
Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

author:Dr. Xiaoting

In a quiet town, there lives an old man named Uncle Zhang. He is in his nineties, but he is still energetic and agile every day.

The people in the town know that Uncle Zhang has a habit of taking a walk in the old willow park in the town every evening, regardless of wind or rain.

His pace is always steady and fast, which amazes many young people.

The secret of Uncle Zhang's longevity is his walking habits – not only is this his personal experience, but scientific research in recent years has begun to reveal a surprising correlation between walking speed and longevity.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

1. The relationship between life span and walking speed

Through long-term research, scientists have found that there is a close relationship between walking speed and the longevity of the elderly. A 10-year follow-up study showed that those who walked faster had significantly lower mortality rates than those who walked slower.

Specifically, the mortality rate for older people with fast gait is about 27%, while the mortality rate for slow gait is as high as 77%. These data begs the idea that walking speed may be a simple but useful indicator of a person's health.

The reasons behind this phenomenon can be multifaceted.

First of all, walking fast usually means that all systems of the body are functioning well, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems. The health of these systems has a direct impact on an individual's biological age and quality of life.

Second, older adults who walk fast often have higher levels of physical activity, which helps maintain physical function and mental health.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

2. Recommendations for the best walking speed and number of steps

For those who want to improve their health by increasing their walking speed, doctors and health experts have also given some specific advice.

The optimal walking speed is recommended to be 0.8 meters per second, which is a speed that is effective in enhancing physical performance without putting too much stress on the joints.

As for the number of steps per day, it is recommended to control between 4,000 and 7,500 steps. This step range ensures an adequate amount of physical activity and avoids overexertion.

The choice of walking time is equally important. Many studies have shown that evening walks are especially beneficial because they are not only physically active, but also help improve sleep quality.

By engaging in moderate physical activity at this time of day, mental and physical health can be effectively promoted.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

3. The health effects of walking

Walking is not only closely related to longevity, but also has a positive impact on physical health.

First of all, walking is a simple and effective aerobic exercise that is able to strengthen the heart and lungs, improve the circulatory system, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are important means of preventing cardiovascular diseases and can effectively prolong life.

Secondly, walking also has a positive effect on the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis. Moderate walking can increase the load on the bones, promote an increase in bone density, and reduce the incidence of osteoporosis. For joints, moderate exercise helps to lubricate joints, reduce joint pain, and delay the development of joint diseases.

In addition, walking also has an important impact on mental health. Studies have shown that moderate walking can release stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol, promote the brain's production of happiness hormones such as dopamine and endorphins, relieve anxiety and depression, and improve emotional state and quality of life.

Therefore, walking is not only a way to exercise the body, but also a healthy lifestyle to regulate emotions and release stress.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

Fourth, the health details of daily life

In addition to walking speed and steps, there are also details of daily life that have an important impact on health and longevity.

First and foremost, maintaining a good diet is the foundation of a long and healthy life. Rational combination of food, control of calories and fat, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits can effectively prevent obesity and related diseases, and improve immunity and disease resistance.

Secondly, good sleep quality is also an important factor in maintaining good health. Adequate sleep can promote the repair and recovery of various body systems, and improve the body's resistance and coping ability.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

Finally, a positive psychological attitude and good social relationships are also the keys to a long and healthy life. Maintaining an optimistic attitude, actively coping with life's challenges, and maintaining good communication and exchanges with family and friends can effectively reduce stress, enhance psychological resistance, and delay the aging process.

To sum up, walking is not only a simple daily activity, but also a healthy and long-lived lifestyle. By controlling the speed and number of steps you walk, and paying attention to the healthy details of your daily life, everyone can enjoy a long and healthy life. Let's get out of the house and take steps towards a future of health and longevity from now on!

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

5. The relationship between walking and chronic disease prevention

As the saying goes, moving is not declining. This is especially evident on the road, especially in the prevention of chronic diseases.

Daily walking activity can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes because it helps regulate blood sugar levels and enhances insulin sensitivity.

Walking regularly can also reduce weight loss and reduce the chance of diabetes complications.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

In addition, walking also helps reduce inflammation, which is directly linked to the development of several chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. Consistent walking every day can effectively control weight and reduce fat accumulation, thereby reducing the probability of cancer.

For people with high blood pressure, walking can be used as a gentle but effective cardiovascular exercise to help lower blood pressure. Walking accelerates blood circulation, improves heart function, and long-term persistence can make the heart healthier and the blood vessel walls stronger.

Studies have pointed out that regular walking exercise has a non-negligible positive effect on maintaining cardiovascular health, and is an ideal daily exercise method for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

6. The connection between walking and cognitive function

As we age, it becomes especially important to maintain cognitive function. Walking is not only an exercise for the body, but also for the brain. Studies have shown that regular walking can enhance brain function and prevent Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments.

This effect may be achieved by promoting blood circulation and increasing the amount of oxygen received by the brain, in addition to the fact that walking promotes the production of neuroprotective factors, which play an important role in preventing neurodegeneration.

In specific areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus, which are essential for memory and learning, walking stimulates activity in these areas and enhances their function, helping to maintain and improve memory. In addition, by going out for a walk, people are exposed to more social and environmental stimuli, which also contributes to brain stimulation and health.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking

7. Practical advice for implementing walking life

Given the benefits of walking, it is important to implement a healthy walking lifestyle. There are simple strategies to make walking a part of everyday life.

For example, choose stairs instead of elevators, park in a farther parking space, or take a short walk during lunchtime. In addition, walking with family or friends not only adds to the fun of walking, but also strengthens social connections.

To guarantee the effectiveness of walking, it is recommended to use a walking tracker or smartwatch to monitor the daily step count, speed, and calories burned. Setting specific goals, such as walking 8,000 steps a day, can significantly increase motivation to walk. At the same time, it is crucial to choose the right shoes and clothing to ensure comfortable and safe walking.

Is lifespan related to walking? The study found that people with a long life span generally have a "commonality" when walking


Walking as a simple yet effective physical activity not only helps to prolong life, but also has a positive impact on physical health, mental health, and cognitive function.

Through daily walking exercise, everyone can enjoy a long and healthy life. Let's start walking now and move towards a future of health, vitality and happiness!