
Mother is a noble person for life

author:Art Scene
Mother is a noble person for life

As the old saying goes: "Whoever says an inch of grass will be rewarded with three springs." ”

Mother's life is a bumpy life, a life of hard work, and a life of no regrets.

But over the course of decades, we have often been moved by the kindness of others; But the prime minister, of course, is rarely grateful for the love from his mother.

It wasn't until the sun of life came to noon that I had a deep understanding of the word mother from the wrinkles on my mother's forehead.

Today's Mother's Day, let us offer our most sincere gratitude and blessings to our mothers, cherish the warmth and unreserved true affection at our fingertips.


There is a kind of love called maternal love

There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching: "The good is like water, the water is good for all things without fighting, and it is evil for everyone, so it is better than the Tao." ”

Water nourishes everything in the world, but it never manifests itself, and has been silently staying in places that no one likes.

Such a quality, if it is used to describe maternal love, is also not an exaggeration.

The poet Xi Murong's mother was a silent woman.

She doesn't talk to Xi Murong much on weekdays, so when she was young, Xi Murong always thought that her mother didn't like her, so she often deliberately made her angry.

But when she was fourteen years old, Xi Murong wanted to go out to study, so Xi Murong gave her mother a crooked card drawn by herself, in which she wrote how much she missed her and loved her.

But after sending it out, Xi Murong forgot about it, and every time she went home, she still talked back to her mother and made her mother angry.

It wasn't until more than ten years later that her mother handed over a suitcase to Xi Murong, saying that it contained all the information of the family and asked Xi Murong to keep it well.

Xi Murong, who was looking for a copy of the household registration materials, opened it, but found that in the most precious position of her mother, there was the one she gave to her mother when she was fourteen years old, and it was also the only gift she gave to her mother in her life.

At this time, Xi Murong suddenly understood that for so many years, she had constantly asked her mother for more love and more care, just to prove that her mother loved her.

But my mother, who was so easily deceived and satisfied, carefully collected such a card that she had forgotten for a long time.

In this world, if there is such a back, silently paid, and deeply unforgettable, then it must be the figure of the mother;

In the world, if there is such a voice, the sound is in the ears and makes people feel warm, then it must be the call of the mother.

Only your mother will pour out her heart and lungs for you, without asking for anything in return; Only mother's love, affection is as deep as the sea, and pure as jade.

Just for the "mother" who called her one after another, she chose to protect her life, an ordinary woman, and lived a great life without regrets.

Mother is a noble person for life


Mother is a noble person for life

In Jin Yong's novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Jing's mother Li Ping is an ordinary peasant woman.

But in a robbery, her husband died tragically, and in order to protect the child in her womb, she fought desperately all the way, and finally fled to Mongolia.

But when she arrived in Mongolia, she was captured by the Jin soldiers and forced to do labor, and the fatigue during the period made her feel very painful while she was pregnant.

But she gritted her teeth and persevered, and finally found an opportunity, got out of trouble, and gave birth to Guo Jing alone in a snowy night.

Freezing and starving, Li Ping dragged her tired body, hugged her son to the leeward, and survived tenaciously by eating dead horse meat.

In this way, the mother and son settled in the desert, and for more than 20 years, Guo Jing witnessed the hardships and perseverance of his mother, and he gradually tempered his unyielding will.

After leaving the desert and returning to the Central Plains, Guo Jing never gave up despite many hardships, and finally became a respected hero.

After becoming a parent, you will know that the word "mother" has always been a heavy word.

There is a saying: "A woman is weak, but a mother is strong." ”

Mother is the one who endured the pain of pregnancy and childbirth in October, and raised you with hard work;

Mother is the one who takes care of you over and over again, but forgets to take care of herself.

As long as we are by our mother's side, the ups and downs of the world will always bypass us and tilt towards her.

Even if she is weak, she will be strong for us, and use her arms to create our warmest harbor; With her arms, she held up a clear sky for us.

No matter how gorgeous the rhetoric and beautiful words are, we can't write the mother's dedication to us, she is the most important noble person in our lives.

Mother is a noble person for life


Mother's grace is not over for a lifetime

In the Tao Te Ching, it is said: "Tao gives birth to one, life to two, two to three, and three to all things." "

The Tao is the source of all things, and Mother is also the beginning of our life, and the love and kindness from her are debts that we can never repay in our lifetime.

Writer Liu Jirong once recalled her mother.

In those years, when she was working in other places, her mother always called with enthusiasm and asked, "When will you go home?" ”

She said that she was too far away, more than 1,000 kilometers to change three times to get home, and work, children have too many things to do, and there is no time.

But the mother still asked hopefully, "When will you come back?" ”

After several times, she lost her patience and said it again with anger, and her mother finally understood, so she silently hung up the phone.

But a few days later, my mother would call again, ask the same question, and happily say, "The watermelons at home are about to ripen, and the pomegranate flowers are about to bloom." ”

But she still said that she was too busy, so her mother said eagerly: "You just say that I have cancer, and I won't be alive for long." She blamed her mother for talking nonsense, but still did not agree.

In this way, my mother urged again and again, saying that the grapes and pears were ripe...... And she also said again and again that next time, until half a year later, her mother died of illness, and when she rushed back, her mother had already passed away.

Only then did she realize that her mother really had cancer and only had half a year to live.

Thinking of this, Liu Jirong couldn't help but shed tears and wrote; "Mother, am I really that busy?"

yes, many of the time, are we really that busy?

There is a poem: "The streamer is easy to throw people, red cherries, green plantains." ”

The years are swift and ruthless, and our filial piety will never catch up with the pace of time across our mother's face.

The love and companionship of the mother, once not caught, will be missed forever.

Don't wait for a tear to fall before you know how to learn to grow from a pampered child to a loving adult.

The ancients said: "Those who are children are more valuable than knowing their mother's kindness." ”

Mother's Day is coming, call your mother back, and take the time to go home, don't let Yin Yin's wait become an irreparable regret.

Today's Mother's Day, please cherish every day of being a child and accompany your mother to grow old.

I also wish every mother a happy holiday and a long and healthy life.