
Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside

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Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Big S is going to do something, Zhang Lan wants to see her child and ask for a sky-high price of 120 million to see the baby, I don't know where she got the courage! Liang Jingru? That law stipulates that now you can only see if you look at your grandchildren and give money to your ex-daughter-in-law! No wonder netizens said that she was not poor and crazy, and asked for a sky-high price! This Sister Lan is not used to her, so she directly refused to pay and shouted to let Zhang Wang Xu Gu draw it to Big S!

Zhang Lan has a firm position: refuses to pay sky-high alimony, and the children will not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations

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Recently, Zhang Lan unequivocally stated her position in front of the public: she will not pay up to NT$120 million in alimony to Big S. This statement was like a bombshell, which instantly stirred up a thousand waves of public opinion. At the same time, she also revealed that the two children will not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, a decision that has made the outside world full of speculation about the future direction of this family dispute.

Zhang Lan's rhetoric was full of dissatisfaction and complaints about Big S. She seems to think that Big S's money demands are too outrageous and far beyond the reasonable range. Her resolute attitude shows that she will not be swayed by the unreasonable demands of the other party, nor will she compromise due to external pressure. Her words reveal a philosophical meaning of "people must recognize reality", which seems to imply that Da S should let go of past grievances and cherish the current life.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

However, Zhang Lan's rhetoric did not stop there. She went on to criticize Big S more sharply. She said that she had been treated unfairly, as if she was entangled in Big S's endless demands for money and couldn't get rid of it. Her tone was full of helplessness and anger, making people feel her inner struggle and pain.

In this dispute, Zhang Lan not only expressed her position, but also talked about Wang Xiaofei and the children. She said that despite the strife within the family, life will go on. She revealed the plans and arrangements within the family, showing that even in difficult times, the relationship between family members is still strong. This strong and optimistic attitude makes people can't help but admire Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

For this family dispute, speculation and discussion from the outside world have never stopped. Some people support Zhang Lan's decision, believing that she is defending her own rights and interests; There are also people who criticize her behavior, saying that she is too tough and resolute. However, no matter what the outside world thinks, Zhang Lan firmly stands on her own position and fights for the dignity and rights she deserves for herself and her family.

This family dispute not only made Zhang Lan and Da S the focus of public attention, but also triggered people's in-depth thinking on topics such as family, marriage, and money. In this era full of changes and uncertainties, perhaps we should cherish the people and things around us more, and face all kinds of challenges and disputes in life with a more rational and tolerant attitude.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Netizen comments

As Zhang Lan clearly expressed her position, the family dispute between her and Da S quickly became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet. Here are some of the comments from netizens that reflect their views and attitudes towards the incident:

"Zhang Lan is really domineering! She will not be swayed by Big S's money demands, and this firm attitude is worthy of respect. The child belongs to her and Wang Xiaofei, and Big S should not use this as a threat. ”

Although Da S and Wang Xiaofei's marriage has come to an end, the child is innocent. They deserve love and care from both sides, not to fall prey to this strife. ”

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Although Zhang Lan's approach is tough, it is understandable. As a mother, she definitely wants to protect her children from harm. However, I also hope that both parties can sit down and communicate well to find a solution that is best for the child. ”

"This dispute is really endless, and the grievances between Zhang Lan and Big S have lasted for a long time. As public figures, their private affairs are infinitely magnified, which is really embarrassing. Hopefully, they will be able to solve the problem as soon as possible and return to normal life. ”

"I think Zhang Lan's approach is a bit too radical. While she may feel that her rights have been violated, it is not wise to deal with family disputes in this way. After all, family harmony is the most important thing. ”

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

"Big S's money requirements are really outrageous, but Zhang Lan should also reflect on her behavior. As a child's grandmother, she should pay more attention to the child's feelings and needs, rather than only thinking about her own interests. ”

"This dispute has shown me the complexity and fragility of family relationships. Whether it is a husband and wife or a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, mutual understanding and tolerance are needed to maintain a harmonious relationship. ”

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

The comments of these netizens reflect their different views and attitudes towards the family dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S. Some people support Zhang Lan's position, believing that she is defending her own rights and interests; Some people also criticized her for being too tough, hoping that the two sides could sit down and communicate well. In any case, this dispute reminds us of the importance of family harmony and the rational and tolerant attitude that should be taken in dealing with family disputes.

