
No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

author:Uncle Water

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

I don't know when it began, the sanctity of marriage seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and many people enter marriage with a hot head, and in their eyes, marriage is like child's play. If there are contradictions and problems, I can't wait to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures. As everyone knows, marriage is not child's play, and if you want to grow old, you must pay attention to both parties to maintain and communicate.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

For couples, communication has become a must-have in marriage, and when encountering problems, it is not blindly noisy and divorced that can be solved, but through communication to resolve the problem. Although communication is an important way to resolve conflicts, it is also necessary to pay attention to methods and methods when communicating, and at the same time, it is also necessary to determine the time. There are some topics that are not suitable to talk about with your husband before going to bed, especially these topics.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

1. Family financial problems.

Once you start a family, it will inevitably involve family financial problems, in fact, the problem of family finances is not big, it depends on how you treat it. Some people may be irritated by various problems such as excessive household spending or investment failures recently, so they will discuss family financial problems with their partners before bedtime, which is actually an inappropriate time in itself. If you talk about these problems, it can cause unnecessary anxiety and stress, and even affect sleep.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

2. Some contradictions in the past.

Every couple will experience some conflicts and problems after entering marriage, in fact, this is also very normal, if you want to live for a long time, you must learn to solve the conflicts. Some things will pass with one eye turned a blind eye, and if they are too entangled, they will indeed affect the feelings between each other. Some people don't understand this truth, but like to dig over old accounts, and they will always turn over some conflicts that have happened before going to bed and tell each other about them.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

As everyone knows, this kind of behavior will only cause the other party to be disgusted, after all, after a day of work, both physically and mentally, you need to get enough rest. Before going to bed, you should relax to have a good night's sleep, but if you quarrel frequently before going to bed, the conflict between you will further increase. If you want the relationship between husband and wife to be stable, remember not to go through old accounts before going to bed.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

3. Worries about the future.

For many women, they have a very low sense of security in marriage, and because of their insecurity, they can't help but worry about the future. For example: housing and car loans, children's education expenses and children's future development. It's understandable if it's just your own worries, but some women will pass on this worry to their husbands as it is. Originally, the husband was tired enough from hard work, and they would talk about this topic before going to bed.

No matter how good the relationship between husband and wife is, you can't talk about these "3" topics with your husband before going to bed, unless you want to divorce

When people hear about this topic, their instinctive reaction is to be disgusted, and even irritated by it. After all, the future itself is full of a lot of uncertainties, everyone will feel anxious because of this, we don't need to impose this uncertainty on ourselves, this will only increase our anxiety, and even put a heavy psychological burden on both parties, and in the long run, it is not conducive to the harmony of the relationship between husband and wife.