
What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

author:Dr. Teo talks about health
What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

In the quiet of night, when all the prosperity and constraints gradually fade with the day, we fall asleep, and sleep becomes the most real state.

Sleeping naked, or sleeping without clothing, is considered by some to be a natural and comfortable way to sleep. So, what changes does sticking to this habit bring about over the long term?

Sleeping naked can help improve sleep quality

The body is exposed to direct contact with the sheets and bedding, and the heat released can be dissipated more freely, effectively avoiding excessive heat.

Studies have shown that a moderate drop in body temperature is one of the keys to deep sleep. Our biological clock promotes sleep by regulating body temperature, and a slight drop in body temperature is a "sleep signal" sent to the brain.

In the state of sleeping naked, people may feel more free and relaxed, which reduces stress. Sleeping naked helps the body reach a lower core temperature faster, promoting better sleep.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

The recommended room temperature range is 15.5°C~21.1°C, and sleeping naked helps the body adapt to this ideal temperature faster, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

This natural thermoregulation mechanism makes sleeping naked a simple and effective way to improve the quality of your sleep.

In addition, sleeping naked removes the restraint of clothing and allows the body to move more freely. This not only reduces the number of rolls and wakes up, but also helps with muscle relaxation and blood circulation.

Free body movement is essential for the continuity and depth of sleep. Free movement during sleep reduces pressure points, which reduces pain and discomfort and improves sleep quality.

Studies have also shown a strong link between sleep quality and the ability to regulate emotions. A good night's sleep can help us better handle emotions and cope with stress.

When you get enough sleep, the neurotransmitters in your brain are balanced and your mood is more stable. At the same time, sleep can also help us regain physical strength and energy, and improve our ability to cope with stress.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

Conversely, if the quality of sleep is poor, it will increase the sensitivity to emotional stimuli and affect the individual's management of resources.

The quality of sleep has a direct impact on our mental state and productivity the next day. A good night's sleep can help us regain our strength, consolidate our memory, and even boost the function of our immune system.

And sleeping naked, as a way to promote quality sleep, has benefits that are not limited to the physical level.

On a psychological level, people who sleep naked tend to be more receptive to their bodies, leading to improved self-esteem and self-confidence.

Sleeping naked may be beneficial for skin health

As the largest organ in the human body, the skin plays a vital role in maintaining physiological functions and protecting the body from external aggressors.

While sleeping, it is especially important to give the skin enough breathing space and the right environment.

Sleeping in tight clothing can adversely affect the skin. Tight-fitting clothing restricts the skin's ability to breathe freely and hinders the normal excretion of sweat and sebum, increasing the risk of clogged pores, which in turn can lead to skin problems such as acne.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

In addition, tight clothing may restrict blood circulation, resulting in insufficient supply of nutrients to the skin and poor excretion of metabolic wastes, which in turn can affect skin health.

Conversely, sleeping naked provides the skin with the opportunity to breathe freely, helping to reduce the occurrence of skin diseases.

Sleeping naked eliminates the constraints of clothing, allowing the skin to metabolize freely, effectively expelling sweat and sebum, and reducing the likelihood of clogged pores.

Studies have shown that sleeping naked can help improve blood circulation to the skin, which in turn promotes skin health. In addition, sleeping naked can also avoid skin irritation caused by friction of clothing, which is especially important for people with sensitive skin.

In addition to this, sleeping naked also helps to maintain the natural state of the skin. The skin needs to be breathable and needs to be in contact with the outside air.

Sleeping naked exposes the skin directly to the air, which helps to keep the skin dry and reduces the chance of bacterial growth, thereby preventing the occurrence of skin diseases such as eczema and skin infections.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

Sleeping naked has many benefits for skin health, including boosting skin metabolism, improving blood circulation, and preventing skin diseases.

Therefore, giving the skin enough breathing space and a proper environment is essential to maintain skin health.

Sleeping naked also has a positive effect on intimacy between couples

Especially for couples or couples, sleeping naked is not only a sleep habit, but also a way to increase intimacy and trust.

Skin-to-skin, the most direct physical contact, stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone widely believed to strengthen emotional connection and trust in human relationships.

Oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone," plays an integral role in the intimacy between couples or couples. Studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact is an important trigger for oxytocin release.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

When couples have non-skin-to-skin contact by sleeping naked, oxytocin levels rise, enhancing emotional connection and trust.

The increase in this hormone not only deepens the emotional communication between couples, but also improves the satisfaction and happiness of both parties.

Studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact between couples or couples, including hugging and holding hands, can significantly increase oxytocin levels, thereby enhancing emotional connection.

Sleeping naked provides a continuous and barrier-free skin-to-skin contact, which creates a warm and relaxing environment for couples during quiet moments at night, allowing for a more natural and in-depth emotional exchange.

