
25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

author:Interesting history

1. Zhang Yi's birthplace: Zhang Yi was not born in any of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States, but from the more marginal state of Wei at the time.

25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

2. Difficulties in his early years: Zhang Yi encountered difficulties in his life when he was young, and was even suspected of stealing at one point, which shaped his tenacious character later.

3. Grievances with Su Qin: Zhang Yi and Su Qin are both classmates and political rivals. Zhang Yi's "continuous horizontal" strategy is in stark contrast to Su Qin's "joint vertical" strategy.

4. The Origin of the Lianheng Strategy: Zhang Yi's "Lianheng" strategy originally originated from his deep insight into the international situation at that time, and he believed that it was the best strategy to unite the strong against the weak through diplomatic means.

5. Lobbying States: Zhang Yi, with his eloquent eloquence, lobbied monarchs of various countries, causing them to change their attitude towards the Qin State in a major way.

6. King Huiwen of Qin's appreciation: Zhang Yi's talent was appreciated by King Huiwen of Qin, and he was appointed as the minister of Qin, beginning his far-reaching political career.

25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

7. Breaking the Qi-Chu Alliance: Through a series of clever diplomatic means, Zhang Yi successfully sabotaged the alliance between Qi and Chu, eliminating a potentially powerful enemy for Qin.

8. The misunderstanding of "six hundred miles": Zhang Yi once promised the king of Chu that Qin was willing to exchange "six hundred miles" for the cooperation of Chu, but in fact it was only "six miles", and this misunderstanding became a classic case of Zhang Yi's diplomatic skills.

9. Confrontation with Meng Weijun: Zhang Yi and Meng Yanjun of Qi had many political and diplomatic confrontations, and although the two did not directly confront, their strategies and tactics deeply influenced each other.

10. Zhang Yi's resourcefulness: Zhang Yi's resourcefulness was not only reflected in diplomacy, but he also used counter-tactics to successfully drive a wedge between the monarchs and ministers of the Zhao state.

25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

11. Meeting with King Wuling of Zhao: Zhang Yi had personally traveled to the state of Zhao to meet with King Wuling of Zhao in an attempt to persuade Zhao to join the camp of the state of Qin.

12. Qin's "spy network": Zhang Yi established a vast "spy network" in Qin, providing Qin with a large amount of intelligence about other countries.

13. Influence on Korea: Zhang Yi used diplomacy to successfully get Korea to abandon its alliance with Zhao and become friendly with Qin.

14. Strategic Vision for Shu: Zhang Yi had suggested that the Qin state attack Shu in order to obtain rich resources and strategic points, and this suggestion was adopted by the Qin state and was successful.

15. Diplomacy with Wei: Zhang Yi used anti-intermediary and discordant tactics on several occasions in his diplomatic relations with Wei, which plunged Wei into chaos.

16. Influence on Han Fei: Although Han Fei and Zhang Yi were not contemporaries, Han Fei's Legalist thought was influenced to a certain extent by Zhang Yi's political strategy.

25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

17. Zhang Yi's literary attainments: In addition to his political and diplomatic talents, Zhang Yi also possessed certain literary attainments, and his articles and words were full of wisdom and philosophy.

18. Seclusion in his later years: Zhang Yi chose to live in seclusion in his later years and no longer cared about political affairs, but his political wisdom and diplomatic skills are still praised by people.

19. Zhang Yi's Tomb: Zhang Yi's tomb is located in present-day Kaifeng City, Henan Province, and has become a sacred place for people to remember this great statesman.

20. Zhang Yi's family: Zhang Yi's family was not prominent during the Warring States period, but his success brought glory and status to the family.

21. Zhang Yi's disciples: Although there are few historical records of Zhang Yi's disciples, it can be speculated that his diplomatic and political wisdom may have had an influence on later politicians and strategists.

25 historical trivia about Zhang Yi

22. The Rise and Fall of the Qin State: Zhang Yi's political career was closely linked to the rise and fall of the Qin State, and his "Lianheng" strategy laid a solid foundation for the unification of the Qin State.

23. Influence on later generations: Zhang Yi's resourcefulness and diplomatic skills had a profound impact on later generations, and his ideas and strategies became a model for later generations of politicians and strategists.

24. Zhang Yi's Interesting Fact: It is said that when Zhang Yi lobbied various countries, he once boasted of his "three-inch tongue", which shows the sharpness of his eloquence.

25. Zhang Yi's hand-me-down: Although Zhang Yi did not leave a special work, his ideas and strategies have been recorded and inherited in detail in historical books such as the Warring States Policy.

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