
Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

author:Almighty hot mom plus

Author |Inspector (1532 words in total, about 4 minutes read)

When the child is born;

As parents, we always want to be able to leave the best of ourselves to our children;

Give your child a better life.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

However, if our love and dedication to our children are always unrewarded, endless, bottomless, and silent, then it will be counterproductive.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse!

Endless bottomless money demands

——It is easy to cultivate children's character of being loose on the outside and loose on the inside.

Excessively satisfying the child's money needs, the child gives what he wants, does not understand the hard work of the parents to earn money, and does not understand that he has to work hard to get what he wants.

In the long run, it is easy for children to form a dependence on money and vanity, and cultivate a loose personality on the outside and on the inside.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

-If you give your child too much money, your child will become accustomed to material comforts and lose his independence.

-As long as the child makes a request, the parent will take money to solve it without principle, which will make them gradually lose self-control.

-Children who lack financial consciousness will grow up with difficulty in treating money properly, and are prone to extravagance or wastefulness.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

Take care of all the household chores

My cousin didn't do any housework since he was a child, and even asked his mother to wash his socks, and his grades were quite good, but after he went to college, he would send home the clothes that needed to be washed every month.

Small things like socks and underwear, he directly changed them every week.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

It can be said that he has no ability to take care of himself at all, and after graduation, because he couldn't find a suitable job, he said that he was going to graduate school and studying at home so that his parents could serve him all the time.

However, after failing the graduate school entrance examination, he put all the consequences on his parents, saying that it was his parents' inability to find him a job that caused him to be like this now, just like an enemy.

Parents do all the housework, do not let the child participate, the child does not form a positive sense of labor, does not have the habit of working, for a long time, the body is lazy, no eyesight, not only lack of independence, he will not be able to excel in life and work in the future.

——Hindering the cultivation of children's ability to live independently

Excessive arrangement of children's daily life often makes them lose their ability to take care of themselves and find it difficult to adapt to independent or group life.

-Parents take care of all the household chores, and the children lack the opportunity to get hands-on.

-Children who have been overcared for from an early age, lack independence, and grow up with more difficulty supporting themselves.

-Children with poor self-care skills will find it difficult to adapt to the working environment and strong work pressure and psychological endurance when they go out to work in the future.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

Over-indulgence can make children accustomed to being served by others

If the child wants to look at the mobile phone, the parents will give it, and the child will go out to play with his classmates, and the parents will agree, and the child will do something wrong, and the parents will help him solve it......

Although parents are a safe haven and umbrella for their children, in the process of growing up, children must also learn to take responsibility and responsibility, and they must also face the wind and rain alone.

If parents always indulge their children in all their demands, they will develop the habit of being served by others.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

-If parents meet their children's needs unprincipledly, children will become accustomed to nature, take it for granted that everything is put on their parents, and let their parents help them solve all problems, and the children themselves will lose the ability to solve problems.

-Children who have been pampered since childhood will find it difficult to adapt to future social life, and it will be difficult to gain the respect of others and progress in work due to the lack of self-care and independence and the ability to judge and analyze problems.

When children are constantly dependent on their parents, asking them for money, material things, and freedom, then they lose the ability to fly alone.

We need to help our children so that their wings become stronger and they can run their own way.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

Proper restraint is conducive to the healthy growth of children

Properly restraining children's needs is conducive to their healthy growth and independent ability.

-Reasonable restraint is conducive to the development of self-control and independence in children.

It is time to play and learn, and appropriate relaxation can lead to the next round of learning faster, and play in moderation.

When the child wants to play, we should let the child see if his plan has been completed, and cultivate the child to develop a regular schedule.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

When a child wants pocket money or buys something, we need to ask what it means to him, and let him understand the principle of "spending money on the right thing".

-Just the right amount of restraint can help children learn to restrain themselves.

- Children who lack restraint grow up with difficulty obeying rules and authority.

Children ask their parents for these 3 things, and they must refuse! Once you give, directly become an enemy

Hot Mom Quotes:

Everything that gives children the best comes from the love of parents. But excessive indulgence and bottomless giving, often counterproductive. We need to grasp the proportion, not only to meet the reasonable needs of children, but also to let them learn to be independent, so that the attitude that children should have on the road to growth.

Parents, will you be indulgent and untrustworthy to your children?

(Picture from the Internet)