention of destroying the peace and tranquility of this land. This force is so powerful that even Baguio and her sons and daughters cannot easily defeat it.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Baguio knows that his own strength alone is far from enough. She must gather the strength of all Maoshan disciples to fight against this evil force together. So, she gathered all her disciples, told them about the current crisis, and called on everyone to unite and protect Maoshan together.

Under Baguio's call, the Maoshan disciples responded one after another, and they united to form an indestructible camp. Baguio and her sons and daughters lead their disciples in a thrilling battle against the forces of darkness.

The battle was fierce, with both sides wielding the most powerful spells and weapons. With his extraordinary wisdom and cultivation, Baguio constantly commanded his disciples to fight back. Not to be outdone, her sons and daughters cast powerful spells and fought to the death against the forces of darkness.

After several days of fierce fighting, Baguio and her disciples finally succeeded in repelling the dark forces. Maoshan once again regained its former tranquility and peace. The villagers came to thank Baguio and her disciples, knowing that without the protection of these immortal cultivators, Maoshan would have ceased to exist.

This battle made Baguio more deeply aware of the power of unity. She decided to carry forward the Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Academy, not only to cultivate the cultivation and magic of her disciples, but also to cultivate their spirit of unity and cooperation. She believes that only in this way can Maoshan maintain peace and tranquility forever.

Under the leadership of Baguio, Maoshan Xiuxian Academy gradually grew. More and more young people are coming here to study, not only to learn advanced spells and skills, but also to learn how to unite and face difficulties together. Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Academy has become a clear stream in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, leading the entire Immortal Cultivation Realm towards a better future.

As the years passed, Baguio was already a gray-haired old man. But her spirit is still strong, and her wisdom is still profound. She still sticks to Maoshan Mountain, guarding this land and her disciples who she loves so much. Her legendary story still lives on in the mountains, inspiring generations of young people to pursue their dreams and beliefs.

And Maoshan Immortal Cultivation Academy has also become a legendary existence. Countless young immortal cultivators have found their home and faith here. They are learning, growing, uniting, and struggling here, and jointly creating a brilliant future for the Maoshan immortal cultivation world.

When the woman went up the mountain, the monkeys snatched her into the cave, and two years later she went down the mountain with a pair of children in her arms

This is the legend of Baguio and the monkeys. A woman was robbed into a cave by a group of monkeys, but because of this, she got the opportunity to cultivate immortals. With her tenacity and wisdom, she not only became a great immortal cultivator, but also a legendary existence. Her story will forever be passed down in Maoshan Mountain, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams and beliefs.