
The Times Community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out the free clinic activity of "Love Free Clinic, Caring for the Community, Caring Service and Zero Distance" in the Chinese Nation, Family Unity, and National Unity

author:Huimin District Steel Road Office

In order to solidly promote the work of national unity and progress, further forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, so that residents in the jurisdiction can get "door-to-door medical service" at their doorstep. On May 11, the Times Community of the Steel Road Office of Huimin District carried out a free clinic activity with the theme of "The Chinese Nation is a Family, Ethnic Unity, I Practice Love Free Clinic, Zero Distance Care Service" in Times Huacheng Community.

At the site of the free clinic activity, medical staff from the stomatological hospital patiently and meticulously conducted oral examinations for residents, inquired about their dental conditions, provided corresponding protective diagnosis and treatment suggestions for residents' dental conditions, and explained the basic health care knowledge of oral health and preventive measures for oral diseases from the aspects of dental protection.

The Times Community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out the free clinic activity of "Love Free Clinic, Caring for the Community, Caring Service and Zero Distance" in the Chinese Nation, Family Unity, and National Unity

The medical staff of the Department of Gastroenterology also distributed publicity materials and popularized the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, the health care knowledge of the elderly, and the reimbursement policy of medical insurance, measured blood pressure and blood sugar for the residents, and gave targeted guidance and suggestions. At the same time, combined with living habits, explain the knowledge of preventive health care, guide the masses to seek medical treatment scientifically, develop a healthy and reasonable lifestyle, and tell the elderly to have regular physical examinations and pay attention to their health conditions at any time.

The Times Community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out the free clinic activity of "Love Free Clinic, Caring for the Community, Caring Service and Zero Distance" in the Chinese Nation, Family Unity, and National Unity
The Times Community of the Steel Road Office of the Huimin District carried out the free clinic activity of "Love Free Clinic, Caring for the Community, Caring Service and Zero Distance" in the Chinese Nation, Family Unity, and National Unity

The activity provided more than 30 consultations and treatments for residents, and distributed more than 50 copies of medical publicity materials, national unity propaganda and environmental protection bags, which not only popularized health knowledge to the masses, but also guided the masses to develop a scientific, civilized and healthy lifestyle, and at the same time created a good atmosphere for national unity and progress. In the next step, Times Community will continue to understand the needs of residents, take the opportunity of forging a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, effectively integrate community service resources, carry out volunteer service activities through multiple channels and forms, enhance residents' sense of gain, happiness and security, continue to improve the satisfaction of people of all ethnic groups, and provide a strong guarantee for national unity and progress.

Contributed by Zhang Xuejia

Editor: Zhang Mengjiao

Review: Chen Da

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