
The current situation in rural areas, the number of unmarried young men and women is gradually increasing? It's frustrating

author:Zhao Yunwen

In the vast countryside far from the hustle and bustle of the city, the smoke curls up, the chickens crow and the dogs bark, and the quiet and beautiful pastoral pictures slowly unfold. However, in this seemingly peaceful land, a phenomenon that cannot be ignored is quietly spreading! That is, more and more young men and women in rural areas are choosing to be single. Especially men, there are countless people in their thirties who are still single.

Not long ago, I chatted with the matchmaker in the village about the current marital status, and some time ago, the matchmaker profession became popular all of a sudden, and the matchmaker in the village was also busy helping the young men in the village find a partner.

Our village is not large, most of them are mainly dispersed, divided into six groups, and the number of unmarried young men in the village is increasing year by year, and even some young women have chosen to be single, and their parents are very helpless when it comes to the marriage of their children.

The current situation in rural areas, the number of unmarried young men and women is gradually increasing? It's frustrating

The neighbor's son, Brother Qiang, is 36 years old, but he still has no plans to start a family. His story is a microcosm of the many single young people in the village. When he was young, he went to work in the city, dealt with all kinds of people, and saw the prosperity of the metropolis. The glitz and glamour of the city did not disorient him, but made him realize his heart more clearly: he longed for a sincere affection and was unwilling to compromise.

In the village, a man of Brother Xiangqiang's age should have started a family early and raised children. However, in recent years, due to a variety of factors, the number of single young men and women in rural areas has been increasing.

On the one hand, with the development of the rural economy and the improvement of education level, young people have higher and higher requirements for marriage and partners. They are no longer satisfied with the traditional concept of arranged marriages or match-to-door matches, but want to find a life partner who can truly connect with each other.

The current situation in rural areas, the number of unmarried young men and women is gradually increasing? It's frustrating

On the other hand, the uneven distribution of resources caused by the urban-rural gap also puts rural youth at a disadvantage in the mate selection market. Many rural girls choose to marry into better-off families, while boys are forced to be single because they cannot afford to marry a girl from the city. To a certain extent, this phenomenon has exacerbated the proportion of the rural single population.

Xiaofang, the daughter of Aunt Wang at the head of the village, is also a member of the single army. She used to teach in the town's middle school, and she met many excellent men because of her work, but she was never able to find the person who caught her heart. Xiaofang said: "I'm not in a hurry to get married, and I don't want to get married for the sake of getting married. I believe in fate, and I will meet the right person. Marriage should come naturally! ”

Nowadays, with the development of society, young men and women in rural areas who do not marry have gradually become the focus of family and social attention. Their parents are very anxious, and they will ask people to introduce them every year, and even hold various blind date activities to help the children get rid of the singles. However, the results are often unsatisfactory.

The current situation in rural areas, the number of unmarried young men and women is gradually increasing? It's frustrating

In our village, the older generation feels helpless when it comes to marriage, they are used to a life full of children and grandchildren, and it is difficult to understand what young people think now. Some of the more enlightened elders began to reflect, trying to accept and adapt to the change, while more were worried and puzzled.

In the face of this situation, there are also people in the industry who go deep into the countryside to understand these ordinary but poignant stories. They called on all sectors of society to pay attention to the problem of singleness in rural areas and find solutions to alleviate the resulting family and social pressures.

To be honest, this marriage situation in rural areas is a complex social problem, which not only reflects the progressive side of society, but also exposes the contradictions in development. The increase in single young men and women is a microcosm of this, both as a reflection of individual choice and as a product of the changing times. How to guide and help these single young men and women to find happiness is a topic worth pondering.

What do you think about this? Is this also the case in your village?