
Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

author:Dr. Xiaoting

On a cold winter day, Mr. Zhang found that his reflection in the mirror was becoming more and more unfamiliar. The gray hair on the sides of the head became more and more obvious, and after a day's work, my hands and feet often felt numb, and even my nails began to appear vertical lines.

At a chance party, a friend mentioned that it might be related to a lack of blood in the liver, which made him curious.

As a 35-year-old ordinary employee, Mr. Zhang decided to learn more about this TCM theory and hope to find a way to alleviate his symptoms.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

1. Traditional Chinese medicine interpretation of white hair on both sides of the head

In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is regarded as the main organ that stores blood, and the changes in hair texture and hair color of the head directly reflect the profit and loss of liver and blood. In particular, the appearance of gray hair on the sides of the head is often considered to be an outward manifestation of liver blood insufficiency.

According to the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", when the liver and blood are sufficient, the hair is nourished, and it is naturally black and shiny; On the contrary, if the liver and blood are deficient, it will not be able to nourish the hair upward, resulting in the gradual graying of the hair color.

In addition, the liver is closely related to mood, and long-term stress and mood swings can also deplete the liver and blood, accelerating the process of hair whitening. Therefore, to nourish the liver and blood, it is not only necessary to help with medication and dietary therapy, but also to reasonably adjust the pressure of life to maintain emotional stability.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

2. The internal connection between numbness of hands and feet and vertical nail lines

Numbness in the hands and feet and vertical nail lines are also often associated with liver blood insufficiency. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main tendons of the liver, and the tendons and veins of the whole body are nourished by the liver and blood, so as to maintain normal function.

When the liver blood is insufficient, the muscles and veins are not nourished, and the hands and feet are inflexible and easy to numb.

As the end of the tendons, the health of the nail also directly reflects the abundance of liver blood. The appearance of vertical lines is a manifestation of liver blood deficiency that causes the nails to not get enough nutrients.

Based on these symptoms, Mr. Zhang began to realize that behind these daily small symptoms, the body may be issuing a warning that the liver blood is insufficient. He decided to try to follow the advice of Chinese medicine to see if he could improve his physical condition.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

3. The interaction between the spleen, stomach and liver and blood

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the biochemical source of qi and blood, and play an important role in the generation and distribution of qi and blood. If the spleen and stomach are dysfunctional, it will lead to the biochemical source of qi and blood, which will affect the filling and transportation of liver and blood.

Specifically, weakness of the spleen and stomach may lead to symptoms such as indigestion, loss of appetite, and mental fatigue, which in turn affect the production and transportation of liver blood.

In addition, weakness of the spleen and stomach may also lead to pathological changes such as dampness retention, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and aggravate the symptoms of liver blood insufficiency.

Therefore, the regulation of liver and blood not only needs to replenish liver and blood, but also needs to pay attention to the regulation of the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends that the function of the spleen and stomach be improved by adjusting dietary habits and strengthening exercise, so as to promote the generation and transfusion of qi and blood, and provide better conditions for the replenishment of liver and blood.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

Fourth, the traditional Chinese medicine program to nourish the liver and blood

For the symptoms of liver blood insufficiency, traditional Chinese medicine has a variety of drug regimens to replenish liver and blood. Among them, the most classic ones include Siwu Tang and Gui Spleen Pill.

1. Siwu Soup: It is composed of four flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, including Rehman, Angelica, White Peony and Chuanxiong, which has the effect of nourishing and replenishing blood. Rehmannia and Angelica sinensis can nourish the liver and blood and promote blood circulation; White peony can regulate qi and blood and alleviate the symptoms caused by insufficient qi and blood; Chuanxiong has the effect of invigorating blood circulation, promoting blood circulation, and accelerating the generation and transportation of liver blood.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

2. Gui Spleen Pill: It is mainly composed of Gui, Atractylodes, Poria cocos and other drugs, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the blood. It can reconcile qi and blood, nourish liver and blood; Atractylodes atractylodes can strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi and enhance the function of the spleen and stomach; Poria cocos can dilute water and dampness, remove dampness from the body, improve the function of the spleen and stomach, and promote the generation and distribution of qi and blood.

It should be noted that drug treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and the drug regimen should be reasonably selected according to the individual situation, and adverse reactions should be avoided.

Through the comprehensive use of traditional Chinese medicine and the adjustment of lifestyle and dietary habits, the symptoms of liver blood deficiency can be effectively improved, the level of physical health can be improved, and a solid foundation for healthy and long life can be laid.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood

5. Lifestyle and TCM recuperation

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the maintenance of health not only depends on medication, but also on lifestyle adjustment. Especially for liver blood insufficiency, appropriate lifestyle improvement can significantly improve the treatment effect.

1. Dietary adjustment: Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the "homology of medicine and food", and recommends eating more foods with blood tonic functions, such as black sesame, mulberries, red dates, red meat, etc. These ingredients are not only delicious, but also help replenish liver and blood and strengthen physical fitness.

2. Moderate exercise: Appropriate physical activities, such as tai chi, yoga, jogging, etc., can promote blood circulation throughout the body, enhance liver function, and help the circulation of qi and blood, thereby improving the condition of liver blood insufficiency.

3. Psychological balance: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mood swings can affect the function of the liver, especially anger can hurt the liver. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the mentality through meditation, listening to music, etc., to maintain psychological balance, which is conducive to the health of the liver and blood.

Through the interaction of daily diet, exercise and psychological adjustment, it can not only improve the symptoms of liver blood insufficiency, but also improve the overall quality of life, so as to achieve the effect of health care.

Long white hair on both sides of the head, numbness in the hands and feet, vertical lines on the nails, traditional Chinese medicine: just nourish the liver and blood


Through comprehensive TCM medication and lifestyle modification, symptoms caused by insufficient liver blood can be effectively alleviated and treated, such as gray hair, numbness of hands and feet, and vertical nail lines on both sides of the head.

Regulating liver and blood is not only concerned with the elimination of symptoms, but also focuses on the harmony and balance of the body as a whole. This method of fundamentally adjusting the body's functions provides us with a path to comprehensively improve our health, demonstrating the wisdom and depth of TCM in curing diseases before they occur.

Through this methodology, we are not only able to address specific health issues, but also implement preventive measures in our daily lives to promote long-term health and well-being.

This comprehensive and in-depth treatment and prevention strategy proves the important value and application potential of TCM in modern health management.

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