
The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

author:Heilongjiang Net

Heilongjiang Net News (Han Yanjun, reporter Xu Nan) advanced deeds are inspiring, and the power of example is urging people to forge ahead. In order to give full play to the leading role of advanced models, help the creation of national civilized cities, and encourage the majority of party members, cadres and commanders and fighters to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, practice their original mission, have the courage to take responsibility, and strive to show new responsibilities and contribute new strength in the new era. On May 7, the Propaganda Department of the Jiamusi Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Jiamusi Forest Fire Protection Detachment jointly organized the "City is Beautiful Because of You" - "East Pole Blue Flame" Advanced Typical Deeds Report Meeting was held in the Jiamusi Workers' Cultural Palace.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Cong Li, Secretary of the Jiamusi Municipal Party Committee, Ma Xinhui, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, Fang Dongxin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General, Nie Ying, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Feng Jiawei, Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress, Bai Jie, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, and other city leaders listened to the report together with representatives of party members and cadres in the city, commanders and fighters of the detachment and family representatives.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

The report meeting kicked off with the melodic "Fire Youth" dance. 4 advanced individuals and 2 advanced collectives took the stage in turn to tell the moving stories of their positions and struggles to strengthen the team.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Ren Zhipeng, a firefighter from the No. 1 Squadron of the directly subordinate brigade, reported that the theme of the report was "When the Flame Blue and Youth Meet", and he represented the Heilongjiang Provincial Forest Fire Brigade to participate in the World Grude Rope Rescue Championship Asia Competition, and won the first place in the team and the first place in three individual subjects, telling his mental journey from preparation to competition. He has served as the special rescue training coach of the detachment for 4 times, trained more than 70 professional and technical backbone coaches, carried out skills training for the local professional team in Jiamusi City for 6 times, trained more than 300 people in total, and participated in the special disaster rescue competition of the detachment on behalf of the detachment and won the second place in the group and the first place in a single subject.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Zang Qiming, the leader of the 7th Squadron of the Shuangyashan Brigade, reported on the theme of "Striving to be the Pioneer of Grassroots Progress", sharing his growth experience of taking root in the grassroots, practicing his skills, leading the squadron to "get rid of poverty and take off his hat", complete various tasks with high quality, and finally reap the honor, and achieve the goal of striving for an "advanced squadron". He stood at the head and was a pioneer, shuttling through the thick smoke, retrograde in water and fire, and guarding the peace of the party with professional focus. He was awarded a personal third-class merit once, was commended as an "advanced individual in equipment management" by the former Forest Fire Protection Bureau, and was commended as a "top ten safety guards in the city" by the station.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Feng Yan, deputy chief of the detachment's combat training section, reported on the theme of "My Medal, Half of You", and affectionately told the touching story of his wife Shen Fu's "firefighting sister-in-law". She picked up the burden of the family with her weak shoulders and became the "pillar" of the family. In 2023, it will be commended by the All-China Women's Federation as the "Most Beautiful Family in the Country". In 2020, she was rated as the second "Most Beautiful Fire Sister" by the former Forest Fire Protection Bureau, and was interviewed and reported by Central Radio 12 and Central Radio 3. In 2018, when Shen Fu served as the secretary of the Party branch of the Zhonghua Community Public Service Center in Tangyuan County, he won the honorary title of the only national "119" fire protection award advanced collective in Heilongjiang Province. In 2017 and 2022, he was commended as an "Advanced Individual in Forest Fire Prevention" by the Provincial Forest Fire Prevention Command, in 2019, he was commended as an "Advanced Individual in Flood Prevention and Rescue" by the Provincial Flood Fighting and Rescue Headquarters, and in 2021, he was selected as an advanced model of "Good Look Around We" by the general team.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Jiang Hechen, the political instructor of the No. 8 Squadron of the Shuangyashan Brigade, made a report on behalf of the squadron with the theme of "Going to the Soup and Fighting the Fire, Interpreting the Mission", which told the advanced deeds of the squadron being commended by the National Bureau as the "Grassroots Construction Model Squadron" for 6 consecutive years and insisting on building party members into the core force that will come when called and win the battle, and protect the safety of the garrison with youth and blood. The squadron has been awarded the collective third-class merit 7 times, and the party branch has been rated as an advanced grassroots party branch by the corps for 11 consecutive years, and in 2022, it will be named the "top four" party branch by the Central Committee and the Working Committee of State Organs.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

