
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center

author:Xixian New Area

The mother's love is "the line in the hands of the mother, the robe of the wanderer", the mother's teaching is "there is a loving mother in Xuantang, and Shude can be a teacher", and the mother's concern is "knowing a word of peace from afar, and the mother is in front of the lamp and looking at the tears". On the occasion of Mother's Day, all new era civilization practice positions in Xixian New Area have carried out activities to care for mothers, guiding their children to turn thousands of words into practical actions and "confess" their mothers together.

New Era Civilization Practice Stations such as Kangding Heyuan Community, Tianfu Heyuan Community, and Yingbin Avenue Community of Zhouling Street invite residents to participate in the Mother's Day tea party with their mothers. During the event, mothers sang and danced to enjoy the joy. The event also gave mothers a lecture on traditional Chinese medicine health knowledge. Doctors and volunteers are like old friends of mothers, who "chat" about health knowledge in the tea party and tell mothers to pay attention to taking care of their bodies.

Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center

Qinyuan 6th Road Community, Yaodian Street, Sunshine No. 1 Community, Beidu Street, Weicheng Street Glass Factory Community, Miaodian Community, Qianyu Xiyuan Community, etc., invited "mothers" to participate in handmade activities such as straw hats, beads, lipstick, flower baskets, canvas bags, etc. Under the guidance of volunteers, the mothers gave full play to their imagination and creativity, and matched colors according to their own preferences, and a fashionable straw hat, a string of smart bracelets, a gorgeous lipstick, a pot of delicate flower baskets, and a delicate cloth bag were born under the skillful hands of the mothers. Moms happily shared the display with others and posed for photos with their creations. Mothers of different ages get together to experience hands-on fun, share work experience, parenting experience, and housekeeping with each other, and enjoy the body and mind in a warm atmosphere.

Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center

The New Era Civilization Practice Stations such as Liucunbao Community of Jianzhang Road Street and Longtaiguan Road Community of Diaoyutai Street organized parent-child interactive activities of "Thanksgiving Mother". By leading children and parents to participate in interactive games, bouquet making and other activities, the parent-child relationship is enhanced, so that children can understand their mother's hard work and experience their mother's love. Under the guidance of the volunteers, the children washed their parents' feet, beat their backs, laid flowers, and spoke out their love for their mothers, encouraging them to express their gratitude to their mothers with actions within their ability.

Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center
Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center

"Hello, we are volunteers from the New Era Civilization Practice Station, and we have come to visit mothers and babies." Volunteers from the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Feijiaya Village, Gaozhuang Town, sent care to the home of the "novice mother". Volunteers conducted a one-week postpartum follow-up visit to five "novice mothers" including Ms. Fan and Ms. He, who had just experienced childbirth, inquired in detail about the physical recovery of the mother and the growth and development of the newborn, patiently answered the questions of neonatal care and postpartum recovery, and issued a postpartum care manual, instructing the mother's family to take good care of the mother, pay attention to nutritional intake and rest, so that the "novice mothers" can feel the care of the "mother's family".

Xixian New Area: Warm confession of gratitude and mother's love in the New Era Civilization Practice Center

The New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Doumen Street and Diaoyutai Street, and the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Taiping Road Community of Sanqiao Street carry out free services such as "two cancers" screening, tuberculosis screening, and family doctor contract for mothers, and send health gifts to mothers. Through public welfare lectures, door-to-door visits, telephone WeChat group notifications, etc., actively mobilize women of appropriate age to participate in free screening for "two cancers". At the screening site, volunteers patiently answered questions for every woman, raised the awareness of women of childbearing age about cervical cancer and breast cancer, established a health concept of "prevention" more important than "cure", and embraced life with a healthy body and mind.

Mother's Day is only one day in May, but my mother's love is every year. The New Era Civilization Practice Position of Xixian New Area will continue to advocate the traditional virtues of filial piety and love for relatives by carrying out a variety of civilization practice activities, and lead the masses to integrate gratitude to mothers into their daily lives and turn them into routines, so that "mothers" can always be happy and healthy.