
I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

author:Universal Design

When buying a house, there is an old saying that is often mentioned: "If you don't go to see the location, if you can't look at the house type, whether you can buy or not depends on the price." "The type of house has a significant impact on the comfort of the family's living and is a key factor that must be considered when buying a house. A good home type can not only make people comfortable to live in, but also reduce the cost of renovation and renovation, and it will be easier to sell in the future. On the contrary, a poorly housed not only wastes money, but also affects the living experience and even has a negative impact on health. Therefore, learning to distinguish the quality of the house type is very important for decoration friends. So, in the face of an endless stream of house types, how should we choose a set of good house types with proper space functions, comfortable living and convenient use?

I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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A good house usually has the following characteristics:

  1. Square house type: The overall house type should be kept square, and the shape of each functional area should also be square, without extra corners and corners, which can improve space utilization.
I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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2. North-south transparency: Lighting and ventilation are important considerations when choosing a house type. A good house should have windows on both the north and south sides, and the windows in the living room and bedroom should not be blocked, and the house type should not be too tortuous to ensure that the air can be convected and achieve good ventilation. In addition, the kitchen and toilet are relatively humid, so it is best to have separate lighting and ventilation to avoid the situation of dark kitchen and dark bathroom.

I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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3. Better lighting: the more south-facing rooms, the better, which can effectively alleviate the moisture of the house. The depth of the room should be shorter and the width of the face should be larger to ensure that the overall lighting is comprehensive, which is conducive to the health of the bedroom owner.

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4. Functional partitioning, reasonable circulation line: different activities require different spaces. The living room is used for entertaining, the dining room is used for dining, the toilet is used for freshening up, and the bedroom is used for resting. The house type with reasonable circulation lines allows people to move in the room without interfering with each other. People do things and move around in the room, and they are also the most in line with their living habits, and they are not prone to mistakes and accidents.

I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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5. Dry and wet separation of kitchen and bathroom: Dry and wet partitioning refers to the separation of kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. Bathrooms and kitchens are areas where pipelines are concentrated, and a good house should separate the kitchen and bathroom from the living room and bedroom. From the perspective of hygiene and living experience, when choosing a house type, the kitchen and bathroom should be avoided adjacent or opposite each other as much as possible.

I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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6. The room is the right size: The bigger the room, the better. If the living room is too large, it will appear empty; If the bedroom is too large, it is not warm enough and lacks privacy and security. On the contrary, a room that is too small can feel oppressive and uncomfortable. Therefore, when buying a house, you should choose a room type with a moderate area, reasonable layout, and clear zoning.

7. Waste of area in suites: Houses with suites usually have more doors, which will waste area; Moreover, the entry and exit of people in the inner room will affect the rest of the outsiders, making the outer house become a corridor, and the privacy will be greatly reduced.

I can't regret choosing the wrong room, master these masters! The perfect house type selection strategy

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8. Feng Shui taboos: It is forbidden to face the elevator door, stairs and interior doors. The bedroom door should not be facing the bathroom door. The kitchen should not be facing the main door, bedroom door, toilet door, etc. The bathroom should not be located in the center of the room, in the kitchen, near the main door or directly facing the bedroom.

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