
I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

author:Freedom in the galaxy

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I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Text: Freedom in the Galaxy

Edit|Freedom Galaxy


Imagine that an educator should be a model of persuasion and gentleness, but Zhao Juying is unique in this field.

She treats children in a rough way, throwing things, taunting, belittling, as if she is playing a cruel psychological game.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

She claims that this is to "help troubled children get on the right track", but is this a method of curing the sick and saving lives or helping to abuse them?

What's even more shocking is that during Zhao Juying's home visit, the insulting words and mean look made people shudder.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

This is just the tip of the iceberg of her ugly deeds.

Behind the scenes, she is doing even more despicable things.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

What exactly led her to such a path? What is her true face?

There are many more exposures and revelations to this story, which is unpredictable.

Zhao Juying's "bullying education"

Zhao Juying's "bullying education" has recently attracted widespread attention and controversy in the education community. This type of education is characterized by its coercive and extreme nature, using intimidation, humiliation and violence to try to change students' behaviour and attitudes towards learning.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Specifically, Zhao Juying, who claimed to be a family education expert, entered the students' private spaces through home visits and directly searched for toys and books that were so-called "playthings". Not only did she ask her students to throw away or destroy the items with their own hands, but she also physically punished them in front of their parents to demonstrate her "strict" approach to education.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

For example, during a home visit, Zhao Juying sat at the desk of a second-year junior high school student, picked up various knick-knacks on the table, and accused the students of distracting them.

She lashed out at her students, calling them "diaper-wearing babies" and questioning their dreams, goals, and study plans. She then asked the students to bag the knick-knacks and cards and personally supervised the students to throw the items into the trash can downstairs.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

This approach to education not only ignores the individuality and needs of students, but also seriously violates students' dignity and privacy. It ignores the basic principles of education, which are equality, respect, and understanding. Zhao Juying's behavior has been criticized by many netizens and education experts as "bullying education", believing that this kind of education will only make students feel frightened and depressed, and lose self-esteem and self-confidence.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

It is worth noting that Zhao Juying is not a professional educator, and her educational concepts and methods lack scientific basis and empirical research. Her behavior not only aroused widespread doubts in society, but also plunged herself into the whirlpool of public opinion.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

In short, the details of Zhao Juying's "bullying education" reveal the extreme and irrational nature of her education methods. This kind of education not only does not help students grow and progress, but can cause serious harm to students' physical and mental health. We should resolutely oppose this kind of education and call on all sectors of society to pay attention to and support scientific and rational educational methods and means.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Zhao Juying: Identity and education methods are both questioned

Teacher Zhao Juying, an education expert who claims to have more than 30 years of experience in education and multiple international professional certifications, has recently been caught in double doubts about her identity and education method due to a series of home visit videos. These doubts not only sparked heated discussions among netizens, but also attracted widespread attention from the education community.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Back in early 2024, Ms. Zhao Juying began to post home visit videos on major social media platforms to show her unique "family education guidance" method. In the video, she used a stern tone and extreme means to ask students to discard their beloved toys and figures, and even physically punished students with a ruler, which caused controversy and questions from a large number of netizens.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Teacher Zhao Juying's self-proclaimed multiple professional identities have become the focus of netizens' questions. She claims to have titles such as Senior Counselor in the United States and Positive Discipline Association Certified Homeschool Bilingual Teacher in the United States, but the authenticity of these titles is difficult to verify.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Some netizens found that on the official website of the American Positive Discipline Association, Zhao Juying's name could not be queried. In addition, the psychological counselor qualification exam has been cancelled in 2017, and Zhao Juying's so-called "Satya senior psychological counselor" identity is also suspicious.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Teacher Zhao Juying's education method has also caused widespread controversy. In the home visit video, she asked students to smash their beloved figurines with their own hands on the grounds of "playthings are demoralized", and even physically punished students with a ring ruler.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

This extreme approach has been questioned by netizens as "bullying education", which not only ignores the individuality and needs of students, but also seriously violates the dignity and privacy of students. Some netizens pointed out that when teacher Zhao Juying was educating students, she often used insulting language to make students feel frightened and depressed.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

As the controversy continues to escalate, the true identity of Teacher Zhao Juying has also been deeply investigated by netizens. Some netizens discovered that Teacher Zhao Juying was not a retired teacher as she claimed, but was dismissed by a primary school. This discovery made Zhao Juying's identity even more confusing, and also made her education method more questioned.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

In the face of netizens' questions and controversies, Teacher Zhao Juying did not give a clear response. The Jiayuguan Municipal Education Bureau said that it has intervened in the investigation of Zhao Juying's teacher and will take corresponding measures based on the results of the investigation.

In short, Zhao Juying's identity and education methods have caused widespread doubts and controversies. Her multiple professional identities are difficult to verify, and her education method has been questioned as "bullying education".

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

These controversies not only damaged the image of teacher Zhao Juying, but also made people reflect on the importance and methods of family education. It is hoped that in the future, more professional institutions and people will pay attention to the field of family education and provide parents with scientific and reasonable family education guidance.


Zhao Juying, a self-proclaimed expert with 33 years of senior family education experience, recently fell into a whirlpool of public opinion because of the video of her home visit. In the video, Zhao Juying's education method has sparked widespread controversy in the outside world.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

The timeline goes back to May 2024, and a video of Zhao Juying's home visit went viral online. In the video, she asks a boy to smash his beloved figurine with his own hands, and a girl orders her to throw away toys and ornaments on the table. This extreme educational behavior was jokingly called "bullying education" by netizens, and sparked widespread discussion and criticism.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

In the specific incident, Zhao Juying's harsh methods not only made the children feel huge psychological pressure, but also shocked many parents and education experts.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

Wu Qiufen, a professor at Hefei Normal University and an expert from the Ministry of Education, pointed out that Zhao Juying's education method was simple and crude, which violated the basic principle of family education, that is, respecting children's personality and interests. She stressed that family education should guide children's all-round development, rather than suppressing children's natural instincts through coercive means.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

With the fermentation of public opinion, Zhao Juying's education method has been questioned and criticized more and more. Her actions not only fail to achieve the purpose of education, but may cause irreversible damage to the child's mental health. This incident has once again aroused the attention and reflection of the society on the way of family education.

I can't bear it! Zhao Juying's ugly true face is completely exposed! Behind her back, she did far worse than you thought

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