
Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

author:Red Culture Network
Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

Menglianggu Battle Park

This time, I went to Jinan Veterans Square to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kinmen, and then took the road to Yimeng Mountain to visit the Menglianggu battlefield site. The Battle of Menglianggu was a beautiful battle of annihilation in the mountains fought by our army in the War of Liberation, which completely annihilated the 74th Division, the "head of the five main forces" of the Kuomintang, and killed the enemy chieftain Zhang Lingfu, which turned the tide of the war in East China in one fell swoop, which made people very happy. Later, the site of the Menglianggu battlefield became the current "Menglianggu Park", with historical sites such as "the place where Zhang Lingfu was killed" and "the monument to the battle of Menglianggu".

However, for a period of time, the "theory of the obsolescence of class struggle" has prevailed, the "rightists" have been blown by the wind, all four types of elements have taken off their hats, and "scar literature" has been vigorously promoted, and all political movements have been complained about, and even the land reform movement has not been spared, and so on. As far as Zhang Lingfu's case is concerned, since Zhang's wife, Wang Yuling, was given a cold reception in Taiwan and ran back to the mainland, she was treated as a guest by some departments. She went to Meng Lianggu to pay respects, and was greatly dissatisfied when she saw this, and put forward two major opinions: the word "killed" on the cave was considered inconsistent with the facts and damaged her husband's image, and second, she thought that the cave under the words was too small to even lie down alone, unlike the appearance of the "ace division command post" of the national army. It is a pity that our relevant departments moved when they heard the wind and artificially dug one or two caves in the middle of the mountain in Meng Lianggu, and at the entrance of the cave stood two guards of the national army, dressed as the "command post of the 74th division of the national army". What is even more hateful is to change "the place where Zhang Lingfu was killed" to "the place where Zhang Lingfu was killed", and openly summon his soul. Flipping through the Internet, there seemed to be three illusory halos on Zhang Lingfu's head.

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

The first illusory aura on Zhang Lingfu's head was "Anti-Japanese Famous General." Some people call Zhang a "general of the Anti-Japanese War" is not enough, and openly praise him as a "famous general of the Anti-Japanese War" and "loyal to the country".

Could it be that Zhang Lingfu is really a "famous anti-Japanese general"?

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

The answer is clearly not. Zhang Lingfu (1903-1947), formerly known as Zhang Zhonglin, was a native of Chang'an, Shaanxi Province (now Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province). Graduated from the fourth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. Brutal by nature, he admired Hitler. In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he participated in the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Nanjing, the Battle of Lanfeng, the Battle of Xuzhou, the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Nanchang, the Battle of Shanggao, the Battle of Changsha and many other battles, but Zhang Lingfu led the Engineer Corps, which was not the main force. Later, Zhang Lingfu became the brigade commander, but his main duty was to supervise the army, that is, to supervise the battle. This position obviously has nothing to do with the merits, and in the Battle of Changsha, Zhang Lingfu's 58th Division was also the one that failed the most, and its division commander was shot dead by the angry Chiang Kai-shek, and Zhang Lingfu under his command had merit at all. His performance in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression can be described as lackluster, and he has never been able to win a beautiful battle, and in the popular parlance now, his unit gives people a feeling of "playing soy sauce".

This is also the case, and the heroes of the anti-Japanese war on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been commended. On June 16, 2005, CCTV launched a 100-episode documentary series "Eternal Monument - The Spectrum of China's Anti-Japanese Heroes". The film not only introduces nearly 100 well-known heroes such as Zuo Quan, Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi, and the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain, but also announces 24 famous anti-Japanese generals of the National Army, and introduces the life deeds of these 24 generals in detail in episodes. There is no Zhang Lingfu among them.

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

Let's look at the Kuomintang side. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Lao Jiang rewarded all the participants with medals, the first class was the "National Glory Medal", and only Fu Zuoyi won it.

The second class is the "Blue Sky and White Sun Medal", which was won by more than 160 people, including Li Zongren, Yan Xishan, Sun Liren, and Liao Yaoxiang. This medal is awarded not based on the position and rank, but only on the merit. The regiment commander Xie Jinyuan, the battalion commander Yang Ruifu, and the sergeant Ande Chengdu who were guarding the Sixing warehouse were on the list, but after checking the whole list, there was no Zhang Lingfu.

The third class is the "Victory Medal of the Anti-Japanese War", Zheng Dongguo, Fang Xianjue and other more than 100 people won this medal, but there is still no Zhang Lingfu. Zhang Lingfu finally won the fourth-class Baoding Medal and the fourth-class Yunlu Medal, which were far less valuable and famous than the previous three. In other words, in Lao Jiang's mind, Zhang Lingfu's achievements in the Anti-Japanese War were even inferior to Sergeant An Decheng. Later, in the "Who's Who of the Anti-Japanese War" and "The Complete Documentary of the Anti-Japanese War" compiled by Lao Jiang, the exploits of Wang Yaowu, Du Yuming, Wei Lihuang, Zheng Dongguo, Xue Yue and others were recorded, but there was still no Zhang Lingfu. It can be seen that in Lao Jiang's mind, Zhang Lingfu is not a "famous anti-Japanese general". At this point, Lao Jiang is much more sober than the public intellectuals.

