
A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Looks like you've been sweating a lot in the middle of the night lately, haven't you?" When Huang Jianguo was asked by the family doctor, he could only nod helplessly.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

In the fifty years of his life, Huang Jianguo has never been so frequently woken up by a sweat-soaked pillow in the middle of the night.

He is a senior secondary school history teacher, who usually takes his work seriously and rigorously, but is always half-hearted about his physical condition.

The illness showed signs from the sweat of the night, and Huang Jianguo didn't pay attention to it at first, thinking that it might be caused by the humid weather in the south.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

It wasn't until his family doctor repeatedly reminded him that he reluctantly walked through the doors of the hospital and began a journey of self-discovery.

In the hospital, Huang Jianguo underwent a series of examinations and was finally diagnosed with early bladder cancer.

Doctors explain that sweating at night can be a sign of an internal problem in the body, and this symptom is often ignored by patients.

After accepting the diagnosis, Huang Jianguo couldn't help but regret a little in his heart: "If I had paid attention to these symptoms earlier, maybe I could have detected them earlier." ”

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

Huang's story is not alone.

Dr. Li Tao told him that many patients delay treatment because they ignore the warning signs in their bodies.

He recounted a case of a professional driver who often experienced lower back pain, and for a long time thought it was just because he was driving too long, but it turned out to be a precursor to kidney problems.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

When discussing bladder cancer, doctors point out that this condition is not easy to detect at an early stage because the initial symptoms are usually mild and can be easily confused with other common conditions.

According to a recent survey data, more than 70% of patients with early-stage bladder cancer do not pay enough attention in the early stage and miss the best time for treatment.

While receiving treatment, Huang Jianguo also began to learn more about bladder cancer.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

For example, the main risk factors for the disease include smoking and occupational exposure to certain chemicals.

However, the doctor also mentioned an unexpected point: prolonged psychological stress may also be associated with the incidence of bladder cancer.

While this is not often mentioned in conventional medicine, some recent research has found that constant psychological stress can affect the body's immune function, which may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

During the treatment process, Huang Jianguo was deeply inspired and began to share the importance of health with students in class, using his experience to warn everyone:

"Every signal from the body can be an important clue that cannot be ignored."

His story gradually spread in the school, and it also sparked more attention to health.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

In the face of bladder cancer, Huang Jianguo showed amazing optimism and humor in the treatment.

From late-night sweat to hospital wards, from health neglect to a new understanding of life, his every step reflects a simple fact that we often overlook:

The body is its most faithful friend, and when it sends a distress signal, we need to listen.

A 50-year-old man suffered from bladder cancer and regretted it: I felt unwell many times, but I didn't pay attention to it

However, while focusing on physical health, people often neglect the maintenance of mental health.

So, how do we balance mental and physical health, and the interactions between them, to drive our overall health more holistically?

We need to pay attention not only to the treatment of physical symptoms, but also to psychological conditions with sufficient attention and appropriate intervention, so as to form a true sense of "total health".

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