
"Historic" resolution! China welcomes it

author:Dongfang is glad to hear about it

On May 10, local time, the 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly resumed. The meeting considered the issue of admitting Palestine as a new Member of the United Nations and adopted a resolution granting more rights to Palestine.

In the vote, 193 Member States adopted the resolution by an absolute majority of 143 votes in favor, 9 against and 25 abstentions, and the United States and Israel voted against.

The General Assembly resolution affirmed Palestine's membership in the Charter of the United Nations and granted it additional rights

The resolution recommends that the Council reconsider the application of Palestine for membership in the United Nations "favourably speaking". After the adoption of the resolution, the audience burst into warm applause, and the representatives of many countries lined up to congratulate the representatives of the State of Palestine.

"Historic" resolution! China welcomes it

In addition to reaffirming the "two-state solution" to the Palestinian-Israeli issue, the resolution affirms Palestine's membership in the UN Charter and recommends that the Security Council reconsider the application submitted by Palestine on this basis.

In addition, the resolution decided to grant Palestine additional rights to the United Nations, including the right to sit in the membership in alphabetical order, the right to propose and introduce proposals, and to participate in the Bureau of the General Assembly and its Committee. However, the resolution makes it clear that Palestine does not have the right to vote and cannot be a candidate for a seat in a United Nations body.

The President of Palestine issued a statement:

The resolution demonstrates the world's support for the Palestinian people

On the 10th local time, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas issued a statement thanking the countries that voted for Palestine in the United Nations General Assembly and thanking them for their "support for truth and justice".

"Historic" resolution! China welcomes it

△Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (data map)

In his statement, Abbas said the overwhelming vote in favor of Palestine demonstrated the world's support for the freedom and rights of the Palestinian people and its rejection of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and aggression against the Palestinian people. The State of Palestine will continue its efforts to adopt the decisions of the Security Council leading to full membership in the United Nations and calls on more States to recognize the State of Palestine.

China: We welcome the historic resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly

Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said on November 10 that China participated in the historic resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on the same day, and China welcomed the adoption of the resolution and supported the Security Council's reconsideration of Palestine's application for membership in the UN. It is hoped that the countries concerned will not continue to delay and erect obstacles in this regard.

Fu Cong said that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been repeating itself for decades. Formal membership in the United Nations is a crucial step in this historical process, and Palestine should enjoy the same status as Israel, and the Palestinian people should enjoy the same rights as the Israeli people. It is the common responsibility of the international community to support and advance the process of independent and state-building of Palestine and to provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of the two-state solution and the realization of lasting peace in the Middle East.

"Historic" resolution! China welcomes it

Fu Cong pointed out that the resolution makes further arrangements for the State of Palestine to participate in United Nations activities and relevant meetings and gives the State of Palestine new rights and privileges. China believes that the relevant arrangements will not be permanent and that one day the State of Palestine will become a full Member of the United Nations and will enjoy full and equal rights in the United Nations on an equal footing with other Member States.

Israeli representative shatters the UN Charter on the spot

The United States previously vetoed Palestine's entry into the United Nations

Before the vote, UN General Assembly President Francis said that the Palestinian-Israeli issue has lasted for more than 70 years, and recent developments show that there is no time to delay in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli issue. He called on Member States to assess the current situation and work for peace, and called on Member States to speak with respect for the United Nations and the General Assembly.

In his pre-vote statement, Israel's representative, Edan, used a small paper shredder to shred a copy of the Charter of the United Nations at the General Assembly site to express his opposition to the special session.

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