In addition, an increase in oxytocin has also been linked to a reduction in stress and anxiety. In a study conducted by Stanford Medical School, scientists found that oxytocin was able to relieve stress and anxiety to some extent, which is essential for maintaining a harmonious partnership.

Reduced stress and anxiety between couples not only helps to improve sleep quality, but also promotes mutual support and understanding in daily life.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

However, it is important to note that the effects of oxytocin are not absolute. Recent studies have also begun to explore the complex role of oxytocin in social behavior, suggesting that it may not be the only factor in the formation of social bonds.

This reminds us that emotional connection is a complex process of multiple factors, and sleeping naked and skin-to-skin are just some of them.

Of course, each couple's emotional needs and comfort levels are unique, so when choosing to sleep naked as a way to enhance your relationship, you should take into account the personalities and preferences of both parties.

Sleeping naked isn't for everyone

Sleeping naked as an option has been favored by many people. However, it's not for everyone.

For those who have a weaker constitution, are susceptible to cold, or have specific health problems, it may be more appropriate to choose appropriate pajamas to wear. In addition, personal privacy and a sense of security are also important factors that must be considered when choosing a sleep style.

From a physiological point of view, sleeping naked may be uncomfortable for some people. According to a study in the journal Sleep Medicine, thermoregulation plays a vital role in sleep.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

Although sleeping naked helps the body dissipate heat, for those with a weak thermoregulatory ability, it may feel cold at night due to excessive heat dissipation.

In addition, for people with chronic diseases or weakened immunity, maintaining a proper body temperature is key to avoiding worsening health problems.

For people with allergies, sleeping naked may increase the chance of exposure to dust and mites in the environment, which can trigger or worsen allergy symptoms.

Mites and dust are common allergens, and sleeping naked increases the likelihood of direct exposure to these allergens.

The body excretes water during sleep, which causes bedding to become damp and provides an ideal environment for mites. Therefore, sleeping naked may make people with allergies more susceptible to mites and dust, which in turn can trigger allergy symptoms.

The skin's defenses are relatively weakened when exposed, making it less resistant to allergens and increasing the likelihood of allergy attacks.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

For older adults, sleeping naked may lead to hypothermia, increasing the risk of colds and other health problems. Older people have a relatively poor ability to regulate their body temperature, especially during sleep.

As a result, sleeping naked may make them feel cold at night, especially areas such as the cervical spine and shoulders. Older people may have an increased risk of catching a cold when they sleep naked.

In addition, older people often have chronic medical conditions, and excessive fluctuations in body temperature may precipitate related conditions, such as hypertension or coronary heart disease. Therefore, sleeping naked is not only a matter of comfort for the elderly, but also a matter of health and disease prevention.

As for menstruating women, sleeping naked may be helpful in relieving menstrual cramps, but there are trade-offs to weigh the pros and cons. Some studies have pointed out that sleeping naked allows the body to relax better and improve blood circulation, which can help relieve menstrual cramps.

However, for hygiene and personal comfort, it is advisable to sleep in at least underwear, not only to avoid contamination of bedding, but also to reduce discomfort due to temperature changes or other factors.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

The choice of pajamas is also closely related to the quality of sleep. The Guardian pointed out that the clothes you wear while sleeping can affect your body temperature, and keeping your room temperature around 20 degrees Celsius is important for sleep.

The right pajamas not only provide the necessary warmth, but also improve the quality of sleep by avoiding direct skin contact with the sheets, reducing contact with bacteria and dust mites.

The importance of personal privacy and security cannot be overlooked. Privacy is a fundamental right of the individual, and protecting it helps to create a fair, just and harmonious social environment.

When choosing whether or not to sleep naked, an individual's sense of privacy and need for a sense of security are indispensable considerations. Especially in a group living environment, dressing to sleep can avoid embarrassment and protect personal privacy.

Environmental conditions are also an important factor in deciding whether or not to sleep naked. In cold climates, or in air-conditioned rooms, proper pajamas can provide extra warmth and avoid catching a cold at night.

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

And in the warmer summer months, lightweight, breathable pajamas can help keep your body dry and prevent excessive sweating.

To sum up, sleeping naked has its benefits, but it's not for everyone. When choosing a sleep style, you should consider your physiological needs, health status, privacy and security, and environmental conditions to make the most suitable choice for you.

It's a choice that ensures everyone gets the most comfortable and healthy night's sleep.

References are as follows:

[1] The relationship between stress perception and sleep quality in college students: the chain mediating role of expression inhibition and anxiety

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women

【2】Biology underlying pair bonding and parenting may not be dictated by oxytocin receptors, study shows

What happens to people who sleep naked for a long time? Don't be embarrassed, these benefits are available to both men and women