
Who says it's lonely to be single? Start with 4 small things to build the courage to live a wonderful person


I don't know where to start, "a person" has become a negative stereotype, being single and falling out of love seems to be a sin, especially after getting older, which makes us 29 years old and fast running for three, dare not say that we are single, and we are afraid that others will point fingers and say that we are too picky, and if we don't find a partner to marry quickly, we will become leftover women. It also makes them, who are 39 years old and close to their 40s, burdened with the eyes of the world, worried that they will be lonely and lonely when they return to live alone, and they are all wronged in an unhappy marriage.

But it's like the lyrics sung by singer A-Lin: "Long live loneliness, no sin for falling out of love!" Many times we can live a wonderful life alone, but we are bound by the world's eyes and our own fears. Therefore, this article will propose 4 small things to take you step by step to unlock the courage to live alone, so that you can maintain the ability to be alone with yourself whether you are single or in love:

1. Watch a movie you are interested in and choose any date and time slot

Who says it's lonely to be single? Start with 4 small things to build the courage to live a wonderful person

If you rarely go out alone and are afraid of being looked at differently by the people around you, start by going to the theater and watching a movie! When the lights are dimmed, the focus of everyone's attention will be on the big screen, who cares how many of you watch the movie? After one or two times, you will find how comfortable it is to watch a movie alone, not only after work, at midnight, to get up to watch a certain movie, but also to immerse yourself in the plot without worrying about others, and still be able to chew and feel in your head repeatedly until the end.

2. Find a brunch you've been wanting to eat for a long time and enjoy it quietly by yourself

Who says it's lonely to be single? Start with 4 small things to build the courage to live a wonderful person

Think about it, have you ever had a few restaurants in your mind that looked good and always thought about which one you would like to go to eat with next time, but never had a chance to cash in? Who said those restaurants could only be "limited to two people"? If you want to eat, go for it! Eating alone is definitely not as scary as you think, because food will currently amplify our senses and also distract from anxiety. Try it next time, don't rush to slide your phone and punch in, pay attention to the presentation of the food in front of you, and savor the taste bud level of the food colliding in your mouth.

3. Take a different path than usual, take a detour and go home

Who says it's lonely to be single? Start with 4 small things to build the courage to live a wonderful person

People who usually don't like and dare not go out alone may be a more conservative and cautious type in terms of personality, and having someone to accompany us is like a comfort zone, which makes us feel at ease, but is it possible that this sense of security can be given by ourselves? In the third little exercise, it is recommended that you find a "detour home" when the time of day, the weather and the current mood are suitable, and you don't need to go too far from home, maybe just a few alleys next door, in such a range, it will not make people afraid, and have the opportunity to discover different scenery. Through such a small accumulation of experience, you will gradually be able to increase your courage, and you will find that many things are not as difficult as you originally imagined, and even much more interesting!

4. Book a B&B in another county or city, and decide the rest there

Who says it's lonely to be single? Start with 4 small things to build the courage to live a wonderful person

Finally, it's time to take a trip to the results acceptance, book a stay in another county or city, and set off on a solo trip! In the previous few little things, you have learned to eat alone, watch movies and walk the streets freely, and now it's just a different city, and everything is really not difficult at all. Hurry up and open the reservation website, choose any room you like, and leave directly without arranging any itinerary, which is the most free and comfortable place when you are alone. Even if you just stay in the hotel room in the end, take a bath, watch dramas, and sleep, it doesn't matter, at least you have taken your first step and slowly walked on the road to living a wonderful life! Wishing you all the best.