
On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

On the morning of May 11, 2024, a special day for Mother's Day and Nurses' Day, Zhu Jing, Zhang Yifei, Wei Qing, Shen Mingliang, Liu Yulan, Luo Suming, members of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association (Taixing), and the management of the caring merchant Katier Wedding Art Center, Ms. Ju Lixin of the Lvyang Flower Shop, and Yin Shujuan, the person in charge of Taixing Yongxi Housekeeping and Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd., went to the obstetrics department of Taixing People's Hospital and Taixing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to send them the blessings of Mother's Day and Nurse's Day.

On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

The first stop was the obstetrics department of Taixing People's Hospital. In the corridors, nurses in immaculate white uniforms busily shuttle between the wards and the corridors. The mothers in the ward looked at their newborn babies with joy in their hearts. Volunteers held bouquets of carefully selected flowers, gently handed the flowers to each mother, and sent the most sincere wishes: "Happy Mother's Day, you have worked hard!" ”

On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart
On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

They also gave flowers and gifts to the hard-working nurses, saying "Happy Nurses' Day!" to them. You've done a great job! ”

On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

The flowers and gifts convey the deep respect and gratitude of the Chinese volunteers to the nurses.

At the second stop, the Chinese volunteers came to Taixing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine non-stop. Nurses are taking care of the patients. The Chinese volunteers watched these hard-working nurses and delivered them gifts full of heart.

On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart
On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

In the process of giving gifts, volunteers asked them about their work and life and sent them holiday greetings. The nurses also expressed that they would continue to work hard and contribute to the health of the patients.

On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart
On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart
On the eve of the Nurse's Day of the Volunteer Home of the China Volunteer Association, she walked into the hospital to warm her heart

On this special day, the members of the China Volunteer Association interpreted love and care with their practical actions, they not only made the mothers and nurses feel the warmth of the festival, but also let us see the beautiful power of mutual help and love in the social family. This power will inspire more people to join the ranks of public welfare undertakings and jointly contribute more love and warmth to our society. We would like to thank the Katier Wedding Culture and Arts Center and the Green Flower Shop for providing flowers and gifts. (Recorder: Song Xinhui, Yu Wei)