
Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

author:The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology served as the former director

What are you doing at six in the morning?

Tidying up your housework? Or are you just starting to walk? Of course, there are some middle-aged and elderly people who may still be asleep, but Mr. Zhang, who is 65 years old this year, may have almost finished running a big lap around the park.

Since he was young, Mr. Zhang has been passionate about all kinds of sports. Especially when participating in aerobic exercise, he has a soft spot for the passion brought by the heartbeat, and regards the fast heartbeat as a symbol of vitality.

He is now the leader of a morning exercise team, leading a team to start passionate exercise every morning, and when he rests, he also preaches the concept of "a fast heartbeat is a symbol of vitality".

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

However, his friends around him have a different view; They believe that a fast heartbeat may have a negative impact on longevity, and advocate that staying calm is more in line with the rhythm of life.

In addition, he often admonished Mr. Zhang, "They are all elderly people, and you still take them to do intense exercise, and your body can't bear it, if something happens to someone, you may be 'old and old, and get into trouble again'!" ”

So, what kind of heart rate rhythm do you think is more beneficial to human health and can prolong life? Is it fast or slow? In this article, we will analyze the relationship between longevity and heart rate from a medical point of view!

1. Is the heart rate fast or slow, and what factors affect it?

Heart rate is one of the key indicators to measure an individual's physical health.

This vital sign reflects the state of the heart's work, and its numerical fluctuations have a direct impact on the overall health of the person. In recent years, the scientific community has conducted in-depth and extensive research on the intrinsic link between heart rate and longevity.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

This topic has attracted a lot of attention because its results may provide an important basis for health management and disease prevention. So, what is a normal heart rate? What influences changes in heart rate?

In general, the normal heart rate for an adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. In reality, however, heart rate is affected by a variety of factors, which are not limited to resting values.

First of all, physical activity is one of the important factors that affect heart rate. When we are actively involved in physical activities, such as sports, running, or other high-intensity sports, our heart needs to pump blood around the body at a faster rate to meet the body's need for oxygen and nutrients. As a result, our heart rate increases significantly when we are exercising.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Secondly, the influence of mood and emotional state on heart rate cannot be ignored.

When people are in a state of nervousness, excitement, fear, or anger, their sympathetic nervous system is activated, causing the heart rate to increase. This acceleration can be a natural response of the body to a potential threat or strong emotion.

Conversely, when people feel calm, relaxed, or quiet, their parasympathetic nervous system is activated, which causes a slowdown in the heart rate. In this state, the body tends to relax and regain balance, and a slowdown in the heart rate may be a sign that the body is entering a quiet state.

In addition to physical activity and emotional state, other factors may also play a role in heart rate. For example, changes in body temperature, changes in body position (such as standing and lying down), and certain diseases and disease states can all affect changes in heart rate.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

In addition, everyone's physical condition, age, gender, and health status are different, so their normal heart rate may vary. For example, pregnant women and advanced age groups often have higher heart rates.

So, fast or slow heart rate, which one is more beneficial to the human body and can lead to a long life?

2. Which is better, fast or slow? Older people have a one-minute heart rate, or live longer.

Recently, a number of scholars have focused on revealing the possible correlation between heart rate and longevity, and trying to explore the underlying mechanisms. This topic is getting a lot of attention, and people want to understand the possible impact of fast or slow heart rate on physical health and longevity.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

First, the relationship between high heart rate and longevity!

Individualized factors aside, a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute is referred to as tachycardia. However, the persistence of this condition may be a potential threat of cardiovascular disease.

According to clinical epidemiological investigations, high heart rate is closely associated with cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias and hypertension. The reason for this is that when the heart accelerates, its demand for oxygen also increases. The heart is a key organ that supplies oxygen to the body, but when it needs more oxygen to maintain its function, it can lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle over time, which can lead to hypoxia.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Also, sustained tachycardia can lead to hypertrophy of the heart muscle, a change that increases the risk of heart disease, irregular heartbeat, and stroke. Even a continuously high heart rate can be harmful to blood vessels, such as damaging the endothelium of blood vessels, increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis and increasing blood pressure.

In addition to this, persistent tachycardia may also trigger the body's stress response and release some harmful substances that may adversely affect the cardiovascular system and thus affect lifespan.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Second, the relationship between low heart rate and longevity!

