
How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

author:Running guide

In long-distance running, such as marathons, many amateur runners often overlook the importance of diet. However, the right dietary strategy is the key to efficient athletic performance. The right diet not only provides the energy needed on game day, but also helps the body recover after a race.

According to research, malnutrition has a direct impact on runners' performance, as a lack of adequate calories and key nutrients prevents muscles from performing at their maximum capacity, resulting in reduced physical strength and making it more difficult to complete the race.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

A scientific diet plan allows runners to effectively store muscle glycogen before the race, which is one of the most important sources of energy for marathon runners.

Equally important is a proper hydration strategy to prevent dehydration on the field and maintain physical and mental stability.

Therefore, it is important not to ignore the diet before and during the run, which is directly related to the health and performance of the runners.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Carbohydrate role

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for marathon runners and are especially critical for long-distance running. In the pre-race diet preparation, appropriately increasing the intake of carbohydrates can effectively store energy for the body and ensure the runner's long-lasting endurance and explosiveness during the race.

The main forms of energy storage are liver sugar and muscle sugar, both of which are derived from carbohydrate intake. It is very necessary to increase your carbohydrate intake to 70-75% of your total calories in the first two to three days before a marathon. At this stage, it is necessary not only to increase the intake, but also to pay attention to the quality.

High-quality carbohydrate sources such as whole grains, oats, and unprocessed brown rice provide long-lasting energy while also being a source of fiber and essential minerals.

Carbohydrate loading closer to the race not only optimizes energy storage, but also helps reduce the occurrence of in-race fatigue, allowing runners to maintain a consistent pace and better performance.

Understanding and implementing a scientific carbohydrate loading strategy is an important part of the pre-race preparation for every marathon runner.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Eat 3 days before the race

During the crucial 3 days leading up to the race, the elite runners are particularly critical to adjusting their diet. During this phase, the main aim is to maximize glycogen stores in the muscles by increasing carbohydrate intake for optimal performance during competition.

To achieve this, it is recommended to increase the intake of complex carbohydrates like noodles, rice, and potatoes. Not only do these foods provide long-lasting energy, but they are also easier to digest and reduce the gastrointestinal upset that may occur before a race.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

In addition, maintaining a high water intake is also an important part of this period. Increasing your water intake ensures optimal hydration before competition, helping to improve performance and reduce the risk of dehydration.

Runners can choose to drink water or non-sugary sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes. This strategy is designed to keep runners in top physical and mental condition before the race, ensuring that they can perform at their best during the race.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Adjusted the day before

The day before the race, it is extremely important for runners to adjust their diet to be low in carbohydrates and high in protein. High-protein foods such as chicken, tofu and fish not only provide the body with essential amino acids to promote muscle recovery and growth, but also help maintain muscle function, ensuring endurance and explosiveness during races.

The day before the race should also be taken care of to replenish water to prevent muscle cramps or other intestinal problems caused by dehydration. It is advisable to increase the usual water intake by half and avoid caffeinated or sugary drinks as much as possible, which may cause discomfort. In addition to water, you can also consume sports drinks in moderation to replenish electrolytes and maintain fluid balance.

It's important to note that while there are many benefits to a high-protein diet, excessive amounts can be a burden on the liver and kidneys, so eat in moderation to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

It is also important to avoid eating foods that can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort on the day before the race, such as too much fried food, raw and cold food, or high-fiber vegetables and fruits, to ensure that you are in the best physical condition on the day of the race.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

A few hours before the game

In the hours leading up to a race, a proper diet can have a crucial impact on a runner's performance.

Experts recommend that 3 to 4 hours before a race, athletes should choose a breakfast that is rich in carbohydrates, low in fat, and easy to digest. This combination ensures that the body has sufficient energy accumulation and avoids indigestion that can affect the performance of the game.

Suitable food options include oatmeal, bananas, low-fat yogurt or whole grain bread with a dash of honey or jam for added flavor. These foods not only provide essential energy, but also ensure physical comfort during exercise due to their low fat and high digestibility properties.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

In the 30 to 60 minutes closer to the start of the race, runners can eat a small snack to provide extra fuel in order to replenish the energy that will be expended. Common choices include an energy bar or a banana, which is quickly absorbed by the body and provides a short-term but immediate boost of energy.

With such a diet strategy, runners can ensure that they maintain a steady energy output during long marathons, avoiding running out of energy or having an upset stomach halfway through, so as to achieve optimal race conditions.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Dietary contraindications

Before a race, runners should take special care to avoid certain types of foods, as these may affect race performance and physical health.

1. Although high-fat foods can provide higher calories, they are slow to digest and are likely to cause indigestion or abdominal discomfort during the game. For example, fried foods, creamy products, and certain meats should be avoided as much as possible.

2. High-fiber foods should also be consumed with caution, although high-fiber foods are beneficial to daily health, they may cause gastrointestinal distension or discomfort before the game. Common high-fiber foods such as legumes, whole grains and certain vegetables should be cut back on before the race.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

3. Runners should also avoid eating new foods or overly complicated dishes that they have not tried before, as the body may not respond well to new foods before the race, which will affect the race performance.

4. It is also important to avoid drinking too much water or consuming large amounts of energy drinks on the day of the race, which may lead to symptoms of water intoxication, affect electrolyte balance, and produce discomfort.

Proper diet planning, especially in the days to hours leading up to the race, can help runners avoid "hitting the wall" and stay in good shape.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Practical operation during the game

In practice, runners should familiarize themselves with their physical reactions at different distances and speeds through practice races. During the competition, the replenishment of energy in the body should first consider personal tolerance and digestion, and it is recommended to consume carbohydrates that are easy to absorb in small amounts and at intervals, such as energy gels, fruits, etc., to avoid indigestion caused by a large amount of food at one time.

It's equally important to focus on your body's water and electrolyte balance, and supplementing with drinks containing sodium and potassium at the right time can prevent cramps and muscle fatigue. During the competition, if you feel a decrease in physical strength or other discomfort, you should immediately adjust your rhythm, eat appropriately or hydrate if necessary, and ensure that your physical condition is stable.

How to eat to run faster? Dietary Guidelines for Runners

Remember, the purpose of a race is to challenge oneself, and completing the race is commendable in itself, so maintaining a positive mindset, prioritizing health, and not blindly chasing results is the best strategy for a marathon.

Following a science-based diet strategy will not only help runners achieve good results in the marathon, but also ensure good health during the race.

Hopefully, this guide will help you prepare for the race and give you confidence and motivation on the marathon track.

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