
I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Although you haven't lost much weight recently, your health is still very stable, so you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself."

The doctor's words were like a placebo, which made Li Hua walk into the gymnasium with a relaxed mood this weekend.

As a senior software development engineer, he spends a lot of time in front of the computer, and exercise is not only a relaxation for him, but also an investment in his health.

I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

On the treadmill, Li Hua met his college roommate Zhou Jie, and the two had not seen each other for many years.

Zhou Jie is dressed in sportswear and looks energetic. The two adjusted the speed of the treadmill while chatting about their recent situation.

Zhou Jie noticed that Li Hua had lost a lot of weight compared to the last time they met, so he asked about Li Hua's weight loss experience.

"Actually, I haven't lost much of it, I've only lost two or three kilograms recently." Li Hua said helplessly.

I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

"Really? I've heard that weight loss is not only about weight, but also about body fat percentage and muscle mass. Zhou Jie mentioned that this aroused Li Hua's curiosity.

"Yes, weight is not the only measure of health." Zhou Jie continued, "Many people are overly pursuing weight loss, but ignore the importance of body fat and muscle.

What you may not know yet is that muscle is denser than fat, which means that muscle weighs more at the same volume.

As a result, sometimes even though weight may not seem like much of a change, there has been a significant increase in body shape and overall health. ”

Li Hua's eyes lit up after hearing this, he had never thought deeply about this point of view.

I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

Their topic gradually shifted to more professional health management knowledge.

Zhou Jie shared a case mentioned by a doctor friend about a patient who successfully transformed his body fat percentage and muscle mass by changing his diet and increasing strength training, while his weight remained almost unchanged.

"Do you know what kind of diet and exercise can achieve such results?" Li Hua asked curiously.

"First of all, when it comes to diet, you should focus on a high protein and low carb intake.

Such a diet is conducive to promoting muscle growth and reducing body fat.

In terms of exercise, it is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic training. Zhou Jie explained in detail the specific operation methods of each link and emphasized the importance of perseverance.

I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

"Interestingly, this method not only improves body shape, but also significantly increases basal metabolic rate, increasing physical strength and endurance." Zhou Jie added that he seems to be quite proficient in this area.

Li Hua listened with relish, and he decided to try this method when he returned home.

However, a question suddenly occurred to him: "Do these methods you are talking about work for everyone?" ”

Zhou Jie thought for a while and replied seriously: "Most people are effective, but everyone's physique is different, and it is best to do it under the guidance of a doctor or professional coach." ”

With the end of the movement, the two also ended this in-depth exchange.

Li Hua felt that he had not only been exercised physically, but also enriched his mind.

I haven't lost so much weight, so I don't need to check it, so don't put too much pressure on myself!

He realized that health management is a complex but investment-worthy process.

That night, Li Hua lay in bed, thinking about today's conversation.

He suddenly had a question: if a person's basal metabolic rate is already high, will his basal metabolic rate be further improved by changing his diet and increasing strength training?

This question made Li Hua curious, and he decided to consult the health consultant there the next time he went to the gymnasium.

Changes in basal metabolic rate are indeed crucial for health management, and learning more about this will undoubtedly help him better develop his own health plan.

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