
Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Congenital muscular dystrophy

What is congenital muscular dystrophy

Congenital muscular dystrophy is a group of primary, slowly progressive myopathies that begin at birth or within a few months (<24 months) of life, and are lesions of the muscles themselves caused by genetic mutations in muscle cells.


Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

该病是遗传病,遗传方式为常染色体隐性遗传,目前已经明确该病的发生与多种基因突变密切相关,如COL6A1、COL6A2、COL6A3、POMT1、POMT2、FKTN、FKRP、LARGE、ISPD 及GTDC2基因等。

Clinical presentation

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

(1) Proximal limb weakness, low muscle tone, short crying, weak milk sucking, dyspnea and swallowing in the neonatal period or early infancy;

(2) Backward motor development, prone to frequent falls and joint contractures;

(3) Malnutrition, relatively stable or slowly progressive.


Currently, there is no cure for muscular dystrophy. But there are many treatments that can improve symptoms.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Upper and lower limb passive motor rehabilitation machine training

Function: Through flexion and extension activities and resistance training of the upper and lower limbs, it can increase muscle strength, improve the range of motion and walking coordination of the joints of the upper and lower limbs.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Ankle trainer assists training

Function: Stretch the Achilles tendon of the foot and the muscles of the back of the calf by standing on the inclined plate, correct and prevent tendon contracture and ankle deformity.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Electric upright bed assists training

Function: By assisting standing, correcting the abnormal posture of standing, improving the bearing capacity of the joints of the lower limbs, increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles, preventing and slowing down the atrophy of the muscles.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Elastic bands assist with sit-ups

Function: Through sit-ups, the strength and stretch of the trunk muscles can be exercised, and the abdominal muscles can be exercised at the same time, and the blood flow in the abdomen can be promoted.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Elastic bands assist in making gluteal bridges

Function: Use elastic bands to assist in gluteal bridge movements, strengthen the muscles of the back muscles and core muscles, so as to better maintain the stability of the spine and protect the spine.


Each patient's situation is different, and attention should be paid to protecting the joints, preventing dislocation, and paying attention to the exercise of core muscles and the stretching of muscles. It is recommended to increase protein intake, supplement vitamins and minerals, control fat and sugar intake, and maintain a balanced diet.

Introduction to the Department of Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation content

TCM acupuncture, massage, physical factor therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, sensory integration therapy, ultra-early screening of children with cerebral palsy, etc.

Scope of rehabilitation

Children: cerebral palsy, dysarthria, various myopathies, various genetic diseases, autism, motor retardation, mental retardation, speech dysfunction, attention disorders, post-fracture rehabilitation, learning and dyslexia, etc.

Adults: post-stroke rehabilitation, post-fracture rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, head trauma, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, sports injury, Parkinson's, etc.

Rehabilitation treatment of congenital muscular dystrophy丨Xianyi Health said

Fengpu Sub-district Community Health Service Center

Rehabilitation Clinic Hours:

Monday to Friday


Children's rehabilitation address: No. 135, North Canal Road

Contact number: 18930190201

Adult rehabilitation address: No. 480 Wutang Road

Contact number: 13817511445

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