
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

author:Zhang Qingfeng of the ancient and modern

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In March 2022, a handsome guy in his thirties appeared on the stage of "Echo Loud", holding a guitar and singing the famous "Little Poplar".

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

At the same time, an old woman in her 60s in the audience had already burst into tears, but her eyes were full of pride, and the audience also burst into thunderous applause after the song was sung, and she was unwilling to stop for a long time.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Because the person singing on stage is the son of the famous composer Shixin, who has long since passed away, and the woman who burst into tears in the audience is his widow Li Xiang......

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [CCTV] [CCTV] [Baidu Encyclopedia] [People's Daily Online] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly and for reference only.

A genius composer who has become popular with countless singers

When it comes to the name Shixin, many viewers will feel unfamiliar, but almost everyone who has been a soldier is familiar with his works, such as "Little Poplar", "Say a Word from the Heart", "We Are Mount Tai of the Yellow River" and so on.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

These songs have become extremely classic military songs sung by Yan Weiwen, Li Shuangjiang and others, and even now they still make people move and reverence, and Shixin is the composer of these works.

Shixin's original name was Liu Zhi, and later at the suggestion of his friend Yu Junjian, he changed his name to "reorganize the word "Zhi" into Shixin, on the one hand, it represents that he is a soldier, and on the other hand, it represents his desire to write songs for soldiers all his life. ”

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Although many people call him a genius composer and come from an artistic family, to everyone's surprise, Shixin's earliest dream was not in singing, but in wanting to become a pilot soaring above the blue sky of the motherland.

During that special period, Shixin gave up his studies early to join the army, but unfortunately, he did not become the pilot he wanted, but became an ordinary PLA soldier.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

It's just that the morale did not sink because of this, but actively participated in the work, loved the comrades-in-arms, successively served as an infantryman, an engineer, a cook, and was promoted to deputy squad leader because of his outstanding work.

In addition to the intense and boring training, in order to enrich the extracurricular life of his comrades-in-arms, he also gave full play to his artistic expertise to play the huqin for the soldiers, perform Shandong Kuaishu and other talents, which often made his comrades-in-arms laugh.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

In 1974, he was recruited by the propaganda team with his talent, and often followed the propaganda team to perform everywhere, especially during the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, his performance of "Li Yulin's Flying Car into Beijing to Report the Disaster" greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the military and civilians for earthquake relief.

His outstanding creative ability made him recognized by the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, so he was seconded in 1978, but at that time he mainly talked about cross talk and playing the huqin, and did not have much contact with composition, which could only be regarded as his spare time.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

As the saying goes, gold shines everywhere, and after a few years in the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, he also shifted his focus to composition.

In 1984, he saw the little poplar written by Liang Shangquan in the newspaper, and he was also deeply moved. So I tried to recompose the song and gave it to my friend Yan Weiwen to sing.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

What I didn't expect was that this song became an instant hit and became an extremely classic military song.

In order to improve his ability, he also entered the Central Conservatory of Music for further study, and after graduation, he borrowed the singing method of Henan Opera to compose the music for "We Are Mount Tai of the Yellow River".

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

After that, he successively created classic masterpieces such as "Say a Word from the Heart", and when he was painstakingly creating these masterpieces, his body began to light up with red lights.

When he was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of his year, his wife never gave up

After Shixin was transferred to the General Political Song and Dance Troupe, he met Li Xiang, who was studying military art at that time, under the introduction and matchmaking of a friend, who was majoring in cello at the time.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

After a period of love, two young people who love each other walked into the marriage hall hand in hand, and the unit also assigned them a cottage as their love nest.

Although the environment of the tube building where they live is not very good, and they have to compete with dozens of people for faucets and toilets every day, they never complain, and every time Shixin composes a song, he will let his wife be the first listener.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Li Xiang also admires her talented husband very much, and whenever he creates a song, she will give her own suggestions as soon as possible, and then modify it to become a masterpiece.