The theme of the report of Li Yunqing, the captain of the directly subordinate brigade, is "Lighting the Road to Endeavor with the Light of Honor", which tells the story of his roots in the grassroots, silent dedication, strong martial arts, winning the championship in martial arts, and writing the youth chapter of the "night watchman" in an ordinary post. In 2021, he was commended by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China as an "Advanced Worker of the National Emergency Management System" and was met by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People. In 2022, he was commended by the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government as the sixth "Civil Servant with People's Satisfaction". In 2023, he will be awarded the honor of "Good Man of Longjiang". He has been commended by the National Bureau and the General Team for many times as "Outstanding Grassroots Political Work Cadre" and "Outstanding Communist Party Member". He has won the championship in the National Flame Blue Peak Competition twice. He was awarded 1 second-class merit and 4 third-class merits.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

Wang Changjun, captain of the Hegang Brigade, made a report on behalf of the detachment with the theme of "Writing a Qualified Answer Sheet with Loyalty and Dedication", which told the unforgettable experience of the detachment dispatching 150 commanders and fighters across more than 1,800 kilometers and lasting 375 days to successfully complete the cross-provincial garrison and the fire and security tasks of the 24th Winter (Paralympic) Games in Beijing. The detachment was honored by the Ministry of Emergency Management as a collective second-class meritorious service, and 32 individuals were commended. A total of 237 forest fire prevention duties were carried out in the core area of the Olympic Games and 25 days and nights of special duty on the Winter (Paralympic) Olympic competition days, with 18,300 commanders and fighters mobilized and 27,000 kilometers of patrol mileage.

Among them, there are not only commanders who focus on the transformation of the team and win the championship in the competition, but also the squadron commander who loves his job and is dedicated to his job and takes root in the grassroots, and there is a pacesetter squadron that continues the fine tradition and builds a comprehensive and excellent squadron, and the most beautiful family in the country with a simple family style and a harmonious "small family" to help "everyone" be peaceful, there are not only firefighters who live up to organizational training, are strong in martial arts, and win championships in competitions, but also have advanced collectives that keep in mind their duties and missions, are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and are not afraid of hardships and hardships, and successfully complete the cross-provincial garrison and security tasks. They used simple language, vivid examples, and sincere emotions to tell the advanced deeds of self-improvement based on their own duties, loyal performance, quality improvement, selfless dedication, and dedication to the people from different aspects and different angles, as well as inspirational stories of self-improvement, which comprehensively reflected the style and spiritual outlook of the times of the fire rescue team, and set a clear orientation, set a benchmark and guided the direction of progress for the majority of party members and cadres and commanders and fighters. The report will come to an end with the singing of "Fire Rescue on the Road" and "The Motherland Will Not Forget".

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

The report will be staggered in various forms such as video clips, on-site narration, random interviews, singing and dancing performances, etc., vividly demonstrating the touching deeds and noble spirit of the detachment's advanced and typical units, showing the fruitful results of the detachment's cultivation of advanced models, and inspiring the majority of party members, cadres and commanders and fighters to keep up with the example. The applause was thunderous and the atmosphere was warm. A piece of touching deeds, a sentence of heartfelt words, aroused a strong resonance of the audience, some moistened their eyes, some burst into tears, some felt deeply and gained a lot, and the stage and the stage together stirred up a deep and warm inspiring force. The audience at the scene said: The typical around them is the most moving and convincing. We must continue to set an example, consciously benchmark the advanced, learn the typical spirit, base ourselves on our own posts, work hard, strive to be a model pioneer, and actively contribute our wisdom and strength to the construction of a national civilized city.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead

This report meeting on advanced typical deeds is not only a vivid ideological education, but also a declaration of struggle to gather strength. It not only publicized the advanced models of the team to the society, polished the business card of the team, but also opened up a new way for the team to cultivate typical trees, and demonstrated the achievements of the detachment's comprehensive construction. In the next step, the detachment will continue to carry out roving reports on typical deeds in the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions of the five cities under its jurisdiction, further expand the influence of the typical examples of the propaganda team, mobilize more social forces to learn the typical deeds of the advanced collectives and individuals of the "Blue Flame", and strive to promote the construction of spiritual civilization to a new level.

The city is beautiful because of you丨The advanced and typical deeds report of the East Pole "Flame Blue" will inspire people to forge ahead