Media Commentary

The dispute between Zhang Lan and Big S sparked heated discussions: the boundaries of family disputes and public concern

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Recently, the family dispute between Zhang Lan and Big S has once again become the focus of public attention. Zhang Lan made her position unequivocal, refusing to pay high alimony and revealing that the children would not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations. This incident not only sparked extensive discussions among netizens, but also caused in-depth comments from the media.

The media generally believes that although the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is an internal family matter, because both parties are public figures, their influence has gone beyond the private sphere. In this dispute, Zhang Lan showed a firm position and determination, but at the same time, she also faced huge pressure from public opinion. Her behavior not only caused controversy among netizens, but also made people think about the boundaries of family disputes and the extent of public attention.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

First of all, where are the boundaries of family strife? This is a question worth exploring. In private life, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts and disputes between family members. However, when these disputes involve public figures, they are often infinitely amplified and even evolve into a social event. In this process, media reports and comments from netizens often exacerbate the conflict and put the parties in a more embarrassing situation. Therefore, we need to think about how to find a balance between respecting personal privacy and public concern, so as to avoid overexposure of family disputes and unnecessary harm to the parties involved.

Second, how should the level of public concern be grasped? In the age of social media, information spreads extremely fast, and the public's attention to events is increasing. However, excessive attention can often have negative consequences, not only stressing out the person involved, but also obscuring the truth of the matter. Therefore, the media and the public should maintain a rational and objective attitude when paying attention to such incidents, avoid excessive hype and speculation, and respect the privacy and rights and interests of the parties concerned.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

In short, although the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is a family dispute, it has also triggered us to think about the boundaries of family disputes and the degree of public attention. Finding a balance between respecting individual privacy and public concern is what we need to work on together. At the same time, we should also learn to look at such incidents with a rational and objective attitude, avoid excessive hype and speculation, so that the parties can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and return to normal life.

Analysis of the dispute between Zhang Lan and Big S by emotional experts and professors

From the perspective of emotional experts, the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is not only a legal dispute about money and custody, but also an emotional storm that profoundly reveals the complexity of family relationships and the weakness of human nature.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

First, the incident highlights the complexity of the emotions of all parties involved in family disputes. As a mother and elder, Zhang Lan's stance and decisions are undoubtedly driven by a deep love for her grandchildren and concern for the future of her family. Although her behavior is tough, behind it is the persistent pursuit of family stability and the future of her children. As a mother, Da S's emotions are equally complex, and her love and concern for her children and the protection of her own rights and interests are intertwined, forming another important force in this dispute.

Secondly, this incident also reflects the selfishness and greed in human nature. In family disputes, all parties often quarrel for their own interests, ignoring family harmony and the feelings of the children. This selfishness and greed not only exacerbates the intensity of the dispute, but also puts the children under great psychological pressure and harm.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Emotional experts and professors believe that the key to resolving such family disputes lies in the ability of all parties to think calmly, communicate rationally, and put the interests of the children first. Family members should understand and respect each other, and find the best way to solve problems through negotiation and compromise. At the same time, society should also give more attention and support to these families to help them get out of their predicament and rebuild harmonious family relationships.

In addition, the emotional expert professor also reminded the public to maintain a rational and objective attitude when paying attention to such incidents, avoid excessive hype and speculation, and respect the privacy and rights and interests of the parties. At the same time, we should also learn to learn from it, reflect on our family relationship and parent-child relationship, and avoid similar problems from happening again.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Analyze this matter from a personal point of view

From a personal point of view, I believe that the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is a complex issue involving the interweaving of multiple parties' emotions, rights and responsibilities.

