
In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Mother's love is like a trickle, little by little into a river, flowing into a sea

Mother's love is like green, with grass and trees growing all over the mountains and gathering into forests

Mother is the greatest title in the world

Mother's love is the most selfless emotion in the world

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

On the occasion of Mother's Day, in order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, inherit the excellent family style and good family motto, and carry forward the good trend of respecting mothers and thanking mothers, on the afternoon of May 9, the retired military college students of Shanghai Institute of Technology sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers" of the day service station for the elderly in the bay tourist area with strong love, and thanked the great mother's love together.

Health and wellness skillfully make a hammer

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

At the beginning of the activity, the handicraft teacher introduced the efficacy and role of the health hammer to everyone, especially emphasizing the uniqueness of the wormwood hammer, "The made wormwood hammer will exude a faint fragrance of wormwood, which has the effect of calming the nerves and calming the nerves and helping sleep." Use it to gently tap on various parts of the body, which can dredge the meridians, speed up the blood circulation of the human body, and achieve the purpose of health preservation. ”

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

Under the guidance of the handicraft teacher, the retired military college students helped the "mothers" during the day to follow the steps one by one. Spread the cloth first, place the sun-dried wormwood in the middle, wrap it in the cloth, then knead it into a tight circle, and finally take out the rope and tightly tie the remaining cloth into a column. In order to make the health hammer stronger, the retired military college students used all their strength to help the "mothers" wrap the rope tightly around the wooden sticks, and the health hammers full of wormwood fragrance were quickly made, and everyone shared their proud works with each other.

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

The small health hammer conveys great warmth, and the retired military college students hold the health hammer made by themselves and happily beat the cervical spine and shoulder of the "mothers" to help them relieve fatigue and relax.

Thanksgiving mother's love and warm flowers

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

On Mother's Day, a festival full of love and gratitude, retired military college students sent beautiful carnations to every "mother" present, and presented flowers to convey their hearts, express their gratitude and blessings. When the "mothers" received the carnations, their faces bloomed with flower-like smiles, and the scene was filled with warm and happy love.

Dance and sing loudly

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

Afterwards, the "mothers" of the day station warmly invited the veterans and college students to dance together, including the touching sign language song "Listen to Me Say Thank You", and there was also a dynamic pop dance music. After a few warm-up dances, the retired military college students opened with loud military songs, and then the grandparents and grandchildren sang red songs such as "Great China", "My Motherland and Me", and "On the Golden Mountain of Beijing". Everyone danced and sang together, and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

In the name of love, this group of retired military college students sent the most sincere blessings to the "mothers→".

At the end of the event, the retired military college students of Shanghai Ying University congratulated in unison: Happy Mother's Day!

Through this Mother's Day theme activity, the "mothers" of the day station had an ingenious Mother's Day, so that they could feel the care and gratitude of the society and spend an unforgettable good time. It is hoped that in this way, the hearts of the elderly can be lit up, the beauty in life can be embellished, and the happiness of mothers will be increased, and the positive energy of good family culture will be further promoted in the community. Veteran volunteers in the bay tourism area will also regularly participate in various public welfare activities to help the elderly, so that the elderly in the jurisdiction can live a more affectionate, fun, and happy life.