
The woman walked alone in the evening and fainted on the side of the highway, and the 38-year-old driver drove a glimpse of the rescue; Rescued woman: I will thank the kind brother in person

author:Gale News

On the way back from making a charitable donation, he unexpectedly found a person lying on the side of the highway, and did not hesitate to stop to check.

"My wife said I was doing a good job, how could I not save me when I died?" On May 10, Henan Xinxiang Gaoxin, who works in Qinghai, said in an interview with a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News.

Ms. Yang and her family told reporters that when their condition is stable, they will thank this kind-hearted brother in person.

>>> stop for rescue

There is a person lying on the side of the highway, recording a video to prove his innocence

On the evening of May 10, Mr. Gao recalled to a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News that the scene of saving people took place on the highway from Haiyan County to Datong County in Haibei Prefecture, Qinghai Province.

"At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday (May 8), I drove past there, and I caught a glimpse of my body at that time, and the car drove over as soon as I 'swished', and I said to my sister why is there a person lying on the side of the highway?"

The woman walked alone in the evening and fainted on the side of the highway, and the 38-year-old driver drove a glimpse of the rescue; Rescued woman: I will thank the kind brother in person

Mr. Gao's sister stepped forward to check on the rescue

Mr. Gao then stopped the car and got out of the car with his sister to check, "I see that she still has vital signs, but her consciousness is not clear, my sister fed her water, but she couldn't feed it, and the water was spilled." ”

The woman walked alone in the evening and fainted on the side of the highway, and the 38-year-old driver drove a glimpse of the rescue; Rescued woman: I will thank the kind brother in person

The water for feeding was spilled

Mr. Gao introduced that he and his sister rescued him, and another fellow villager helped shoot the video, "because there were only four of us there at that time, and they were unconscious, so I was afraid that I would not be able to speak clearly." ”

The woman walked alone in the evening and fainted on the side of the highway, and the 38-year-old driver drove a glimpse of the rescue; Rescued woman: I will thank the kind brother in person

Mr. Gao lifted the fainted woman into the car

>>> act bravely

5°C was afraid that the woman would catch a cold, so she carried it to the car and turned on the heater to keep warm

"At 8:11 p.m., I called the police." Mr. Gao told a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News, "She has been lying down on the side of the road, and she may freeze at night, and it is colder here in Qinghai, when the temperature is 5 °C, and it will drop below zero at night, because it is very cold outside, and we are afraid that she will get cold, so we carried her to my car and sat in the front passenger seat." ”

Mr. Gao said that the woman was delirious, "I turned on the car and turned on the heater to keep her warm, and she stayed in my car for more than an hour before she became slightly conscious." By the time the police arrived, her eyes were already open. The police asked her about the situation, and she was able to answer. The police called 120, lifted her to the ambulance, and took her to the hospital. She was still not fully awake when we drove away. ”

The woman walked alone in the evening and fainted on the side of the highway, and the 38-year-old driver drove a glimpse of the rescue; Rescued woman: I will thank the kind brother in person

An hour after the woman was lifted into the car, she became slightly conscious

On May 9, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News called the Triangle City Police Station of the Haiyan County Public Security Bureau, and Officer Liu, who was dispatched to the police, confirmed to the reporter that the specific section of the road to save people was on the newly opened highway from Xihai Town to Datong County.

"After receiving the report that we went to the scene first, we called 120 at the same time, and they arrived later. She was not in danger of her life, but she was a little too weak. ”

Officer Liu told reporters: "Mr. Gao's behavior can be regarded as a righteous and courageous act. ”

>>> everything is fateful

Doing charity saves people again, which in itself is also accumulating virtue

Mr. Gao said that everything was fate, and they went to Gangcha County, Haibei Prefecture to save the woman on the way back from a charity donation activity.

"We went to a school in Gangcha County that day to donate thousands of children's clothes to students, and we were doing charity. If you take the low-speed road that day, you won't meet her.,As a result, I finally changed the way and got on the highway.,When it's time to get off the highway, I gave the wrong mouth.,I ran directly in the direction of Datong.,The result happened to find her.,It's equivalent to doing charity and saving people.,This itself is also to accumulate virtue for yourself.。 ”

Mr. Gao said: "She may have wanted to look for her husband's sister in Haibei County, she should be fine now, I heard from the police that the doctor examined her, saying that she walked a few kilometers on the highway alone from home, did not eat, and fainted due to exhaustion." If no one found her that day, her life would be in danger. ”

>>> rescued woman

has been discharged from the hospital, "I will go over in two days to thank the kind brother"

On the evening of May 9, a reporter from Huashang Daily Gale News contacted Ms. Yang, a 38-year-old Ms. Yang, a native of Datong, who wanted to thank Mr. Gao in person, "We will go over in two days to thank you." ”

Ms. Yang herself didn't realize that something would happen, "I first took a car to get there, I got out of the car, I called my husband, I wanted him to come and pick me up, but my phone was out of battery, and the phone didn't get through, if I could contact my husband, I would know." ”

"I walked for more than an hour, and that day I wanted to sit there and wait for a car, but I didn't know as I walked. I used to have low blood pressure, and I didn't eat breakfast that morning, and I passed out after sitting for too long, but now I'm fine, and I'm much better. ”

Ms. Yang's husband told reporters, "There was indeed a little friction, and she walked out, and her blood pressure was a little low, and she fainted." ”

Ms. Yang's husband explained: "She was very troubled by the education of her children at home, and she did not eat and sleep well for a month, and her body collapsed. She was a little impatient that day, so she walked out, and we didn't see each other, so something happened. ”

Ms. Yang's husband said: "After all, my daughter-in-law was saved halfway through the rescue. When her condition stabilizes, we will thank him (Mr. Gao) at that time. ”

Ms. Yang's sister-in-law also said: "She has no problem, she is already well, and she was discharged from the hospital yesterday (May 9). The pennant is ready, and when my sister recovers, we will thank the kind brother, he is righteous and brave, and his good deeds will definitely be rewarded. ”

>>> save lives

The wife praised that she had done a good job, how could a life not be saved

In the interview, Mr. Gao was very modest, "Yesterday morning, people contacted and said that they wanted to come over to express their gratitude, I said no, I said that I am very busy here, as long as people are fine, there is no need to disturb others, we are not people who deliberately put on a show." ”

"I was born in 1986, I am not a native of Qinghai, I am from Xinxiang, Henan, and my home is in Fengqiu County. I am an engineer, I work in a company, I have been working in Qinghai for almost 10 years, I am just an ordinary worker. ”

Mr. Gao told reporters that the child did not know that he was saving people, "I didn't tell them, my child has always been well educated." My wife found out and said that I had done a good job, that it was a life, how could I not save it when I died? ”

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter Li Hua edited by Dong Lin

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