
Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

author:Tennis Association Lu Liang

On the evening of May 9, Shanxi Province's 2024 "10,000 Free Performances to the Countryside" Huimin Project Shanxi Song and Dance Theater special theatrical performance entered Wangyingzhuang Cultural Tourism Science and Technology Innovation Town, Lishi District, attracting many tourists to come to enjoy it, igniting the thick smoke and fire atmosphere of the cultural tourism town.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

At half past seven o'clock that night, the event kicked off with the passionate dance "Drumming Prosperous Age". Solo, duet, dance and other different performance types and styles of wonderful programs staged in turn, the actors with carefully choreographed programs, unique singing, superb acting skills, full of enthusiasm, let visitors feel the charm of the program containing a strong Shanxi local flavor, the scene from time to time to hear the audience's bursts of applause.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

Performer Qiao Jia: Our whole party is mainly performed by singing and dancing, many of which are songs of the new era, singing some songs and dances of our current good life, and some of our very distinctive Shanxi folk songs.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

According to reports, this event is part of Shanxi Province's 2024 "10,000 free performances to the countryside" project to benefit the people, and this entry into the cultural tourism town is also to boost the development of cultural tourism and promote the revitalization of rural culture.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

Yao Jinxiu, host of Shanxi Song and Dance Theater: "10,000 free performances to the countryside" Huimin project is to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, practice the core values of socialism, meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people now, and promote the revitalization of rural culture. Also on the basis of summarizing experience, we have also appropriately increased the activities of sending operas to the scenic spot for free, which can promote the integration of local culture and tourism, so that the local people and tourists and friends who come to us can enjoy the free public cultural services in Shanxi Province.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

The performance scene was full of laughter and laughter, and under the bright lights, the entire cultural tourism town was also filled with a strong atmosphere of fireworks.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

Duan Xinyu, a staff member of Lishi Cultural Tourism Group: This activity of sending operas to the countryside not only enriches the spiritual life of our villagers in Wangyingzhuang and its surrounding villages by transporting high-quality cultural works to our grassroots level, but also injects more fireworks into our Wangyingzhuang Science and Technology Innovation Cultural Tourism Town. In the future, we hope that there will be more high-quality cultural activities in the countryside and inject more energy into our cultural and tourism industry.

Leaving the stone: sending the drama into the scenic spot is more colorful on the "scene".

Reporter/Kang Ruifeng, Zhang Yu, Fu Bicheng (Lishi Rong Media)