
The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

author:Jincheon Melting

If the walls kept humming and whispering, guess what?

Someone abroad uploaded a video about her daughter hearing monsters at home, and her daughter insisted that there were monsters in the walls of the house after watching the Disney animation "Monsters, Inc."

After that, ask someone to use a thermal imaging camera to see if there are any living objects inside the wall. Under the thermal imaging, it is clear that there is a large area of heat behind the wall, and it is obvious that there is something alive inside.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

Source: TikTok

When I opened the wall, I found that there were more than 50,000 bees living inside.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

Source: TikTok

The process of getting rid of bees is not simple. On the first day, the beekeepers removed the queen bee from the wall with more than 20,000 bees and a hive of about 45 kilograms. The next day, the beekeepers moved the remaining 20,000 bees to their new home and sealed the walls.

It's not uncommon for bees to settle into walls.

In 2018, a resident in Tennessee, USA, found several bees in a crack in the exterior wall. As a last resort, we had to ask someone from the Bee Rescue Organization to deal with it, and the location and area of the hive were found under thermal imaging (red area in the picture below).

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

图源:Bartlett Bee Whisperer

Thermal imaging cameras can capture the heat generated by bee colonies and hive activity, as bees are very active in maintaining the temperature inside the hive, especially to protect the eggs and larvae.

With the help of an electric drill, the beekeeper follows the cracks in the wall and removes the bricks near the hive.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

图源:Bartlett Bee Whisperer

Soon, the shape of the entire hive gradually appeared, and such a large hive was a little surprising even for beekeepers.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

图源:Bartlett Bee Whisperer

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

清理完毕后的墙体。 图源:Bartlett Bee Whisperer

Regardless, the professionals managed to dismantle the hive and move it to a new environment to protect the bee colony.

Why can bees burrow into walls to build nests?

Bees are able to burrow into walls to build nests because they are very good at finding and using small gaps or existing openings, such as ventilation holes, damaged bricks or wood. In the example above, it is sewn in through the small wall in the picture below:

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

图源:Bartlett Bee Whisperer

The interior of the wall provides a relatively safe and protective environment that can help the bees defend themselves against predators and bad weather.

As for the raw materials for bee nesting, it is mainly beeswax, which is produced by the bees themselves. Bees have a special set of wax glands in their abdomen that secrete wax. These waxes are secreted and gradually solidify, and worker bees use them to build hexagonal hives. The bees' hives are used not only to store honey and pollen, but also to hatch new bees.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

图源:the atlanta

The hive is built in a very orderly manner, and the worker bees construct these hexagonal structures with precision, resulting in a hive with high structural efficiency and stability. In addition, bees may also use resin from the outside world (propolis) to enhance the stability and protection of the hive, and propolis also helps prevent germs and parasites from invading the hive.

Who decides these bees

Where do you want to build a nest?

The queen bee's role in the colony is crucial, not only as the reproductive center of the colony, but also at the heart of directing and unifying the colony's behavior through the release of pheromones. When a new queen prepares to build a new hive, she leads some of the worker bees out of the original hive, a process called "splitting".

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

The tagged queen bee Source: Wikipedia

During the bee splitting process, the queen bee and the bees that follow her look for a new suitable nesting site. Once a suitable site is found, the worker bees start building the hive, and the queen is responsible for laying eggs inside the hive. Worker bees follow the queen's pheromone instructions to maintain order in the nest and carry out daily tasks such as nest building and raising offspring. The presence of queen bees is essential to maintain the stability and growth of the colony.

However, this is not a decision made by the queen bee alone, but a process in which the bee colony participates together. This decision-making process involves the behavior of scout bees, who are tasked with finding and evaluating potential nesting sites.

After finding a potential nesting site, the scout bee evaluates its safety, size, heat retention, wind resistance, and other factors. The ideal location is usually dry, protected, and with enough space to accommodate a colony.

When the scout bee returns to the colony, it uses a special "swing dance" to communicate to other bees the location it has found. This dance contains information about direction and distance to help other bees locate the location.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......


Other bees will use this information to inspect these locations. As more and more scout bees identify with a location, they will join in the "dance" of recommending that location, gradually forming a group consensus.

Once a site has gained enough support, the colony flies to the site en masse and begins building new hives.

Sometimes, bees choose a lot of outrageous places to build their nests. For example, cars......

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

Source: CNN

At this point, contacting a professional is the only option.

The 3-year-old daughter insisted that there was a monster in the wall, and after smashing the wall, she found that there was a real ......

Source: Internet

Although it is annoying for bees to build nests, but from another point of view, the living conditions of bees are very harsh, first of all, the lighting must be good, the second is to ensure that the air is humid enough, and the most important thing is to ensure that the ventilation is good but the wind is not strong, so the bees entering the house means that the house is very suitable for them to stay, indicating that the "feng shui is very good" in the home.




Source: Bring Science Home (ID: steamforkids)