
Haihua Group held a meeting on family support

author:Light News
Haihua Group held a meeting on family support

  In order to strengthen the construction of "clean and honest state-owned enterprises", promote the in-depth development of micro-corruption risk prevention and control, and continue to strengthen the supervision of party members and cadres and personnel in key positions "outside eight hours", on the afternoon of May 10, the discipline inspection committee of the group company organized a family meeting on "building a clean and honest family style and building a clean and beautiful family". Zhang Liang, member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commissioner of the Group Company, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Haihua Group held a meeting on family support
Haihua Group held a meeting on family support

  The meeting focused on watching the special warning education film "Family Voice", and invited experts to teach the theme of clean and honest family style. The warning education film tells the four theme cases of "greed for glory and profit, husband and wife", "lust for profit, fueling the waves", "spoiling, stealing power and power", "treachery on the outside and inside, and dislocation of family affection", which profoundly reveals the importance of family style to the honest employment of party members and leading cadres and the construction of a harmonious and happy family. From the four aspects of "having a sun in my heart", "building two lines of defense", "passing three passes" and "calculating four accounts", the teaching experts explained in detail the serious consequences of party members and cadres violating discipline and law and the importance of honesty, self-discipline and law-abiding, and educated and guided the families of cadres and employees to strengthen the supervision of "outside eight hours", effectively play the role of honest internal help, and establish a good style, clean and upright family style.

  Zhang Liang expressed his heartfelt thanks to the family members who have long paid attention to and supported the reform and development of the group, and put forward four initiatives to the families of cadres and employees on the construction of family style. First, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the main body of supervision "beyond eight hours." Second, it is necessary to clarify the dialectical relationship between strict management and love, and keep in mind that strict management is love. The third is to establish the concept of "keeping clean and honest is keeping happiness". The fourth is to build a bright sea and boost the development of enterprises. The majority of cadres, employees and their families should work together to practice the concept of "taking the bright road and doing a bright cause", "caring for Haihua like caring for your eyes, and running Haihua like a family", so as to create a new Haihua with a clean air, fairness and justice.

Haihua Group held a meeting on family support

  Before the meeting, the participating family members visited the "Endeavor Haihua Party Building Exhibition Hall" and learned in detail about the development history of Haihua Group and the unique "Haihua Party Flag Red" party building brand.

  More than 200 people attended the meeting, including the families of cadres and employees of various units and departments, relevant personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Party and Mass Work Department.

Haihua Group held a meeting on family support


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