
Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

author:Qitaihe release

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Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development
Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

Li Bing emphasized in the investigation of coking enterprises

Strengthen and expand advantageous industries

Inject new vitality into high-quality development

On May 10, Li Bing, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, went deep into the emerging area to investigate coking enterprises. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions during his inspection in Heilongjiang, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, coordinate development and security, strengthen and expand advantageous industries, and inject new vitality into high-quality development.

Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

In Baotailong, Xufeng and other enterprises and Longpeng Company, the contact point of party building, Li Bing walked into the control room, carefully inspected the operation and safety production of the enterprise through the real-time screen of the command system, discussed and exchanged with the enterprise team, learned more about the price of raw materials, production costs, sales revenue, etc., and inquired about the latest market changes, development prospects and difficulties in the coal and coke market. He encouraged enterprises to strengthen their confidence in development, strengthen market research and judgment, plan carefully, advance the layout, practice internal skills, and strive to take the lead in market changes.

Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

Li Bing said that coking enterprises are an important subject of steady growth and employment promotion in our city, and a new force to promote high-quality development. It is necessary to be a good waiter of the enterprise, further consolidate the responsibility of the Baolian, enhance the sense of active service, build a pro-Qing political and business relationship, make every effort to solve problems for the enterprise, create a stable and predictable development environment, and shape the new momentum of high-quality development with a hardship index and a sincere attitude. At present, the implementation of a series of support policies for large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods is accelerating, and relevant departments should strengthen communication with enterprises, promote project planning, and ensure that policies reach enterprises in a timely manner. Li Bing hopes that enterprises will focus on resources, environment and sustainable development, actively promote technological upgrading, explore the application of new technologies and new products, accelerate the pace of new project demonstration, vigorously promote the construction of existing projects, accurately supplement the chain, strengthen the chain, extend the chain, and gradually improve production efficiency. Enterprises should strengthen refined management, optimize technological processes and production layouts, build a strong team of industrial workers, promote digital and intelligent applications, promote the quality and efficiency of production and operation, and enhance the resilience and ability to resist risks. Li Bing stressed: Security and development are two wings of one body and two wheels of drive. It is necessary to always tighten the string of safe production, strengthen the risk investigation of all links and processes, and effectively rectify hidden dangers, so as to treat both the symptoms and the root causes. Leaders at all levels and team members of the enterprise should firmly establish the concept of safe development, shoulder the responsibility of safe production, grasp safety and eliminate hidden dangers in the front line, and ensure business development with a high level of safety. Chen Zhi, Gong Yuhe, Kang Jianfang and other leaders and responsible comrades of relevant departments directly under the city participated in the investigation.

Reporter: Mei Zhongshi Zhang Qiushi Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development
Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

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Li Bing: Strengthen and expand advantageous industries and inject new vitality into high-quality development

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