
The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"I didn't have to run away from eating the disease." This was the first sentence that the doctor said seriously after examining the examination report of the patient Zhao Xing'an.

Zhao Xing'an, a 57-year-old niche writer, always had a lot of cold sweats and chest tightness in the middle of the night because of his unhealthy eating habits, and finally went to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up on the advice of his family doctor.

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

The results of the examination surprised Zhao Xing'an - the blood vessels in the brain had been slightly blocked, which the doctor said was a precursor to cerebral infarction.

It turned out that Zhao Xing'an's late-night snack habits, coupled with his long-term preference for eating high-fat and high-cholesterol food, not only plumped up the plot of his novel, but also made his blood vessel walls "plump".

Zhao Xing'an likes to write in the dead of night, and his table is always piled up with snacks and fast food.

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

From potato chips to fried chicken, from cola to beer, his diet can be described as "hearty."

It was this way of eating that made his blood vessels accumulate too much burden unconsciously.

Faced with the doctor's questioning, Zhao Xingan began to reflect on his lifestyle. The doctor explained to him in detail the specific dangers of an unhealthy diet to his blood vessels.

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

Blood vessels are like the city's transportation system, and foods high in fat and cholesterol are like congested vehicles on the road.

Long-term blockage will not only lead to traffic accidents, but also damage the blood vessel wall, forming arteriosclerosis and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The doctor gave an interesting analogy: "If your blood vessels are the second ring road of Beijing, then your eating habits are like the traffic during the Spring Festival." If you don't adjust it, sooner or later it will be 'clogged'. ”

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

The doctor also introduced Zhao Xing'an to several similar cases as a warning to him.

For example, a food critic, because of long-term tasting of various high-calorie foods, not only gradually deformed his body, but also plummeted the health of his blood vessels, and finally had to face the serious consequences of this.

Among the recommendations for lifestyle modifications, doctors emphasize the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

In addition to this, doctors also make an uncommon point: the benefits of meditation.

He explains that while meditation may not seem directly related to vascular health, it can actually help regulate blood pressure and improve blood circulation, as it reduces stress and balances the state of mind.

The study showed a significant reduction in blood pressure in a group of hypertensive patients after 8 weeks of meditation training, suggesting the potential utility of meditation in the non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension.

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

Zhao Xing'an was so inspired that he decided to take a short meditation session before writing every day to adjust his pace of life and improve his health.

His experience has led him to add more reflections and descriptions about health and lifestyle to his new novels.

At the end of the story, we ask the question: if long-term unhealthy eating habits have caused some damage to blood vessels, is it enough to reverse these vascular problems simply by changing diet and increasing exercise?

The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless

In the following analysis, we will delve into how to effectively restore vascular health and prevent further cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases through comprehensive lifestyle modification and the possibility and necessity of medical intervention.

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The 57-year-old man was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment with cerebral infarction, and the doctor angrily reprimanded: If you eat like this, even if the blood vessels hit by iron are useless