
Why do juniors like to sow discord? Because there is an opportunity, it is also simple and effective!

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

Why do juniors like to sow discord? Because there is an opportunity, it is also simple and effective!

All cheating men, in addition to falling in love with the mistress in extramarital affairs,

Another thing that will definitely be done is to complain about all kinds of bad things in the original match.

For the practice of cheating men, Xiao San will only feel happy.

Because the cheating man took the initiative to say that the junior had an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to separate the relationship between husband and wife.

Stepping on the original partner and maliciously distorting some of the words and deeds of the original partner are all means of the junior.

So many times, it's not that the junior likes to use this trick, but also the opportunity given by the cheating man to use this trick.

Of course, Xiao San's sowing discord must be easy to derail.

Why do juniors like to sow discord? Because there is an opportunity, it is also simple and effective!

Why does a cheating man have to complain about the original partner with the mistress?

On the one hand, it is to seek some psychological comfort.

A cheating man needs to find a suitable reason for cheating by constantly saying that the original match is not good.

They are all very hypocritical, they want to cheat and enjoy extramarital affairs, but they are not willing to take the pressure,

After all, normal upbringing is taught that monogamy is to be faithful to marriage.

The cheating man is also a man who used to have a normal sense of morality, so cheating will also cause psychological pressure on him.

Human nature is very complicated, and men may not be really so justified after cheating.

They can also feel weak and feel that they are wrong, but they just don't want to show it.

Or the cheating man wants to find a reason, so that the mistress also feels that the cheating man is not so scumbag.

A cheating man is one who is both upright and standing, and he wants to cheat, and he doesn't want others to say that he has a problem.

On the other hand, it is a cheating man who coaxes the mistress.

The probability of a cheating man getting divorced and marrying a mistress is very low, but he doesn't want the mistress to know.

They always like to create an illusion for the mistress, that is, the cheating man is likely to divorce and marry the mistress.

Because only in this way will the mistress be even more desperate to follow the cheating man.

Instead of just wanting to take advantage and thinking about leaving the cheating man sooner or later.

The junior is desperate, and the cheating man will get more,

For example, the junior does what he likes, and all kinds of coax cheating men.

Another example is that the junior will pay some sincerity, thinking that he can get on the throne more easily.

Therefore, many mistresses think that cheating men don't know what Mistress's careful thoughts are.

In fact, cheating men not only know, but also make full use of it to their own advantage.

Why do juniors like to sow discord? Because there is an opportunity, it is also simple and effective!

Why do juniors like to sow discord? How do they do it?

Xiao San will like to sow discord because it does work.

If you have encountered the original partner of the mistress, it is difficult for you to control your emotions in front of the mistress.

Especially if the junior stimulates the original match, many of the original matches are in a state of breaking the defense in seconds.

Xiao San said that the cheating man loves the little three more, how to belittle the original partner,

The original partner will not only scold the mistress, but will also find out the trouble of the cheating man.

There is a high probability that the junior will be stimulated once, and the original partner will find out the cheating man and quarrel once.

The original partner quarreled more violently, and the cheating man hated the original wife even more.

Then he will go to Xiao San, Xiao San comforts the cheating man, and takes the opportunity to complain about the original partner together,

The cheating man's attitude towards the original partner is worse, and he speaks more of the weakness of the original partner,

The junior has more points that can stimulate the original match, and then go to find the original match,

With such a vicious cycle, the relationship between the original partner and the cheating man will not be good, and it will only slowly break down.

What should the original partner do if he meets a junior who likes to sow discord?

In fact, to deal with this kind of junior, the original partner does not follow the idea of the junior, which is the best way to deal with it.

The mistress is nothing more than stimulating the original partner, wanting to provoke the original partner, and then making the original partner quarrel with the cheating man.

The original partner was indifferent to the anger of the mistress, and he didn't quarrel with the cheating man.

even has to maintain a relationship with a cheating man, so that the cheating man has less complaints about the original partner,

When the junior said bad things about the original partner, the cheating men began to be silent.

This is the anti-stimulation of the junior, and the extramarital affair is a state of mind.

The original partner has a stable mentality and does not do radical things, and it is difficult for the junior to shake the status of the original partner.

After all, no matter how much a cheating man complains, he is only complaining behind his back to vent.

I don't really want to divorce my original partner because of the things I complained.

If the cheating man doesn't divorce, the one who should be anxious is the mistress, she can't get separated, but instead sees the relationship between the original couple getting better.

The one who is anxious is the junior, and if he is anxious, it is easy to make mistakes, and it is easy to produce more problems.

The extramarital relationship will also slowly disintegrate, and the original partner will naturally be easy to solve the extramarital affair.

Why do juniors like to sow discord? Because there is an opportunity, it is also simple and effective!

In the end, Su Yue wanted to say, what means did Xiao San use to deal with the original partner,

It is not only related to Xiao San's own personality, but also the methods he has studied before.

will also be based on the understanding of the cheating man, the analysis of the original match will be targeted by means.

So Xiao San can really coax a cheating man, or it is also Xiao San's ability to succeed in the position.

Whatever the junior wants, they will build virtue and get it by any means.

Even if wives don't have to be unscrupulous, they also need to see through other people's methods and have their own means.

You want to save the marriage, you want to separate a third person, and you need to do these things yourself.

Instead of waiting for everything and waiting for the problem to solve itself,

If it can't be solved, there is a complaint about why things are so difficult to solve.

Things are man-made, if you don't do it, things won't work!

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.