
Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

author:Consumer food encyclopedia

Do you often feel out of balance, with repeated irritations, frequent colds, or even excessive eating, or do you always feel unwell? These may all be related to your immunity. Today, let's dissect the mystery of immunity and see how to protect and improve immunity in a scientific way to achieve true health.


Here are a few bad eating habits

"Eat" your immunity

1. Skip breakfast

Scientific dietary habits are an important way to enhance immunity. Because of the fast pace of modern life, the eating rules are often disrupted, among which, "skipping breakfast" is undoubtedly one of the most common bad habits.

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

Skipping breakfast for a long time can lead to problems such as malnutrition, weakened immunity, and premature aging. Therefore, maintaining a balanced and nutritious breakfast, such as a glass of milk, an egg, two slices of whole wheat bread, and a tomato, can go a long way in boosting immunity.

2. Hungry and full

The intestinal immunity follows a diurnal pattern, and not eating on time will lead to confusion in the intestinal immune system, which can easily trigger chronic inflammation of the intestines, and then the immunity will also decrease.

3. Other common eating habits

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

Insufficient protein intake, too little intake of staple foods, insufficient water intake, excessive intake of salt and sugar, excessive alcohol consumption. These seemingly ordinary habits can have a profound impact on our immunity.

So, if you want to boost your immunity, the first thing you need to do is to get rid of these bad habits and usher in a healthy revolution in your diet.


5 manifestations of decreased immunity

1. Wound healing is slow and prone to infectionOnce the skin is injured, under normal circumstances, the body's defense mechanism will be activated immediately to resist external microorganisms and prevent inflammation by accelerating blood clotting and white blood cell accumulation.

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

However, for those with weakened immune systems, the healing process of the wound may be extremely slow, and even after two or three days it does not form a scab, and it may be accompanied by undesirable symptoms such as inflammation and ulcers.

2. Frequent unprovoked sweatingCompared to others, those who are prone to unexplained sweating regardless of the climate may be a sign that their immune system is not strong enough. Especially during nighttime sleep, this condition makes them tend to sleep poorly.

3. Frequent diarrhea, sensitive digestive system, mucous membrane of the digestive tract is also an important part of the body's immune defense.

When the immune system is poor, pathogens are more likely to invade the body.

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

For example, eating out may cause serious gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhoea, for people with weakened immune systems, although the food may be hygienic and not noticeable for some people.

4. Frequent illness, frequent colds, fevers, sore throats and other illnesses, and the recovery process is long and intermittent, which can also reflect the fragility of the individual's immunity.

5. Fatigue, persistent feeling of tirednessWhen a person's immune system fails to function adequately, it can also cause long-term fatigue.

People feel fatigued, extremely tired, and unable to do enough after light physical activity, which is also a sign of low immunity.

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked


If the immunity is too strong, it can also cause disease

If you are immunocompromised and susceptible to disease, does that mean that higher immunity is more desirable? Definitely! An overly strong immune response can also trigger the occurrence of diseases.

According to the research of Chen Xiaobing, chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine of Henan Provincial Cancer Hospital, "for anti-tumor, the stronger the immunity, the better, but the better the balance of the immune system, which will be more beneficial to the treatment effect." ”

The body's immune system functions through an immune response, and when the immune system is abnormally strong, the corresponding immune response is also intensified, which can cause more damage to the cells. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and the widespread phenomenon of allergies are actually linked to over-immunity.

This idea opens up a whole new understanding of immunity: immunity is not always better, but its smoothness and adaptability are important.

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked


Strategies for Maintaining Immunity for Men and Women

Men and women have different physiques, and they also focus on the maintenance and improvement of immunity.

Women should pay attention to special periods, do not supplement estrogen indiscriminately, and avoid overactivation of immunity;

Men should quit bad habits, eat regularly, maintain a healthy attitude, enhance health awareness, and avoid falling into the misunderstanding of "good health, carry it and pass".

Watch out! These bad eating habits, "eat" your immunity, quickly see if you have been tricked

All in all, whether it is diet, sleep, or exercise, it can be a powerful tool for us to maintain our immunity. However, on the road to health, we should not only do what we can, but also clarify our goals, abandon excessive and extreme prejudices and behaviors, and pursue stable and adaptive immunity, rather than being too strong or too weak. Remember, every choice you make may affect your immunity, and this strength is the most important support for you to resist diseases and cherish life.

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