
Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

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On the global financial stage, the U.S. debt problem has been a high-profile focus.

Today, with $35 trillion in debt, countries around the world are focusing on a key issue:

In whose hands will this huge debt end up?
Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

After unsuccessfully trying to "persuade Japan" to surrender, the United States has now turned its attention to China, which is not only a financial game, but also a delicate balance of power in international relations.

Imagine a massive financial black hole slowly forming, gravitationally strong enough to attract all the resources around it.

The U.S. national debt is like a black hole, constantly expanding, and more money is needed to fill that bottomless debt abyss.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

China, the world's second-largest economy, has huge foreign exchange reserves that make it an ideal receiver for U.S. Treasuries.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

This location is not only a financial investment, but also a strategic layout;

In this way, China is able to maintain the stability of its currency while balancing its large trade surplus.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

However, with U.S. interest rate hikes and Treasury interest rates fluctuating, as well as uncertainties in the global economic situation, China may need to reassess its debt holding strategy.

Does the appeal of U.S. Treasuries remain?

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

Will the ever-increasing debt burden affect the security of debt?

These are important issues for China to consider.

On a broader level, the U.S. "persuasion" to surrender to China is actually a manifestation of a deep-seated international political and economic strategy.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

By maintaining China's high dependence on U.S. Treasury bonds, the U.S. can not only ease its own debt pressure;

It can also influence China's economic decision-making to a certain extent and maintain its dominant position in the global economy.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

For China, it's a chess game about balancing domestic economic interests with international political pressures.

On the one hand, reducing the holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds may lead to the depreciation of the US dollar, which will affect the competitiveness of China's exports.

On the other hand, continuing to add to holdings may increase dependency risks, especially against the backdrop of a possible depreciation of US Treasuries.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

Against this backdrop, China's choice will be the result of multiple trade-offs and considerations.

It's not just a simple calculation of financial data, it's part of the confrontation and game of global economic power.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again

In the future, as the situation develops, we may see more in-depth changes in this international financial game.

And for those observers who follow the dynamics of the global economy, this will undoubtedly be an important topic to keep an eye on.

Who will take over the 35 trillion U.S. bonds? After the failure of the "persuasion" to surrender to China and harvest Japan, the United States aimed at China again
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Writing hard

Audit|Ancient Oasis, Thousand Trees

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