
The General Assembly resolution recommended that Palestine's application for membership be reconsidered by 143 votes in favour

author:Herald from all walks of life
The General Assembly resolution recommended that Palestine's application for membership be reconsidered by 143 votes in favour

On 10 May, the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by a vote of 143 in favour, 9 against and 25 abstentions, finding that the State of Palestine is eligible for membership in the United Nations as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations and should be admitted to membership in the United Nations. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of the United Nations/Photo by Manuel Elias)

The 10th emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on 10 July, by a vote of 143 in favour, 9 against and 25 abstentions, affirming that the State of Palestine meets its membership status as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations and should be admitted to the United Nations.

The resolution recommends that the UN Security Council reconsider Palestine's application for membership in the UN "favourable".

On the same day, 143 countries, including China, France, and Russia, voted in favor, while 9 countries, including the United States and Israel, voted against, and 25 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, and Ukraine, abstained.

The General Assembly resolution recommended that Palestine's application for membership be reconsidered by 143 votes in favour

On 10 May, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, left, dropped the hammer to announce the adoption of the resolution. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of the United Nations/Photo by Manuel Elias)

The resolution confers on Palestine a number of new rights and privileges, including serving on the Main Committees of the General Assembly and allowing Palestine to participate in United Nations and international conferences convened by the United Nations, but without the right to vote. The resolution also grants Palestine a series of rights and privileges when participating in United Nations meetings, including seating arrangements and the order in which they are on the list of speakers, from the opening of the 79th session of the General Assembly in September this year.

Mohammed Isa Abu Shahab, Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations, introduced the draft resolution to the General Assembly on behalf of the Arab Group. He said that the State of Palestine had acceded to a number of international treaties, adhered to the Charter of the United Nations and met the requirements for statehood, which showed that it deserved to be a full member of the international community. In addition, more than 140 countries have recognized Palestine as a State. The adoption of the resolution in the context of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict would facilitate a two-State solution to the crisis, and the Council must respond to the will of the international community.

Speaking before the vote, Mansour, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, said that people must make decisions: to support the right of a people to live in freedom and dignity in the land of their ancestors, to support peace and to recognize the rights of Palestinians. "To vote in favor is to support the existence of Palestine, and it is not directed against any country...... It is an investment in peace. His speech was met with applause.

The General Assembly resolution recommended that Palestine's application for membership be reconsidered by 143 votes in favour

Al-Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, speaks before the vote at the United Nations headquarters in New York on May 10. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of the United Nations/Photo by Manuel Elias)

Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Gilad Edan, shredded the cover of the UN Charter booklet on the spot with a portable electric shredder after the vote.

On 18 April, the United States vetoed a draft Security Council resolution on Palestine's candidacy for full membership in the United Nations. At the request of a number of Governments, the President of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Francis, decided to convene the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly on 10 May and to vote on a draft resolution submitted by the UAE on behalf of the Arab Group.

Palestine is currently an observer State of the United Nations. In September 2011, Palestine submitted a formal application to then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for membership in the UN, but it was not approved by the Security Council. At that time, the Palestinians suspended the application due to the tough stance of the United States on the issue.

The General Assembly resolution recommended that Palestine's application for membership be reconsidered by 143 votes in favour

Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations (on the steps, facing the camera), receives congratulations after the adoption of the resolution at the United Nations headquarters in New York on May 10. Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of the United Nations/Photo by Manuel Elias)

According to the rules of the United Nations for the admission of new members, a country applying for membership in the United Nations must be recommended by the Security Council and then decided by the General Assembly of the United Nations before it can be admitted to the United Nations. If the Security Council recommends the admission of the country, the recommendation will be submitted to the General Assembly for its consideration, and a two-thirds majority vote is required for the General Assembly to admit a new Member State. Membership took effect on the same day that the General Assembly resolution admitting new Members was adopted.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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