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

If you insist on talking about Zhang Lingfu's achievements, then he has made "great achievements" in encircling and suppressing the Red Army and being the leader of the return to his hometown. When Lao Chiang encircled and suppressed the Red Army in the Soviet area, Zhang Lingfu always led his team to rush to the front, not only fought the Red Fourth Front Army, but also pursued the Red First Army. September 1946. When Lao Chiang provoked a civil war and launched an attack on the base areas, this Zhang Lingfu took the lead again, killing a total of 74,380 innocent people in the 13 months he occupied the liberated areas. In Jinzhai County alone, Zhang Lingfu killed more than 10,000 local people. There were only 90,000 people in Jinzhai County, so almost every household in Jinzhai County at that time was wearing filial piety and crying. In Yizhou, Zhang Lingfu killed 16,250 people, arrested 120,000 strong men, arrested 9 million laborers, burned down more than 3,500 houses, and created a large number of uninhabited areas and villages. The list of crimes he committed against the people is as long as the Japanese invaders. After Zhang Lingfu became the commander of the reorganized 74th Division, he wantonly appointed the former puppet army and Japanese invaders. For example, his subordinates Kato and Matsushita were originally enemies whose hands were stained with the blood of our anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, and his adjutant Wang Hongjiu turned out to be the commander of the puppet Yizhou Imperial Cooperative Army, and he had a lot of blood debts on his hands. Zhang Ben kept saying that our army was a "bandit." He once ordered the killing of the Communists and the masses, for example, he once ordered the killing of more than 300 innocent women and children, and was scolded by the local people as "Zhang Butcher". Therefore, the people in the liberated areas hated Zhang Lingfu to the core. Before the battle of Menglianggu, the people around it began to clear the wilderness, and the 74th Division could not even find water to dissipate heat from the machine guns, let alone food. Therefore, the victory of the heroic Meng Lianggu Battle was not only a military victory, but also a political victory, and it was the choice of the people.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Lingfu is not a "famous anti-Japanese general" at all, but an anti-Japanese "soy sauce", the vanguard of the Communist Party, and the executioner of the people. For such a villain, some people regard it as a "hero" and praise his wife Wang Yuling as a guest. The author has experienced such an incident: more than ten years ago, at a meeting to commemorate the X anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Yuling was ceremoniously introduced by the organizer as a "guest of honor". After the meeting, a banquet was held on the second floor of the hotel to entertain the "VIPs", but there was no elevator in the hotel, and Wang Yuling was inconvenient to walk with her legs and feet, so someone found a Taishi chair, let Wang Duan sit in it, and asked four people to carry her upstairs, and someone asked me to participate in the chair lifting, I replied: I will not carry the sedan chair, and I walked away after speaking. Think about it: How can the wife of a defeated general under our army and an executioner of the Communist Party deserve this great reputation?!

The second illusory aura on Zhang Lingfu's head is the "tragic hero". Some people say that Zhang Lingfu was not "killed" by the People's Liberation Army, but that he "would rather die than give in" and that he was a "tragic hero" who "committed suicide." This is even more a joke of self-deception.

In 1997, the second volume of "History of the National Liberation War," edited by the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Liberation Army, described Zhang Lingfu's death as follows: "Kill his division commander Zhang Lingfu"!

This completely negates the "feat" of Zhang Lingfu, which Jiang Fang has been propagating, as "if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent".

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

On May 25, 1947, a week after Zhang Lingfu was killed and the Battle of Meng Lianggu ended, the People's Daily reported on Zhang Lingfu's death under the title "Zhang Lingfu, Commander of the American Armament Division, Died Under American Weapons", and the full text was as follows: "Zhang Lingfu, commander of the 74th Division of the first American Armament Division of Chiang Kai-shek's elite main army, has been killed by American weapons in the hands of the People's Liberation Army. On the fourth day (16th) of the Menglianggu Annihilation Battle in the Yimeng Mountains, when the headquarters of the 74th Division of the Jiang Army was annihilated, Zhang Lingfu tried in vain to break through and escape, but the American-made Tom machine gun in the hands of the People's Liberation Army blocked his way and shot Zhang in the back of the head and died.

As for the truth about its "killing", it has been revealed in recent years; In 2004, Ge Zhaotian, who was already 82 years old, told the media the secret that he had hidden in his heart for 57 years: Ge Zhaotian was a veteran of Huaye's Sixth Column, and his company was the first to attack Zhang Lingfu's headquarters that year. On the afternoon of May 16, 1947, Ge Zhaotian and several comrades-in-arms touched the enemy headquarters. After killing the soldiers at the door, the instructor of the third company began to shout at the entrance of the cave to persuade him to surrender.

