
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

author:Dr. Curious's lab


Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

I don't know about the gentlemen

Have you ever heard such a saying?

"Betel nut and cigarettes, mana is boundless

Betel nut with wine, immortal"

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Ahem, will die faster

This group of people is generally targeted by "oral cancer".

The chance of getting cancer is 123 times higher than that of the general population

The average age of cancer is also 3 years earlier than normal

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Don't panic, let's take a look

Betel nut, tobacco, alcohol

How to bring disaster to you together

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

First, all three pass through the mouth

So the mouth became the first target of their woe

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

From the first second you eat betel nut

Its dry, numb and hard shell

will rub your oral mucosa like crazy

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Mild redness, swelling and congestion

In the worst case, it will be directly cracked

Anyone who eats betel nut will have a problem

- Oral mucosal ulcers

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

This is a sign of damage to the oral mucosa

The defense system of the mucous membranes is disrupted

Let the betel nut have a chance to go deeper

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Arecine as a Group 2B carcinogen

It is toxic and can damage cellular DNA

and induce cancer

Arecine passes through the broken oral mucosa

Direct attack on epithelial cells

Causes damage to epithelial cells

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

If you have been under attack with arecine for a long time

will be under the effect of its toxicity

Transform into cancer cells

Originally, the process of this cancer was relatively slow

But because of the bonus of tobacco and alcohol

It makes the whole cancer process faster

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

The smoke from cigarettes contains a variety of carcinogens

Nitrosamines, benzopyrene, arsenic, cadmium

They also damage the epithelial cell DNA of the oral mucosa

Let them turn into cancer cells

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

With betel nut and cigarette beating match

There will be more and more cancer cells

Oral cancer progresses faster

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Then there is alcohol

Add fuel to the fire

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Alcohol is also called ethanol

It is also a carcinogen in its own right

It also destroys cellular DNA

Accelerate the catalysis of more cancer cells

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Moreover, alcohol can also play "auxiliary"

can be lubricated by itself

Dissolving betel nuts and cigarettes release more carcinogens

Strengthens the potency of carcinogens in cigarettes

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Relevant studies have shown that

Drinking alcohol reinforces the carcinogenic effects of smoking

Risk of oral cancer from smoking + drinking

It is 4.77 times that of the average person

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

The whole process

Let the oral cavity step by step towards the abyss of cancer

Let's take a look at the specific process of change

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

The first is the originally pink oral mucosa

The color gradually turns white

Or small bumps appear inexplicably

White, rough patches appear

Or small lumps, small granulations

Beware of precancerous lesions in the mouth

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

At this time, if you quit smoking, drinking, and betel nut in time

That may still be saved

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

When moving on to the next stage

Mouth sores that have not been good for more than 2 weeks may occur

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Ordinary ulcers usually heal on their own in 1-2 weeks

But the ulcer was not good for several weeks

If the texture is hard, uneven

That could be oral cancer

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Cancerous to a certain extent

The tumor can begin to press on the nerves around the mouth

This includes, but is not limited to, teeth, ears, throat, etc

That's when you'll feel it

Loose teeth, toothache, earache, sore throat

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

When oral cancer metastasizes

The first thing to bear the brunt of is the lymph nodes

Lymphadenopathy develops

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Even if there is no oral cancer

If you find that your neck is swollen, you also need to go to the hospital in time

It's dangerous!

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

The symptoms of oral cancer are becoming more and more obvious

When I first started

You will find it difficult to open your mouth, and your tongue is somewhat numb and inflexible

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

When it's serious

Difficulty chewing, swallowing, and speaking will occur

Sexual degeneration of oral submucosal fibers

This leads to trismus and prevents the function of the oral cavity

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

Wait until the oral cancer is in the middle and advanced stages......

The tumor grows outward

It can damage the muscles and skin of the face

Appears tattered and deformed

What will it become

You can go and search

The photos are a bit scary, so I won't put them here

Anyway, after you look at the photos

I can't say that

"Mana is boundless and immortal".

Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?
Smoking, drinking and chewing betel nut, how fast does TM die?

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