
Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

author:Tancheng Condenser


"Japan EVE 止疼药含大陆明令Prohibited Ingredients"

The topic is a cause for concern

The reporter searched and found

"EVE painkillers"

At present, sales are hot on domestic e-commerce platforms

Pharmacist Reminder:

There are certain safety risks associated with "overseas shopping" drugs.

The public should try not to buy and take it on their own!

Domestic e-commerce platform

"Internet celebrity" painkillers sold 200,000 pieces

"I've been taking this medicine for 1 year, and the effect is not bad." 31-year-old Ms. Xue said that she had heard from a friend who had studied in Japan that "White Rabbit EVE Painkiller" was a "fairy life-saving drug" for Japanese women with menstrual cramps, and it was also a "Japanese national painkiller", so she bought 3 boxes of EVE painkillers through overseas purchasing agents to try to relieve menstrual cramps.

Ms. Xue said that the drug provided continuous pain relief for 6 hours after taking it, and she has been using the drug as a standing painkiller ever since. "I heard that it contains valproyl urea, an ingredient that may cause platelet problems, but I wonder if I can still eat it?" She said.

Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

Domestic e-commerce platform, EVE painkillers are selling well

On a domestic e-commerce platform, EVE painkillers are also selling well.

The reporter inquired with the entry "EVE painkillers" and found that many merchants sell EVE painkillers, with prices ranging from 40 yuan to 115 yuan per 3 boxes, and the total sales volume is the highest and even exceeds 200,000 pieces.

The advertising pages of these businesses all state that EVE painkillers can relieve headaches, toothaches, physiological pains, body aches and other pain problems.

The ingredient of the "Internet celebrity" painkiller has not been approved

The reporter learned from the official Japanese website of EVE painkillers that "White Rabbit EVE painkillers" are produced by Japan's SS Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1765, the company manufactures and sells pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, and food. According to the official website, EVE painkillers belong to the second class of drugs (over-the-counter drugs) in Japan, and are divided into four types: "EVE A Tablets", "EVE A Tablets EX", "EVE QUICK Headache Medicine", and "EVE Quick Headache Medicine DX".

"EVE Sheets" is suitable for a variety of pains such as stiff shoulders, low back pain, sore throat and headaches; "EVE Tablets EX" is effective for severe physiological pain or headaches, and the ingredients of both contain ibuprofen, allyl isopropyl acetylurea, and caffeine anhydrous.

"EVE QUICK Headache Medicine" and "EVE QUICK Headache Medicine DX" add magnesium oxide to the three ingredients, which are said to be "pain-relieving and mild on the stomach".

Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

The label for EVE pain relievers states that it contains valproylurea

"Valproylurea" is also known as "allyl isopropylacetylurea". The reporter did not find valproyl urea or allyl isopropyl acetylurea in the drug, raw materials, excipients and other related databases on the official website of the State Drug Administration, which means that the mainland has not yet approved the use of valproylurea to produce drugs.

According to Wang Zhitong, pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy department of Peking University Third Hospital, the main role of valproylurea is sedation and hypnosis. However, due to the serious adverse reactions that valproyl urea may cause patients to have thrombocytopenic purpura, some countries have withdrawn the sale of drugs containing valproylyl urea, and only Japan continues to use valproylylurea to produce drugs.

In addition, among the reports of adverse reactions of over-the-counter drugs in Japan, the adverse reactions of "skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases" in over-the-counter antipyretic analgesia containing valproylurea were reported at a high rate.

Why is it not recommended to "buy overseas" medicines?

Through cross-border e-commerce "overseas shopping" and "human flesh delivery", Chinese consumers are no strangers to overseas medicines. On some social platforms, there are also various "overseas shopping" drug lists.

Many consumers find it strange that some drugs can be sold and used normally in the local area, so why is it risky to buy them back for use in China?

Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

There are many "experience sharing" of overseas shopping for drugs and health products on social platforms

One of the reasons is that regulations vary from country to country.

For example, many people think that "cosmeceuticals" are more effective because they contain "medicine". As everyone knows, "medicine" is where the risk lies.

According to a source, drugstores in Japan also sell products such as "general cosmetics", "quasi-drugs", "Class 1 drugs", "Class 2 drugs", and "Class 3 drugs". As far as cosmetics are concerned, there are 1,393 categories of prohibited raw materials for cosmetics in mainland China, while only 30 categories of prohibited raw materials for general cosmetics in Japan are used, and "quasi-drugs" contain medicinal ingredients.

Japan pays more attention to the functionality and innovation of raw materials, except for the prohibited raw materials that cannot be added, and the restricted raw materials are added according to the regulations, there are fewer restrictions on the use of other raw materials by enterprises, but after adverse reactions, enterprises must be held responsible.

China's standards are relatively strict, and there are more specific regulations and requirements for raw material composition, content, safety, etc. In 2019, the mainland explicitly banned the sale of cosmeceuticals, insisting that "medicine is medicine, makeup is makeup".

Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

Reason 2: Not being able to read the drug instructions also increases the risk.

Haitao products generally do not have Chinese instructions, many consumers do not understand the ingredients, contraindications for use, dosage, precautions and other key information, only based on the relevant platform customer service or acquaintance introduction to use, may appear improper use.

In fact, even if you use it according to the instructions, you can't guarantee that it will be foolproof. Once an adverse reaction occurs after the use of the drug, or there is a problem with the drug in the local area, the cost of cross-border protection of consumers' rights is very high.

In addition, pharmaceuticals have certain requirements for storage, transportation and preservation conditions, and overseas shopping products often need to be transported across borders, and deterioration is often difficult to detect in the process.

More importantly, most overseas shopping drugs do not have particularly "magical" ingredients, and some "Internet celebrity miracle drugs" even contain high-risk ingredients, which is difficult to protect rights in case of problems.

Note! This "Internet celebrity drug" contains prohibited ingredients! You may have bought ...... Pharmacist: Beware of side effects

Wang Zhitong reminded that it is recommended that the public try not to buy and take "overseas shopping" drugs on their own, and if there are related health problems, they should go to the hospital for treatment; If you have any discomfort after taking "Haitao" medicine, please stop using it and seek medical attention in time.