Is Zhang Lingfu whitewashed?

Ge Zhengda

It turned out that Zhang Lingfu called on his subordinates at the meeting to "swear allegiance to the party and the state" and "if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent." But when it was really his turn, he couldn't do it for a long time. When Zhang Lingfu heard that our army had surrounded the headquarters with heavy troops, the desire to survive made him obediently walk out of the cave and prepare to surrender to the PLA. But when he saw that there were only a few people at the entrance of the cave, he had a fluke mentality, and seemed to see the hope of escaping, so he immediately raised his submachine gun and fired at the PLA soldiers. The instructor didn't have time to dodge and was injured by Zhang Lingfu. When Ge Zhaotian saw that the instructor had been shot, he directly picked up an American submachine gun and shot at the "fake surrender" of the national army. Zhang Lingfu was shot in the chest and turned around to escape, but was shot in the back of the head by Ge Zhaotian and died on the spot. When the remaining enemies saw that the division commander was already dead, they quickly threw their guns aside and raised their heads, shouting "Stop fighting!" Stop it! I really surrendered this time!".

At that time, Ge Zhaotian didn't know that the enemy general he killed was Zhang Lingfu, but he only saw this officer carrying a general star on his shoulder, thinking that this person must be not a small official. At this moment, Dai Wenxian, the deputy commander of the 23rd Division, came up, and he saw Zhang Lingfu lying in a pool of blood at a glance, and asked angrily, "Who beat him to death?" Ge Zhaotian thought that Deputy Division Commander Dai was going to praise himself, so he hurriedly said, "I killed you!" Why did you kill him? I'm going to punish you!" It turned out that our army had a plan to "capture Zhang Lingfu alive", but now it has been shattered, which makes Dai Wenxian very angry. "He hits me, I don't hit him? Lao Jiang beat me, and I dare to shoot too?" At this time, Ge Zhaotian's bullish temper also came up, why should he be punished for killing a Kuomintang officer? After saying that, he left without looking back. Later, when Chen Yi asked who killed Zhang Lingfu, Ge Zhaotian looked at the body on the stretcher and wanted to admit it, but when he thought of Deputy Division Commander Dai saying that he would punish himself, he didn't dare to say it

After the Battle of Menglianggu, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to create a heroic image of "if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent" to boost morale, so he released the news of Zhang Lingfu's "suicide and martyrdom". Zhang Lingfu's wife, Wang Yuling, believed that her husband committed suicide because she listened to the rumors spread by Chiang Kai-shek. It is a pity that some of us Communists will also fall for their tricks.

The third illusory aura on Zhang Lingfu's head is "loving husband and wife". Zhang Lingfu looks handsome and elegant, but his heart is brutal and ferocious, in his consciousness, he can bear people, but he can't tolerate people to bear me, and his personal morality is extremely poor. When he was young, he was married four times in a few years, and Wang Yuling was his fourth wife. The second wife, Wu Hailan, was a local beauty who was shot dead by him. In the autumn of 1934, Zhang Lingfu's Hu Zongnan unit fought against the Red Army in the Sichuan-Shaanxi area. Once, Zhang Lingfu, a colonel and regimental commander who was fighting on the front line of the Red Army, suddenly heard that his wife "is not strict in the boudoir, and there are wild men haunting." He was jealous, so in the Spring Festival of 1935, he asked for leave to return to his hometown to save relatives. When his wife went to the ground to cut leeks and prepare dumplings for him, Zhang Lingfu couldn't say anything, and brutally shot her in the back of the head, and his wife fell to the ground and died immediately. As a result, he was denounced by Wu Hailan's mother's family, but the official intended to cover it up, and later with the support of Mrs. Zhang Xueliang, the local women's association also supported it, and it was also difficult to violate the public opinion, and as a result, Zhang was sentenced to death and executed at a later date (one said that he was sentenced to 16 years in prison). In 1937, after the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident, the Nanjing Nationalist Government ordered that all officers and soldiers serving sentences should be transferred to military service, except for "political prisoners", and their original military ranks should be retained. Zhang Lingfu's old boss Wang Yaowu interceded with Chiang Kai-shek for Zhang Lingfu, and then Zhang Lingfu was secretly released and went to Wang Yaowu's office as a colonel. In order to hide people's eyes, Zhang changed his previous name "Zhang Zhonglin" to "Zhang Lingfu".

We removed the illusory aura on Zhang Lingfu's head, and Zhang's true face was revealed, it turned out that he was a criminal stained with the blood of the people, a vicious thug!

Source: Gvarich

Author: Zhu Yafu