In contrast to a high heart rate, research data shows that lower heart rates in older adults mean they are likely to live longer.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that older adults between 60 and 70 beats per minute were more likely to live to be over 90 years old than those with a resting heart rate higher than 90 beats per minute.

The study, which included thousands of older adults and followed them for several years, led to this important conclusion, providing important insights into the relationship between heart rate and longevity.

At the same time, another study published in the journal Nature also found that people with a heart rate of 60-70 beats per minute had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 23% lower risk of death compared to an age-matched control group. This means that proper heart rate levels may help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and thus a longer lifespan.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

It is important to note that a heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute is known as bradycardia. Bradycardia can be caused by a variety of reasons such as heart disease, medication side effects, neurological problems, etc.

Bradycardia can have adverse health effects because a lower heart rate means less blood being pumped by the heart every minute, which can lead to a lack of adequate oxygen and nutrients in various parts of the body, especially vital organs such as the brain and kidneys.

However, if the heart does not effectively supply enough blood to the body due to a slow heart rate, the heart muscle may be damaged due to a lack of oxygen, a condition called myocardial ischemia. Long-term myocardial ischemia may lead to myocardial infarction.

In addition, decreased cardiac output may lead to a drop in blood pressure, and long-term hypotension can cause symptoms such as dizziness and syncope, and may cause damage to vital organs, which in turn affects lifespan.

Therefore, it is crucial for older adults to maintain a moderate heart rate.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Third, take a correct view of the high and low heart rate.

Defining a person's heart rate is too fast or too slow, and what kind of heart rate is most appropriate, requires attention to the existence of individual differences. Everyone's physical condition and lifestyle habits are different, so it is not easy to generalize the results of the study to all populations.

For example, for people with heart disease or older people who are being treated, maintaining a high heart rate can help maintain normal blood pressure and circulation; A low heart rate can slow blood flow, affecting the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Doctors usually recommend that these people raise their heart rate with medication or other treatments to ensure that their bodies are adequately supported and protected.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Also, a well-trained athlete may have a heart rate below 60 beats per minute in later years due to adequate rest, but when exercising, the heart rate rises rapidly, which is physiological.

Although the heart rate is slow, there is no impact on health and life expectancy. Therefore, in the pursuit of health and longevity, personal health and doctor's advice are still crucial references.

3. Healthy and long-lived, the elderly need to control their heart rate correctly.

Keeping your heart rate stable is important for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and prolonging life, so it's important to understand and manage your heart rate effectively to stay healthy.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

First of all, older people can maintain regular exercise.

Moderate activities, such as walking, jogging, and swimming, can effectively regulate heart rate, enhance cardiovascular system function, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Older adults should make a plan based on their health status when choosing the type and intensity of exercise. Older adults who are in good health are advised to do about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to five times a week, which can help maintain proper heart rate levels.

Secondly, the elderly need to adhere to a balanced diet and reduce the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Too much fat and sugar can lead to weight gain and metabolic problems, affecting the stability of the heart rate.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

It is recommended to increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and moderate intake of low-fat dairy products, protein sources, and healthy fats. With a healthy diet, older adults can maintain an appropriate weight and heart rate.

In addition, older people need to learn to cope with stress.

Excessive or prolonged mental stress can increase the heart rate and be detrimental to heart health. Older people can try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc. Participating in interest classes or social activities can also help reduce stress and anxiety and promote physical and mental health.

Health management in old age is crucial, and by combining the above methods, regular check-ups, and doctors' advice, the elderly can effectively control their heart rate, prolong their lives, and improve their quality of life.

Do you live a long life, you can know by looking at your heart rate? What is a normal one-minute heart rate in an elderly person? Make it clear in one article

Write at the end:

To properly understand the relationship between fast or slow heart rate and longevity, it is necessary to deeply explore individual differences and the important impact of health factors on heart rate.

Protect your heart health through a scientific and sound lifestyle, and then prolong your life. At the same time, it should be noted that although there is a certain relationship between heart rate and longevity, there are many factors that affect longevity; In order to pursue a long and healthy life, it is necessary to start from multiple dimensions to improve the quality of life.


1. Li Yanming, Hu Jianhua. People's Liberation Army Health,2012(05):32.

2. Wang Yafeng. Chinese Medicine Guide,2011,9(33):11.)
