
"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

author:Muxi Entertainment Club
"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

The most recent book I was reading happened to be "Lonely City", so I watched this movie called "People Living Alone" on the spot.

A man in a long coat, carrying a black bag, watching videos with headphones, occasionally passing by men who smoke in the corridors, smoking a cigarette before lunch, and then going alone to a farther-away shop to eat chicken and rice noodles. The staff is a bank card customer service, and repeats the response with no expression.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

It is as if life is a person's silence and continuation. Occasionally, there are some waves, with newly assigned intern training, the death of the mother, the inexcusability of the father, and the unexpected death of the neighbor. At the beginning, the atmosphere is very like, thinking that even living alone is also creating a warm connection with others and the world, but I did not expect that in the end it was too depressing, and the reconciliation of the curtains and the sun sprinkling at the end was also somewhat inexplicable.

For such a weak film with no plot, we don't have to expect it to have a so-called ending. Just as life will always go on, so will man's doubts about his own existence.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

Seeing the call with the departed newcomers and saying that they wanted to say goodbye formally, they realized that this turned out to be a story about saying goodbye and saying goodbye to their deceased mother. People who are originally alone, cold, and estranged from others also seem to have nothing to do when they encounter the death of the closest person, but the father's faceless behavior, the apprentice who does not hide his loneliness, and the lonely neighbor who died alone awakens the resentment, loneliness, and fear in her heart, indicating that she has not actually come out of the grief of her mother's death.

Originally thought to be a film that reflects social phenomena and explains that existence is reasonable, it is actually about the pain of the individual.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

However, it can also be small and large, and life is becoming more and more convenient and it is more and more common to live alone, but living alone is not only to keep a distance from other people, but also to gradually ignore your feelings in this life of neglecting to organize relationships, and refusing to participate in the mourning ceremony may make you forget that you need to mourn.

I also like the personal nature of the story, and finally let the protagonist choose to pause to organize his life, and this way of life is not praised, but makes people feel and think. The film has the feeling of being in real life, and the one-man show is well acted.

Rather than a drama, it is not to say that this is a true portrayal of many people, indifferent "social adaptors" or actively choose not to fit in.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

Why emotions are vented to unrelated people is ubiquitous in contemporary society. In the first episode of my life, there was an episode about disabled people doing Xiaomi customer service in Ali, and at the end of the film, they talked about their own experience: occasionally, being scolded made them experience "normal people". But what is the experience of healthy people being scolded for customer service?

Wearing headphones can isolate from the world, wearing headphones can also feel another world, most people just find something for themselves to do to relieve loneliness. Sometimes, I also need the kindness of strangers, and sometimes, this boundary is difficult to define.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

The father in the film is really a living person, confused when he should be confused, sensational when he should be sensational, and not dragging mud and water when he should be determined.

The heroine and the audience who empathize with the heroine are like schoolchildren who are still underage. All those who pursue an extreme ideal are slapped hard by reality, including the demand for affection. Neurotic customers and interns were originally polaris of the whole subject, but somewhere they reached a consensus——— agreed to ride back to 2002 together on a time machine. That was the most heart-warming moment of the climax, and there was nothing absolute in the world, but only my own paranoia!

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

From the beginning, the film is filled with a faint atmosphere of alienation, a lunch alone, a commute to work with headphones on, and a constant tv and mobile phone video, all of which poke at the current situation of modern young people. The heroine's profession is an online communicator, but in reality she is very indifferent to her descendants, new neighbors, and stepfathers who live alone. She refused to communicate and put herself in a shell that moved regularly.

The last phone call to the younger generation can actually be seen as a rare emotional expression of the heroine of the whole film: "I can't eat by myself, I can't sleep by myself, I just pretend that I can." 」 "It's easy to close yourself off and avoid reality, but it's hard to learn to trust others and express your normal needs. Only by truly allowing yourself to express and accept emotions can you truly feel alive.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

When she saw her call the intern, she burst into tears. The irrepressible tears seemed to have been suppressed for a long time and suddenly being seen through. I used to think I couldn't stand being alone, but in the past few years, after so much pain, I found that I had actually been swallowed up by loneliness and no longer struggled. One person leaves work, one person eats, one person watches a play, one person sleeps.

So quiet that you can hear the lonely voice, the sound of your breathing, the sound of your heartbeat. You can hear your heart, your past, your pain completely. I kept it in my eyes, showed it to myself over and over again, and tortured myself repeatedly. And one day when you start enjoying this kind of immersive loneliness, you know that you can't actually go back to the crowd anymore.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

It is true that many contemporary people are in the same situation, feeling that they do not want to communicate with anyone, except for the necessary work. I work as a machine, I just want to be myself after work, I have a mobile phone to accompany myself to dinner, and I live alone at home with the sound of a TV. Day after day, year after year, until finally becoming a widowed old man, dying in a one-man house.

At the end of the film, it is still warm, such as the newly moved neighbor knows that the young man who died alone before the house, calls other people to pray for him, hoping that he will go to Elysium, and the heroine herself apologizes for her indifference to the intern's subordinates.

"People Living Alone": Life is a person's silence and continuation

Thank you for watching, paying attention to me, and taking you to learn more entertainment stories!

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