First of all, as public figures, Zhang Lan and Da S's private affairs are placed in the public eye, which undoubtedly increases the pressure on them when dealing with disputes. In the public's attention and discussion, they must not only face legal rights and responsibilities, but also consider their public image and impact on fans and society. This pressure may cause them to be more cautious and firm in their decision-making, but it can also lead to emotional reactions and over-the-top rhetoric.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Secondly, from a family point of view, the dispute has brought great distress to both the families and children of both parties. Family strife is often accompanied by emotional tearing and pain, and for children, they may not be able to understand the conflict between their parents, and may even feel fear, helplessness, and anxiety as a result. As parents, both Zhang Lan and Da S should try their best to protect their children from harm and create a stable and healthy environment for them to grow up.

Furthermore, starting from personal emotions, we can understand the respective positions and emotions of Zhang Lan and Da S. Zhang Lan may have insisted on her position and decision out of love for her grandchildren and concern for the future of her family. And Big S may have put forward his own requirements out of love for children and the protection of his own rights and interests. In the interweaving of emotions and rights, both parties may feel that they are on the right side, and it is difficult to compromise and make concessions.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

However, as adults, we need to learn to face and deal with family disputes rationally. While protecting your own rights and interests, you should also take into account the feelings and needs of the other party, as well as the interests of the children. Finding the best way to solve problems through communication, negotiation and compromise is the key to maintaining family harmony and children's development.

From a personal point of view, the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is a complex issue involving the interweaving of emotions, rights and responsibilities of multiple parties. When dealing with such problems, we need to remain calm and rational, respect the feelings and needs of the other party, put the interests of the children first, and find the best way to solve the problem through communication and negotiation.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Old money last commented

Summarizing the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S, we can see that this is a complex case involving family disputes, behind which there are not only legal rights disputes, but also emotional entanglements and conflicts. As public figures, their private affairs are brought into the public eye, adding to the complexity and pressure of dealing with issues.

First, the dispute highlights the complexity and fragility of family relationships. In the family, factors such as family affection, responsibilities, and rights and interests are intertwined, and it is often difficult to simply distinguish between right and wrong. Zhang Lan and Da S each stand on their own positions and quarrel in order to protect their own rights and interests and the well-being of their children, which is not right or wrong in itself, but how to protect personal rights and interests while also taking into account the harmony and stability of the family is a question that both parties need to think about.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

Secondly, this dispute also reminds us of the need to remain calm and rational when dealing with family disputes. Emotional reactions and aggressive rhetoric only add to the intensity of the dispute and complicate the issue. On the contrary, finding the best way to solve problems through communication, negotiation and compromise is the key to maintaining family harmony and children's growth. Both sides should abandon prejudice and stubbornness, listen to each other's opinions and needs with an open mind, and work together to find solutions to problems.

Finally, this dispute also makes us think about how to balance the relationship between public image and personal privacy. As public figures, Zhang Lan and Da S's private affairs have received widespread attention, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of their handling of problems. While maintaining the public image, we should also respect our own privacy and rights and interests, and avoid overexposing private issues to the public. At the same time, the media and the public should also maintain a rational and objective attitude, avoid excessive hype and speculation, and respect the privacy and rights of the parties.

Zhang Lan refused to pay 120 million sky-high fees for seeing the baby, and the child did not return to Taiwan during the winter and summer vacations, and the comment area exploded

In short, the dispute between Zhang Lan and Da S is a complex case involving family disputes, which has both legal rights and interests disputes and emotional entanglements and conflicts behind it. Through this dispute, we should cherish and maintain family harmony and stability even more, and learn to face and deal with family disputes with an open, calm and rational attitude. At the same time, it is also necessary to balance the relationship between public image and personal privacy, and respect everyone's privacy and rights and interests.





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