
Losing weight is not that easy, and every piece of meat has its temper

author:Dr. Chunyu

If you pick up a random passerby on the road and ask him if he has lost weight, you can easily get a YES answer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of obese people has nearly tripled since 1975;

In 2016, more than 650 million adults worldwide were obese, affecting 13% of the population; By 2035, 24% of the world's population is expected to be obese, affecting nearly 2 billion adults, children and adolescents.

According to the Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020), overweight and obesity have become one of the prominent nutritional problems of Chinese.

Today is World Obesity Prevention and Control Day, let's talk about weight loss with Chunyujun!

What you think is fat is not necessarily really fat?

Obesity doesn't just mean being overweight. It is a complex disease that involves excessive body fat accumulation and may increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

Losing weight is not that easy, and every piece of meat has its temper

Obesity is usually assessed by body mass index (BMI), BMI = weight in kilograms, ➗ height in meters, squared. Adults with a BMI of 30 or above are classified as obese [1].

What are the dangers of obesity?

"One fat destroys everything" I always thought it was a joke, but the many diseases caused by overweight and obesity can really ruin everything~

1. Cardiovascular disease

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. As you gain weight, your heart needs to pump blood to more blood vessels, which increases your workload. Prolonged overwork can lead to coronary artery occlusion, leading to serious complications such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke.

2. High blood pressure

As weight gains, the cardiovascular system becomes overburdened, and the heart must increase its output to meet the body's demand for oxygen and nutrients. Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Diabetes

There is a strong association between obesity and type 2 diabetes. Obesity can easily lead to insulin resistance, and the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases, thereby increasing the burden of insulin secretion, and long-term hormone oversecretion may lead to insulin secretion failure, and eventually develop into type 2 diabetes.

4. Liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is closely associated with obesity. Obesity causes fat to be deposited in the liver, triggering fatty liver. As the disease progresses, some patients may develop serious diseases such as hepatitis, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

Losing weight is not that easy, and every piece of meat has its temper

5. Kidney disease

Obesity may keep the kidneys' filtration function at a high level for long periods of time, leading to a gradual deterioration of kidney function. Long-term keratinized nephrons can form scarring and gradually lose their normal function, leading to chronic kidney disease and even kidney failure.

6. Bone and joint diseases

Obese people gain weight, which excessively increases the force on the joints, which accelerates the wear and tear of cartilage and aggravates joint inflammation. Long-term weight bearing may lead to fractures, arthritis, bone cracks and other conditions, such as knee arthritis, hip arthritis and lumbar disc herniation.

7. Cancer

Obesity is associated with a variety of cancers, such as breast, colon, pancreatic, endometrial, etc. Obesity may lead to chronic inflammation, hormone imbalances, decreased immunity, and other conditions, which can increase the risk of cancer.

What are the risks of losing weight quickly?

Rapid weight loss often means severely restricting calorie intake or engaging in extreme physical activity, which can lead to malnutrition, muscle loss, and heart problems.

Recently, researchers in Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries have tried to understand what happens to the human body after seven days of not eating. The study, published in Nature Metabolism in March 2024, found that after seven days of absolute fasting, weight loss plummeted; Among the weight lost, lean body mass other than fat also accounts for a large proportion. Lean body mass is calculated by including all body weights other than body fat, such as muscles, organs, bones, blood, and other components.

It was observed that people who had returned to normal eating patterns after fasting had almost recovered the lean body mass they had lost after only three days of casual eating and drinking. In contrast, the fat lost did not rebound significantly after three days. However, because only the third day of the trial was observed, it is not possible to know how to change weight after that.

How to effectively prevent obesity?

  • Dietary modifications: Choose low-calorie, high-fiber foods and reduce sugar and saturated fat.
  • Exercise regularly: At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
  • Behaviour changes: Establish healthy lifestyle habits, such as avoiding emotional eating.
  • Medical intervention: In some cases, medication or surgery may be required.
  • Psychological support: Seek professional counselling to help you cope with weight-related emotional issues.

Are diet pills safe?

In order to lose weight quickly, some friends will choose to take diet pills, are diet pills really safe?

Diet pills can be used as part of the treatment of obesity in certain populations, but they are by no means a "silver bullet". You should consult your doctor about the possible side effects and risks of any weight loss pill before using it and use it under the supervision of your doctor.

In addition, weight loss medications are best combined with dietary modification and increased physical activity to achieve the best results.

Losing weight is not that easy, and every piece of meat has its temper

Editor: Dr. Chunyu



[1] Tsigos, C., Hainer, V., Basdevant, A., Finer, N., Fried, M., Mathus-Vliegen, E., ... & Zahorska-Markiewicz, B. (2008). Management of Obesity in Adults: European Clinical Practice Guidelines. Obesity Facts, 1(2), 106-116.