In 1988, the two ushered in Liu Zimu, the crystallization of love, although the arrival of the child made their lives more busy and hard, but Li Xiang took the initiative to take care of the family in order to give her husband space to create.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Shixin was grateful for his wife's dedication, so he always had no distractions when he created, but when his inspiration ran out, he always liked to smoke cigarette after cigarette, at most four packs a day.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

In addition, he likes to go out drinking with friends, and every time he drinks, he will stay up all night and never go home until he has a good time. But such vices, coupled with his irregular living habits, also buried great hidden dangers in his body.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Since 1992, Shixin's body has lit up with a red light, and after composing music all night, the whole person has a fever, although the fever has been reduced by taking medicine, but the low-grade fever has lasted for half a month, and the whole body is weak.

When he went to the hospital for an examination, he found out that he had advanced lung cancer, and when the news came out, he and his wife were like five thunderbolts.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

But at this point, Shixin could only reluctantly accept it, actively receiving treatment while devoting himself to creation again, and created works such as "Inseparable" and "I Welcome the Sun into the Motherland".

In order to prolong her husband's life, Li Xiang not only forced him to quit smoking and drinking, but also personally supervised his creative process, but looking at her husband's increasingly thin figure and blood-streaked phlegm, her heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Shixin wrote more than 100 songs in his life, but because of his shyness, he couldn't compile his works into a songbook, which became his biggest regret.

In order to help her husband realize this wish, she could only turn to her husband's friend Li Shuangjiang, who directly took out the 38,000 yuan he had just received after learning of his friend's illness.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

In May 1993, with the help of Li Shuangjiang, Shixin's "Say a Word from the Heart - Shixin Songbook" was successfully published, and after completing the last wish in his life, Shixin left this world with full of reluctance to his wife and children.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

At this time, Li Xiang was only 37 years old, and many friends around her persuaded her to find another husband while she was young, but her subsequent choice made many people teary-eyed.

He never remarried, and he did his best to train his son

For Li Xiang, Shixin's departure not only means that he is separated from his lover, but also makes the family lose a pillar, and the life of orphans and widows in the future also worries many friends.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Many friends persuaded her to remarry while she was young, but Li Xiang just smiled and refused to be kind to her friends, as always, she was filial to her in-laws, took care of the boy Mu, and even kept hiding the news of Shixin's death in order not to make the old man sad.

But the paper can't contain the fire after all, only half a year later, the in-laws knew the bad news, and the father-in-law was even more ill because of this, Li Xiang was filial piety in front of her father-in-law's bed like a daughter, and after her mother-in-law suffered from cancer in 2009, she was also busy in the hospital, and she did her filial piety for the soldiers.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Although life is very difficult, Li Xiang never thought of using her husband's fame to make things easier for herself, nor did she want to raise this scar again, so she refused the invitation of many TV stations to let her appear on the show.

Fortunately, Yan Weiwen, Yu Junjian and other friends often help, and her life with her son is okay, she even trained Xiao Zimu into a handsome guy of 1.88 meters, and also started her own company.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

It wasn't until March 2022 that CCTV's "Echo Loud" program team sent four invitations to her and Zimu in a row that she agreed to tell the past stories of Shixin in front of the screen, and she couldn't help but have red eyes when she watched her son play and sing "Little Poplar" on stage.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Now Liu Zimu is 36 years old, but he has never found the other half he likes, because he hopes that his other half is gentle and virtuous, filial to his parents, and can take care of his mother with him.


Shixin's songs such as "Little Poplar" and "A Word from the Heart" have become popular with countless singers and have become eternal classics in the music world, but it is a pity that he died early due to illness and failed to see the brilliance of his works.

He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching

Fortunately, he has a strong and gentle wife, who took good care of the family after his death, and also cultivated his son to become a talent.

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The information sources of this article mainly come from: [CCTV Network] [CCTV Network] [Baidu Encyclopedia] [People's Daily Online], [People's Political Consultative Conference Network]
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching
He has written songs that have become popular among countless singers, and he has been dead for 31 years, and his wife's choice is touching