
County courts: Carry out activities for court judges to enter campuses

author:Zhaozhou release
County courts: Carry out activities for court judges to enter campuses

In order to further improve parents' awareness of bringing children in accordance with the law and their ability to educate their families, on May 9, the judges of the county court walked into the Shita Experimental School in Zhao County and took advantage of the opportunity of the school's "Parents Open Day" to bring a "parents' meeting" on the rule of law to more than 100 parents of students.

County courts: Carry out activities for court judges to enter campuses

The two senior judges respectively focused on the care and care of minor children and the prevention of juvenile criminal offenses in civil cases of marriage and family, relying on the "Civil Code", "Law on the Protection of Minors", "Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency", "Law on the Promotion of Family Education" and other legal provisions, combined with typical cases in front-line case handling practice, integrating hot topics involving minors such as online games, online dating, telecommunications and network fraud, safety education, and campus bullying, and supervising students' parents to perform their guardianship duties in accordance with law. Fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of minor children, care about and understand the direction of children's ideological learning and activities, and be a good qualified parent.

County courts: Carry out activities for court judges to enter campuses

Throughout the event, the judge explained, the school supported, and the parents listened. After the meeting, parents expressed that they would earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of family education, and work together with schools, courts and other departments to build a legal protection network for their children.

Carrying out efforts to "care for minors" in divorce cases involving minor children, carrying out early prevention of conduct that affects the physical and mental health of minors, and moving the threshold of efforts to prevent juvenile crime forward, is an important measure for the people's courts to persist in actively performing their duties, strengthening the governance of litigation sources, and strengthening efforts to prevent juvenile crime. Based on its functions, the Zhao County People's Court will promote the organic connection between judicial protection and family protection, school protection, social protection, network protection, and government protection, and promote the construction of a positive atmosphere in which the whole society cares about and cares for the growth of minors.

Source: County Courthouse

Editor: Ma Pengli

Review: Xu Jinjin

Producer: Nie Congchao

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