
"When a woman eats a grass, the gynecology does not dare to disturb", what is this grass? A weed that is born for women

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen

For female friends, gynecological diseases are the most common problems, and they often plague our female friends in daily life. Although the current level of medicine is very high, there are still many problems that cannot be solved due to the special physiological structure of women.

So what should you do if you get sick in the days when there was a lack of medical care? The so-called "rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the water to drink water", and the most important thing in the countryside is weeds. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "all herbs are medicines", and these wild grasses have their value and use, which can solve many physical problems.

"When a woman eats a grass, the gynecology does not dare to disturb", what is this grass? A weed that is born for women

Today, the author will share with you a kind of weed that is born for women all over the world, which is of great help to women's gynecological diseases. There is even a saying in the folk that "women eat a grass, and gynecology dare not disturb", what is this grass? This weed is the well-known motherwort in the countryside.

Motherwort, as soon as you hear the name, you know, it is a kind of wild grass that is beneficial to the mother, because of its gynecological use, so it has the name of "mother", this is how motherwort got its name, which is named after its medicinal effect, and the medicinal value is very high.

Motherwort, since ancient times, is a traditional medicine commonly used by the people, but also a very common weed in the countryside, we can see it growing luxuriantly in the rural ridges, roadsides, streams, wastelands, village edges, open fields, hillsides, etc.

"When a woman eats a grass, the gynecology does not dare to disturb", what is this grass? A weed that is born for women

Because the shape of the leaves of motherwort looks like the familiar mugwort leaves, it is called "motherwort" in rural areas. In addition, Aromatic Grass, Spicy Mother Grass, Pig Grass, Bitter Grass, Kun Grass, Whirlwind Grass, Gyro Artemisia, Zhu Wei, Big-leaved Artemisia, Moon Motherwort, Mountain Hemp, etc. are all other names of motherwort.

Motherwort is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, its stem is erect, up to about 2 meters high, every inch or so on the stem will have a section, and the clusters of spikes, clusters hugging the stem, so we see the place where the motherwort grows very luxuriantly.

The leaves of motherwort are emerald green, every May and June is its flowering season, there are white flowers, there are also red flowers, we call "white flowered motherwort", and red flowers are called "safflower motherwort". These two motherworts are the same except for the different color of the flowers.

"When a woman eats a grass, the gynecology does not dare to disturb", what is this grass? A weed that is born for women

Both white-flowered motherwort and safflower-flowered motherwort can be used as medicine, and the effect is roughly the same, but the folk often use white-flowered motherwort as a wild vegetable to eat. The young leaves of motherwort can be used for stir-frying, making soups, boiling noodles, boiling eggs, shabu-shabu, making meatballs, etc., the taste is slightly bitter, but the bitterness is sweet, and it tastes unique.

At the same time, the whole grass of motherwort can also be dried to make soup, it is better to collect it when the flowers are not in full bloom in summer, and then dry it into a small bundle so that it can be stored in this way, and it can be used to make chicken soup all year round.

Especially after women's menstrual period every month, drinking for a few days not only has the effect of blood nourishment, but also has a good conditioning effect on women's gynecological diseases. At the same time, it is helpful for women's gynecological diseases such as dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, leakage, menstrual irregularities, uterine prolapse, postpartum afterbirth, lochia, and long-term infertility.

"When a woman eats a grass, the gynecology does not dare to disturb", what is this grass? A weed that is born for women

It is precisely because motherwort has so many functions and has helped many female friends in the past that there is a saying among the people that "knowing motherwort, gynecology does not dare to disturb". Although motherwort is an ordinary weed, female friends must know it.

Dear friends, is there this kind of motherwort in your hometown? "Women eat a grass, gynecology dare not disturb", this grass refers to the motherwort born for women, and it is also the "gynecological holy grass" for female friends.


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