
Is aging of the digestive system inevitable? Doing so makes the digestive function "old and not aging"

author:Bai Nian Health

"When you're young, it's okay to eat, but when you're older, it's uncomfortable to eat more." In life, I can always hear many elderly people express such feelings.

As we age, the organs and systems of the human body are constantly "aging", and the digestive system is no exception. Studies have shown that our digestive system usually begins to age around the age of 40; By the age of 60, the digestive function further declines, the peristalsis ability of the stomach decreases, and the ability to kill bacteria entering the stomach and intestines is weakened, resulting in a significant increase in the occurrence of indigestion, gastric ulcers and digestive tract diseases, which affects physical health.

Is aging of the digestive system inevitable? Doing so makes the digestive function "old and not aging"

When we talk about the aging of the digestive system, it is essentially a decrease in digestive function. How to achieve "old age without decay" is the answer we should strive to explore. In the recent 3rd Anti-Aging Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine, countless experts and scholars repeatedly emphasized that "aging is a treatable disease", and the publication of the latest research results on anti-aging has undoubtedly brought more solutions to our anti-aging and related diseases caused by aging.

At the meeting, Professor Wu Yiling, the founder of the Qi Theory and the Theory of Essence and Spirit, delivered a speech. He mentioned that in 2018, the World Health Organization first proposed the concept that "aging is a treatable disease"; A professor at Harvard University also pointed out in his book "Longevity" that "aging is a disease process with a wide range of disease outcomes", and the occurrence of major diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease is actually related to aging.

Is aging of the digestive system inevitable? Doing so makes the digestive function "old and not aging"

The speed of aging is closely related to the social environment and lifestyle habits of a person. As far as the aging of the digestive system we mentioned earlier is concerned, we can improve it by cultivating some healthy lifestyle habits, such as insisting on doing some light aerobic exercises every day, such as walking, jogging, and Chinese Tongluo exercises, to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis; You can also massage the abdomen frequently to improve gastrointestinal blood circulation; In addition, it is necessary to eat a light diet and increase the intake of foods rich in dietary fiber such as vegetables and fruits.

In addition, Professor Ng pointed out that the adequacy of kidney essence is another key factor affecting the rate of human aging. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney essence runs through the whole process of life, growth, strength, old age, and self-esteem, and plays a role in nourishing and moisturizing the human organs, body, and vital organs. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the qi will be vigorous and energetic; Kidney deficiency, aging and various related diseases will also accelerate.

Based on this, scientifically replenishing the kidney and filling sperm is an effective way to fight aging. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has accumulated a lot of experience in tonifying the kidney and filling the essence, such as "sub-medicine to nourish essence", "black into the kidney", "flesh and blood are affectionate", etc. Under the guidance of the theory of qi and the theory of essence, qi and spirit, the innovative traditional Chinese medicine Bazi tonifying the kidney has been confirmed to have a significant effect of tonifying the kidney and filling the essence. At this anti-aging conference, Professor Hou Yunlong, head of the Anti-Aging Center of the National Key Laboratory of Innovation and Transformation of Network Disease Theory, shared the latest research results of Bazi Kidney Tonic in an academic report entitled "New Discoveries of Anti-aging in Traditional Chinese Medicine Driven by Scientific and Technological Innovation":

In the first large-scale anti-aging study carried out by the anti-aging R&D platform of the National Key Laboratory of Innovation and Transformation of Network Disease Theory, it was found that the longest lifespan of mice in the Bazi Kidney Supplement Group has exceeded 37 months, which is more than 7 months longer than that of the natural aging group, and has obvious anti-aging effects.

A series of previous studies have also confirmed that Bazi Kidney Supplement can increase collagen content and delay skin aging; Alleviate intestinal aging and improve digestive function; Reduces retinal aging; Improve bone aging; Improve human immune function, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, etc., and significantly improve the quality of life of aging people.

Is aging of the digestive system inevitable? Doing so makes the digestive function "old and not aging"

Aging is a disease that can be cured, we should have a correct understanding of aging, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and timely fill the kidney essence to delay aging; You should also maintain a positive mindset and live a youthful day from the inside out. #衰老是一种可以治疗的病#