
The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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On a sunny weekend morning, Zhao Bolin, a retired geography teacher, was stepping into his frequented gymnasium, ready to kick off his fitness schedule.

Soon, he happened to meet Qian Yi, an old classmate he hadn't seen for many years, and the two decided to talk about their recent situation while playing badminton.

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

"You know what? Excessive exercise is also a challenge for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, especially for people of our age," Zhao Bolin said to Qian Yi as he played.

Qian Yi responded curiously: "Really? I always thought that exercise was only good. ”

Zhao Bolin nodded, and added: "I went to the hospital for a check-up a few days ago, and the doctor told me that especially for the elderly with a history of high blood pressure and heart disease, excessive exercise may cause cerebral infarction. It's not a joke, so we need to learn moderation. ”

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

The topic gradually turned to health management, and Zhao Bolin began to explain the medical knowledge of cerebral infarction in detail: "Cerebral infarction, the full name of cerebral infarction, is the interruption of cerebral blood flow caused by the blockage of cerebral blood vessels.

If left untreated, it can lead to the death of brain cells and, in severe cases, permanent damage to brain function. ”

He continued: "According to research, more than 15% of cerebral infarction patients are caused by excessive physical exertion or high-intensity exercise every year.

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

This is mainly because strenuous exercise can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure in a short period of time, which increases the risk of cerebral infarction. ”

Zhao Bolin also shared some prevention methods: "In order to prevent cerebral infarction, in addition to controlling the amount of exercise, we also need to pay attention to daily blood pressure management.

For example, monitor blood pressure regularly, maintain a low-salt diet, and supplement potassium and magnesium in moderation to regulate blood pressure. ”

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

Qian Yi agreed very much after hearing this, and asked if he had any special suggestions.

Actually, in addition to that, there's another point of view that you may never have heard of. That is to help reduce the risk of cerebral infarction by maintaining a stable social life. Zhao Bolin said with a smile.

Qian Yi was a little surprised: "Can social life also affect the risk of cerebral infarction?" How is this possible? ”

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

"Studies have shown that stable and positive social relationships can help older adults maintain good mental health and reduce stress, which in turn can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Mental health and physical health go hand in hand, especially for people of our age. Zhao Bolin explained in detail.

As time passed, the dialogue between Zhao Bolin and Qian Yi made both of them gain a lot.

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

But after a routine health check-up, Zhao Bolin suddenly felt unwell and was diagnosed with cerebral infarction after being rushed to the hospital.

Despite his constant health attention, it happened.

This incident has brought Zhao Bolin and his family a profound thought: while we try to prevent and prepare as much as possible, the uncertainty of life still exists.

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

This begs the question: with so much unpredictability in life, how can we prepare ourselves more effectively for a sudden health crisis?

In the face of unpredictability in life, in addition to routine health management and preventive measures, we should also improve our emergency response capabilities to health emergencies.

This includes understanding first aid skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old

At the same time, a comprehensive file of medical information is established to ensure that in the event of an emergency, it can be quickly and accurately provided to rescuers.

By making these preparations, we can minimize the negative impact of health emergencies and provide more security for ourselves and our families.

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The 66-year-old uncle is gone after a sleep, doctor: cerebral infarction is not a joke, you must learn moderation when you are old