
Life is impermanent, what should be forgotten is forgotten, and what should be put is released

author:Good night Moran

Text/Mo Ran

The world is impermanent, and many times we can live a better life, but we let ourselves live physically and mentally exhausted.

In fact, we can live a better and easier life, the important thing is to learn to let go.

No matter when, we always have to understand that life is like this, and if you are reluctant to forget and unwilling to let go, you will let yourself fall into pain.

On the contrary, you should forget and let go, and life will be happy.

Life is impermanent, what should be forgotten is forgotten, and what should be put is released

Life is impermanent, I have never thought about it, many troubles are actually from my own obsession and calculation, life is impermanent, don't get along with yourself, let go, forget what should be forgotten.

There are some things that you don't need to worry about too much, you can't change them, and you can't make up for them.

In that case, it is better to learn to look forward. Instead of dwelling on the pain, try to let go and move on.

In life, we will experience many things, there is no truly perfect life, and there is not so much beauty to speak of.

Pain is normal, but sometimes it hurts and you are happy, and many times you don't care, and nothing can change you.

In our short life, we must learn to see a little more and say goodbye bravely to the people and things that affect you.

Only by focusing on oneself can one be truly happy.

Sometimes it's just pain and happiness, but no matter how painful it is, no matter how happy it is, in fact, there are many things in life that you don't need to care about.

Life is impermanent, what should be forgotten is forgotten, and what should be put is released

Zhang Xiaoxian said that when you were a child, if you had a bad memory, you would be scolded, however, when you grow up and get old, you will find that some people have some things that they can forget and are happy.

Sometimes, the reason why we are unhappy is not because of how bad our life is, but because we have too good a memory and too many people and things in our hearts. Knowing how to forget may be the best elixir to heal yourself.

When you reach a certain age, you have to learn to give up, and whoever influences you will give up.

For all suffering, it is temporary, everything will disappear, everything will pass away.

Let go of those who should have let go, let go of those particularly difficult things, let go of those difficult problems that really can't be solved.

Forget the grievances that should be forgotten, forget the relationships that shouldn't be maintained, so that you can truly feel happy.

Life is impermanent, what should be forgotten is forgotten, and what should be put is released

Our lives are limited, and so should our memories and emotions, so that we can be more happy.

The more you remember, the more your heart will be piled up, and you won't have time for anything else.

There are some things that should be forgotten, and remembering them is not good for us.

For those who don't love you, let it go, so that you can meet people who love you.

Anyone's life will be a little frustrated and bumpy; Anyone's feelings will be a little regretful.

Everyone's life will be a little troubled, and you must know how to consume emotions.

Instead of thinking crankily and struggling, it is better to empty yourself, let your heart return to zero, and strive to move forward.

Only by forgetting yesterday's troubles can we see the beauty of today. Reconciliation with sorrow can also meet joy.

The human heart is like a teacup, which cannot hold too many things, and can only be emptied constantly in order to inject new happiness.

Let go of obsession, although it hurts to let go, long pain is better than short pain.


In our short life, we must learn to care about our own feelings and value our feelings.

Only if you know how to care about your own feelings and value your own feelings, life will inevitably get better.

For the rest of your life, you have to learn to forget and let go.