
What is the best way to improve the soil? How?

author:Haihewei low-salt water-soluble fertilizer

If the soil environment is not good, the growth of crops is bound to be bad. Due to the long-term use of large chemical fertilizers and the wrong method of fertilizer use, various problems have occurred in the soil of many planting sites. So, what's the best way to improve your soil? What to do? Look down.

To find the best way to improve the soil, we must first identify the main causes of soil deterioration. The main manifestations of soil environmental degradation are as follows:

What is the best way to improve the soil? How?

The best way to improve the soil is to eat the sea peppers

1. Soil compaction

Soil compaction is caused by the long-term use of a single large chemical fertilizer, which destroys the soil structure, reduces the content of organic matter in the soil, and causes serious compaction.

Soil compaction can be supplemented with microbial agents, containing 2 billion/g of beneficial live bacteria, which can increase the content of soil organic matter, improve microbial activity, loosen soil, improve soil permeability, and improve soil environment.

2. Soil salinization

The main causes of salinization are the overuse of large chemical fertilizers and the shallowness of the tillage layer. The salt content in large chemical fertilizers is high, and excessive use can easily increase soil salinity. In addition, the tillage layer becomes shallow, and the salt is difficult to infiltrate and accumulate on the surface of the soil, resulting in salinization.

What is the best way to improve the soil? How?

Salinization is the best way to improve the soil, in addition to changing the farming method, but also to choose fertilizers with low salt content. For example, the first series of products adopts the technical concept of low-salt soft nutrition, quality improvement and anti-premature aging, which can reduce the salt content of nutrients, and will not increase soil salinity for long-term use; It has the effect of reducing salinity and alkali, and has a good effect on conditioning the soil.

3. Soil oxidation

Soil acidification is the cause of large and concentrated precipitation or watering, coupled with the long-term use of acidic fertilizers. After soil acidification, root nematodes and other pests and diseases increase, which leads to the occurrence of crop root diseases. Therefore, soil acidification must be taken seriously.

What is the best way to improve the soil? How?

The best way to acidify the soil is to dig a trench to drain the water and apply alkaline fertilizer or quicklime to neutralize it. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the application of microbial agents to activate the fixed nutrients in the soil and improve the absorption and utilization rate of nutrients.

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