
To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

author:Yan Dongsheng
To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!
To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

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Mongolia, as a country full of opportunities and charm, attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world every year.

Surrounded by China and Russia, it is a landlocked country with sparse population and abundant resources. What is the cultural character?

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Humanistic customs

Most people think that Mongolia lives in yurts on the steppe, and there are few means of transportation, and they often ride horses to gallop in the steppe.

In fact, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, also has modern towns and well-groomed roads, although most of the area is still large areas of land and desert.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolia was originally a herding people, but as more and more resources were extracted, so did the sandy lands.

Dust is common in ridiculous areas, and the impact of sandstorms is even greater, with strong winds mixed with sand and dust, covering houses and streets with a lot of sand like "black clouds crushing the city", and the whole sky is yellow from a distance.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

The ability of a sandstorm to change the day is even more staggering, turning day into night and even turning the entire sky into a bloody redden, causing the air quality to be worrying even though it has developed rapidly in recent years.

Because the capital is growing faster than other regions, nearly half of the country's population lives in the capital, Ulaanbaatar.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

When you go to Mongolia, you will land at Genghis Khan Airport, the name is the pride of the Mongolians, and the scenic spot named after Genghis Khan holds various events every year to show respect and remembrance of him.

Life in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar is very similar to that of ordinary cities, the streets are full of fireworks during the day, and parts of the area are brightly lit at night, which looks warm and cozy.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Influenced by Japanese and Korean cultures, you will see that some shops have not only Mongolian language, but also some Korean and Japanese languages, and there are many Japanese brand cars.

The most interesting thing in Mongolia is the bonfire, where people are playing the horse-head fiddle and the people are singing and dancing in a circle.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

When traveling in the local area, because the level of transportation is not perfect, there are fewer transportation options, and most people will choose to take a private car.

If you want to rent a small house, the rent is about 1,000 yuan, but the average salary of the locals is not high.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolia has a cold winter for most of the year, so if you want to travel to this place, you should know the weather conditions in advance and take measures to keep warm.

The local medical conditions are not developed, and most of the time you have to endure minor illnesses and go abroad for medical treatment when you have a serious illness.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Cattle and sheep face diseases and deaths due to extreme weather and need herders to bear the consequences, and cattle and sheep that have been raised for months may be killed and injured overnight, resulting in their hard work and loss.

Mongolia's wealth gap is large, and the price of local beef and mutton is affordable for most people, and only a few rich people can afford to import fruits and vegetables.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolia's folk customs are unique, the locals advocate the freedom of dressing, and most of the clothes they wear can also show their curves, especially when performing or dancing, they will dress up gorgeously and delicately, and behave generously and confidently.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Lifestyle habits

Animal husbandry is their main industry, and even if the environment is harsh and the air quality is poor, they still need to get the funds they need to live on through their cattle and sheep.

Since the living conditions are poor and the income is unstable, why do they still "stick" to animal husbandry and refuse to let go?

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

In fact, most of the Mongolians are traditional, and cattle, sheep and grasslands are not just tools for making money or a piece of land for them to live, they have poured their feelings into them, so even if it is difficult, they are willing to live such a life, and rarely go to the big cities or go abroad.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

It is precisely because the previous generation is well aware of the hard work of herdsmen, so they value education, hope that their children will become talents, and have the same concept as Chinese people, support their children to study in big cities, and even desperately earn money for their children to study in developed countries.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

The situation of homeless people in Mongolia is more serious than that in the mainland, and some homeless people who cannot find a job and have no source of income, so they cannot afford to pay rent and buy food to solve the problem of food and clothing, so they will choose to live in some sheltered and warmer places.

Because they don't have a job and have nothing to do all day long, their hearts are empty and they have no hope for life, and most of them will get into the bad habit of alcoholism.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolians are mostly brave and strong, and they are no slouch at fighting, with the famous "Mongolian wrestling" being their traditional sport, a seemingly fierce sport.

Most of the wrestlers who excel in this sport are tall and strong, and they show their strength and determination by wearing specific outfits, exposing their chests and arms.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolia's currency is unstable, depreciating or inflationary, as it does not have its own printing plant.

Because their "Montu" currency is printed in European countries and then returned to China by sea, it is conceivable that such a mode of transportation is not safe enough, and it is likely to encounter piracy, attacks, or loss or damage of goods.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Mongolia's eating habits are mostly like beef, mutton or pasta, which can be produced and sold domestically because most of the other goods need to be imported.

When you go to a supermarket in Mongolia and want to buy something, you will be surprised to find that a large number of goods are made in the mainland, and most of the cars there are second-hand cars from Japan or South Korea.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Because the price of second-hand cars is affordable and controlled in the range where most locals can buy them, most families have cars, which also leads to serious traffic congestion in Mongolia.

Many people live in yurts to experience the life of the locals, and few know that their yurts can be dismantled at any time, which is also convenient for nomadic life.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Most of the yurts face south, with the north side being the most honorable place for Buddha statues or family photos, the west side for men's belongings, and the east side for women to place their belongings.

The yurt is windproof and soundproof because of its unique structure, with walls and tops made of wool felt.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Eating habits

When living or visiting Mongolia, it is important to fully understand the food habits of the locals, who attach great importance to etiquette.

When entertaining relatives, friends or guests, they will take out yogurt wine or milk tea, which is equivalent to Chinese tea or wine, as a sign of respect and friendliness, and the guest will be asked to take it with his right hand and hold the elbow of his right hand with his left hand.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

In addition, when visiting elders, Mongolians will gently touch their noses on the cheeks of the other person, similar to the French veneer ceremony, showing respect and affection.

The sanitary conditions in Mongolia are not very good, pay attention to personal hygiene when traveling, it is best to drink bottled water or boiled water when you are thirsty, and it is better to choose food from regular restaurants or hotels to solve the problem of food and clothing compared to the food on the food stalls.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

Most Mongolians have grown up eating beef and mutton since childhood, just like roasted whole sheep, which is difficult for most people in China to deal with, but Mongolians can.

They will choose to roast the lambs that have been fed for about 3 years, and after marinating the seasoning in advance, they will skewer them and start roasting.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

After serving, it will be cut and eaten according to the number of customers, or it will be torn by hand, and the food will be tasted to a great extent.

The traditional Mongolian drink is yogurt wine, which is made by fermenting mare's milk, and is a drink with a certain alcohol content, with a rich taste of sweet and sour.

Mongolians are also adept at cutting beef and lamb into thin slices, drying them and preserving them for easy consumption or cooking.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!


It is necessary to fully understand the cultural customs and religious beliefs of a country before deciding whether to travel or develop.

The most important thing in travel is personal safety, and then pay attention to whether you can find the meaning of life in the journey and gain happiness and comfort.

To what extent has the standard of living of the Mongols developed? Take you to see the real Mongolia!

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